Floss in spanish

Seda floja

pronunciation: sedɑfloʊxɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures



» candy floss = algodón de azúcar. [Inglés británico]

Example: The anthology for children 'Candy Floss' collects poems, ballads and carols.

» dental floss = hilo dental, seda dental.

Example: The author examines the composition of plaque and describes how to remove it with the use of a toothbrush and dental floss.



» floss + Posesivo + teeth = limpiarse los dientes con hilo dental.

Example: Candy presents serious problems of dental decay for the handicapped child who may not be able to brush and floss his teeth thoroughly.

Floss synonyms

dental floss in spanish: hilo dental, pronunciation: dentəlflɑs part of speech: noun
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