Floppy in spanish


pronunciation: fleksible part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

floppy [floppier -comp., floppiest -sup.] = flácido, fofo, lacio . [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Many of us nurse childhood memories of soggy broccoli, evil-smelling boiled Brussels sprouts and floppy carrots but, given the right treatment, vegetables are full of flavour and texture.


» floppy disc = disco flexible, disco floppy.

Example: Management of data bases includes such details as: keeping sufficient supplies of floppy discs, updating the data bases, keeping duplicate copies of the data bases, preparation of instruction guides and so on.

» floppy diskette = disco floppy, disco flexible.

Example: Once a record has been selected or edited, it can be saved to a floppy diskette.

» floppy hair = pelo respingón, flequillo respingón.

Example: He sent fans into meltdown when he revealed he had chopped off his trademark floppy hair.

» go + floppy = ponerse flácido, quedarse flácido, perder la rigidez, quedarse muerto.

Example: A mother rushed her baby to hospital when the tot went floppy and passed out after taking infant medication.

Floppy synonyms

lax in spanish: flojo, pronunciation: læks part of speech: adjective diskette in spanish: disquete, pronunciation: dɪsket part of speech: noun floppy disk in spanish: disco flexible, pronunciation: flɑpidɪsk part of speech: noun
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