Floor in spanish


pronunciation: pisoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

floor1 = piso, planta. [Arquitectura]

Example: The library, which is of split-level design on 2 floors, includes a lending collection, children's library, study area, and audio-visual section.


» flat-floor = de un solo piso, de piso llano, de piso corrido.

Example: Counting the media center (which everyone persists in calling the library), there are 26 classrooms, 2 shops (one for auto repair and one for woodworking), a basement gymnasium, and a flat-floor auditorium.

» floorboard = duela, tabla del entarimado.

Example: The original floorboards are in bad nick with gaps between them and a few that are cracked.

» floor walker = supervisor.

Example: Frank Hatt championed the idea of libraries being closely concerned with what the user reads, advocating such things as floor walkers and records of books read.

» floor wax = cera para suelos.

Example: Beginning in the far corner of the room, apply a thin coating of floor wax with a new (or perfectly clean) mop-head.

» give + the floor to = dar la palabra a, ceder la palabra a.

Example: The aim of the conference is both to give the floor to international specialists and to Belgian researchers.

» ground floor = planta baja, bajo. [Piso de un edificio situado al nivel de la calle]

Example: The ground floor of the library contains a foyer with separate entrance to different departments.

» Posesivo + jaw + drop (open/to the floor) = quedarse boquiabierto. [También es normal la combinación Posesivo + jaw + drop + open y Posesivo + jaw + drop + to the floor]

Example: Their jaws dropped, like they had found the secret of success from a guy they respected so much.

» open floor = piso de diseño abierto.

Example: Librarians must be made aware of the dangers of open floor bookstacks and open stairways and budgets must provide funds to achieve an acceptable level of fire safety.

» penthouse floor = ático, planta de áticos.

Example: The top storey of each building is designed as a penthouse floor with spacious apartments and roof terraces.

» reading floor = área de lectura.

Example: On the two main reading floors the user is encouraged physically to pass through the bookstacks en route for the perimeter reading areas.

» shop floor = taller.

Example: The system is being used daily on the shop floor and has virtually eliminated the production of low quality parts that must be scrapped.

» shop floor = obreros, trabajadores.

Example: The system requires close cooperation between the library and shop floor.

» take + the floor = tomar la palabra, coger la palabra, hacer uso de la palabra, salir a la palestra, saltar a la palestra.

Example: A panel of experts will take the floor to respond to questions posed by the delegates.

» top-floor = en el último piso, del último piso.

Example: This top-floor apartment offers commanding views of the lake.

» top floor, the = último piso, el; última planta, la.

Example: Since many people like having a top-floor apartment, the top floor may cost you more than just extra calories as you huff it up and down the stairs.

» turn + the floor over to = dar la palabra a, ceder la palabra a.

Example: After housekeeping matters had been completed, Stymiest then turned the floor over to Heins, who laid out more details of the company's turnaround strategy.

floor2 = suelo. 

Example: An enquirer wishes to retrieve documents on the 'finishing of concrete floors for industrial buildings'.


» dance floor = pista de baile.

Example: Drinks, food, cigarettes, chewing gum or any other foreign substance should never be brought onto the dance floor.

» deep-sea floor = fondo marino, profundidades marinas.

Example: This is a collection of igneous and metamorphic rocks from the deep-sea floor.

» dirt-floored = con el suelo de tierra.

Example: The writer portrays it as colorful town of peasants, mangoes, papayas, yams, donkeys, dirt-floored cottages, and the market place.

» drop + Nombre + to/on(to) the floor = caerse al suelo, caerse al suelo accidentalmente, dejar caer al suelo. [Las posibilidades son drop + Nombre + to the floor o drop + Nombre + on the floor o drop + Nombre + onto the floor]

Example: Stopping at the lectern to say thanks, he then walked to center stage, took off his tie and coat, and dropped them to the floor.

» drop through/to + the floor = desplomarse.

Example: It started last Friday week when I had to abandon a training session as my energy levels dropped through the floor.

» floating wood floor = tarima flotante.

Example: Quality floating wood floors should last 40 to 50 years!.

» floor area = área útil.

Example: We can only depend upon a rectangular building to fulfil this if it has a small floor area.

» floor boarding = entarimado, tarima, suelo de madera, piso de madera, tablado.

Example: This is difficult to do, so plumbers frequently cut a notch out of the top of the joists and lay the pipe just below the floor boarding.

» floor boards = entarimado, tarima, suelo de madera, piso de madera, tablado.

Example: If you've ever tried removing old floor boards before you'll know what an utter bastard it can be.

» floor covering = recubrimiento de suelos.

Example: Teaching units cover insulating, drywall, painting and wall covering, glass and glazing, floor covering, and landscaping.

» floor lamp = lámpara de pie.

Example: The floor lamp swayed and the window curtains waved back and forth.

» floor-length = largo, hasta el suelo.

Example: This floor-length wedding dress is made of fine apple green taffeta, high waisted, with a small train, and the bodice lined with coarse white linen.

» floor plan = plano, distribución.

Example: The winning entry in the competition to produce a design for the main library building is described and a floor plan of the building is presented.

» floor polish = abrillantador de suelos, abrillantador para el suelo.

Example: Furniture polish and floor polish are set to drop by average annual rates of more than 3% and 2% respectively.

» floor space = superficie útil, área útil, superficie habitable, espacio físico disponible.

Example: Interior decoration is white and there is ample floor space = La decoración interior es de color blanco y la superficie útil es amplia.

» floor surface = suelo.

Example: Floor surfaces should be chosen as a guide for the blind while avoiding deep carpets which snag wheel chairs = Se debería el suelo para guiar a los ciegos aunque debe evitarse las alfombras gruesas ya que dificultan el deslizamiento de las sillas de ruedas.

» floor tile = baldosa, losa, loseta.

Example: Today's floor tiles can be created to look like many other materials too, and there really are no limits to the effects that can be created.

» from the floor = del público asistente.

Example: The second hour of the forum is reserved for questions from the floor and for broad-ranging discussion.

» hog + the floor = tomar la palabra sin dejar hablar a los demás.

Example: He will be particularly employed, of course, as the chair of the session, seeing that the floor is not hogged by a few articulate public speakers.

» knock + Nombre + to the floor = derribar a Alguien de un golpe, tirar a Alguien al suelo, tirar a Alguien al suelo de un golpe, tumbar a Alguien al suelo de un golpe.

Example: Several times the two clinched and vigorously pounded each other s heads and bodies, and finally Blade was again knocked to the floor.

» mop (up) + the floor = fregar el suelo, pasar la fregona al suelo, dar al suelo con la fregona.

Example: The bathroom is very cramped, and there is even a mop & bucket so you can mop the floor after taking a shower.

» mop (up) + the floor with = fregar el suelo con, vapulear, machacar, dar una paliza.

Example: By the time that he woke, Sarine felt as if someone had mopped the floor with him and run him through the wringer for good measure.

» ocean floor = lecho marino, fondo del mar, fondo del océano.

Example: The continental shelf regions also contain the highest amount of benthic life (plants and animals that live on the ocean floor).

» parquet floor = suelo de parquet, tarima flotante.

Example: Scratches are a part of life when you have parquet floors.

» pelvic floor = suelo pélvico.

Example: She has vaginismus, a condition of involuntary contractions of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina resulting in tightness of the vagina during attempted intercourse.

» pin + Nombre + to the floor = sujetar + Nombre + contra el suelo.

Example: He yelped in pain and she grabbed his wrists and pinned his arms to the floor.

» plank floor = entarimado, tarima, suelo de madera, piso de madera, tablado.

Example: It still has its original plank floors and vintage pool table.

» radiant floor = suelo radiante.

Example: Because radiant floors heat homes from below, the air temperature is always highest at the floor level and decreases steadily towards the ceiling.

» radiant-floor heating = calefacción por suelo radiante.

Example: Radiant heat can be installed in walls or ceilings, although radiant-floor heating is the most popular form.

» raised floor = suelo alzado. [Doble suelo que se levanta por razones de acondicionamiento especial (por ej., para amortiguar el ruido)]

Example: There is still the need to have the centralised computer room with special air-conditioning, power supply and raised floor.

» seafloor [sea floor] = lecho marino, fondo del mar.

Example: The mapping of the seafloor also revealed that these huge underwater mountain ranges are bisected by a deep trench which in places is more than 2000 meters deep.

» subfloor = subsuelo, debajo del suelo.

Example: A wide range of water monitoring and signaling equipment is available for subfloor and ceiling installation to detect and warn of water problems.

» sweep + the floor = barrer el suelo.

Example: Portrait of a woman sweeping the floor with a broom picture.

» tiled floor = suelo enlosado.

Example: Here's a few tips on ways to make tiled floors more visually interesting and realistic.

» wet floor = piso húmedo, suelo mojado.

Example: If someone does slip on your wet floors and the area is marked correctly with warning signs the court will usually side in your favor.

» wipe + the floor with = destrozar, hacer trizas, hacer cisco.

Example: One by one, he wiped the floor with opponents who had spoken in the debate -- with a ferocious blend of rant, rhetoric and rumbustious counterattack.

floor3 = dejar sin palabras, dejar estupefacto, dejar sin aliento, dejar atónito, dejar anodadado, dejar helado, impresionar, deslumbrar, dejar de una pieza, dejar de piedra. 

Example: My best friend floored me recently when casually revealed that women are constantly having a dig at her for deciding not to have children.


» floor + Posesivo + opponent = derribar a + Posesivo + contrincante, derribar a + Posesivo + oponente, derribar a + Posesivo + contrario.

Example: He dominated the fight and floored his opponent with a left hook in the second round.

» floor + the accelerator (pedal) = acelerar a fondo, pisar el acelerador a fondo, pisar a fondo.

Example: The long, open straight where we can floor the accelerator pedal is becoming an exotic rarity.

» floor + the gas pedal = acelerar a fondo, pisar el acelerador a fondo, pisar a fondo.

Example: When I floor the gas pedal, the engine revs up like you would expect, but the truck slows down, almost like the engine isn't powering the wheels.

Floor synonyms

base in spanish: base, pronunciation: beɪs part of speech: noun level in spanish: nivel, pronunciation: levəl part of speech: noun story in spanish: historia, pronunciation: stɔri part of speech: noun deck in spanish: cubierta, pronunciation: dek part of speech: noun shock in spanish: choque, pronunciation: ʃɑk part of speech: noun dump in spanish: tugurio, pronunciation: dʌmp part of speech: noun, verb storey in spanish: piso, pronunciation: stɔri part of speech: noun stun in spanish: aturdir, pronunciation: stʌn part of speech: verb flooring in spanish: piso, pronunciation: flɔrɪŋ part of speech: noun coldcock in spanish: Coldcock, pronunciation: koʊldkɑk part of speech: verb knock down in spanish: noquear, pronunciation: nɑkdaʊn part of speech: verb take aback in spanish: tome por sorpresa, pronunciation: teɪkəbæk part of speech: verb blow out of the water in spanish: soplar fuera del agua, pronunciation: bloʊaʊtʌvðəwɔtɜr part of speech: verb ball over in spanish: bola sobre, pronunciation: bɔloʊvɜr part of speech: verb
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