Floodlight in spanish

Luz de inundación

pronunciation: luθdeinundɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

floodlight1 = foco, reflector, foco reflector. 

Example: Attendance is significantly higher when the game is played in the evening under floodlights.

floodlight2 = iluminar, iluminar con focos. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio floodlit]

Example: The local authorities have decided to floodlight the library at night to discourage vandalism.

Floodlight synonyms

flood in spanish: inundar, pronunciation: flʌd part of speech: noun photoflood in spanish: inyección fotográfica, pronunciation: foʊtoʊfləd part of speech: noun flood lamp in spanish: lámpara de inundación, pronunciation: flʌdlæmp part of speech: noun
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