Flooding in spanish


pronunciation: inundɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

flood3 = inundar, anegar, empantanar, encharcar. 

Example: Rising water levels in both rivers has flooded several villages causing massive loss to crops and property.


» floodlight = iluminar, iluminar con focos. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio floodlit]

Example: The local authorities have decided to floodlight the library at night to discourage vandalism.

» flood + the market = saturar el mercado, inundar el mercado.

Example: China is flooding the market with government subsidised products.

» flood with = inundar de, cubrir de.

Example: And making matters worse, this uncomfortable group sat in a suburban sitting-room flooded with afternoon sunlight like dutifully polite guests at a formal coffee party.

» river + flood + its banks = río + desbordarse.

Example: The river has flooded its banks in Nepal as well, displacing tens of thousands of people.

flooding = inundación. 

Example: Flooding, fire, earthquake, collapsed buildings and landslides are the most frequent kinds of disasters to hit libraries: nearly all will lead to wet books.

Flooding synonyms

high in spanish: alto, pronunciation: haɪ part of speech: adjective swollen in spanish: hinchado, pronunciation: swoʊlən part of speech: adjective overflowing in spanish: desbordante, pronunciation: oʊvɜrfloʊɪŋ part of speech: adjective in flood in spanish: en la inundación, pronunciation: ɪnflʌd implosion therapy in spanish: terapia de implosión, pronunciation: ɪmploʊʒənθerəpi part of speech: noun
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