Floodgate in spanish


pronunciation: koʊmpueɹ̩tɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

floodgate = esclusa, compuerta. 

Example: I always think of you as a great river dammed up by a floodgate, so that the water only escapes here and there through holes and by channels.


» open + the floodgates = abrir la mano.

Example: Europe isn't dying, it is committing suicide by opening the floodgates to unrestricted Muslim immigration.

» open + the floodgates = crear muchas oportunidades.

Example: His show opened the floodgates for literally dozens of British groups to achieve commercial success in the New World.

» open + the floodgates = abrir la caja de Pandora, destapar la caja de Pandora, desencadenar un sinnúmero de problemas .

Example: This Supreme Court's decision has opened the floodgates to unlimited corporate and union spending on election ads.

» open + the floodgates = dar rienda suelta a + Posesivo + emociones, desatar + Posesivo + emociones.

Example: Her tears began slowly and then the floodgates opened and she cried, letting out all the loneliness and longing and bad feelings that were so pent up inside her.

Floodgate synonyms

penstock in spanish: compuerta, pronunciation: penstɑk part of speech: noun sluicegate in spanish: compuerta, pronunciation: slusgeɪt part of speech: noun head gate in spanish: puerta principal, pronunciation: hedgeɪt part of speech: noun water gate in spanish: puerta de agua, pronunciation: wɔtɜrgeɪt part of speech: noun sluice valve in spanish: válvula de esclusa, pronunciation: slusvælv part of speech: noun
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