Flood in spanish


pronunciation: inundɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

flood1 = riada, inundación, anegamiento, anegación. 

Example: In UDC under 361 SOCIAL RELIEF we find .9 Relief or aid in emergencies, disasters; .91 Earthquakes, storms, hurricanes; .92 floods; .93 War, civil war; .94 Epidemics; .95 Famine; and .96 Fires, conflagrations.


» be caught in a flood = ser arrastrado por una riada, ser arrastrado por la inundación.

Example: She was caught in a flood and swept into a ratty sewer.

» be washed away by the flood = ser arrastrado por la riada.

Example: There was very little time to get her out before the car itself was washed away by the flood.

» flash flood = riada, aluvión.

Example: On 28 July 1997 Colorado State University, USA, experienced a flash flood which destroyed 50 per of the library's collection, and destroyed its computer lab.

» flash storm flood = riada.

Example: Then in July a flash storm flood washed out all the roads at our cottage in Haliburton and our long path to the lake.

» flood-damaged = dañado por las inundación.

Example: The museum restored many of its flood-damaged books by a process involving freezing, exposure to a vacuum equivalent to an altitude of 200,000 ft.

» flood drainage = drenaje para inundaciones.

Example: This article outlines general requirements for a well-appointed restoration laboratory: filtered light, security alarms, good flood drainage, and lay-out.

» flood drill = simulacro de inundación.

Example: Steps in the preparation of a strategy include: regular fire and flood drills; assessment of the potential for disaster; establishing a salvage priority list; devising a plan for the salvage operations.

» floodgate = esclusa, compuerta.

Example: I always think of you as a great river dammed up by a floodgate, so that the water only escapes here and there through holes and by channels.

» flood-hit = afectado por las inundaciones.

Example: The university library agreed to treat about 4,000 severely water-damaged books and manuscripts from a flood-hit theological seminary in the region.

» flood lamp = foco, reflector.

Example: Intensity levels for flood lamps is relatively low because the energy is spread over a large area.

» floodlight = foco, reflector, foco reflector.

Example: Attendance is significantly higher when the game is played in the evening under floodlights.

» floodplain = llanura aluvial. [Margen de un río sujeta a inundaciones durante las crecidas del mismo]

Example: This can reduce the capacity of floodplains to remove or retain nutrients from river water.

» flood-prone = propenso a las inundaciones.

Example: As the Zambezi river continues to rise, some people living in flood-prone areas are leaving their homes and seeking higher ground.

» flood tide = pleamar.

Example: At the Pandora wreck site, tides occur twice daily, and have a stronger ebb tide than flood tide.

» floodwater [flood water] = inundación, anegación, anegamiento, riada, avalancha, crecida, aluvión.

Example: In 1975 flood water damaged 100,000 books and maps stored in a basement area.

» in floods of tears = llorando como una ma(g)dalena.

Example: She arrived in floods of tears, having been told nonchalantly by her booker to 'skip a few meals' in the run-up to London Fashion Week if she wanted to work.

» Noah's flood = diluvio de Noé, el.

Example: A brief selection of possible scientific explanations for a number of biblical miracles -- Noah's flood, the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush, the ten plagues, manna from heaven, and the raising of Lazarus -- is provided = Se aporta una breve selección de posibles explicaciones científicas a numerosos milagros bíblicos: El diluvio de Noé, el paso del Mar Rojo, la zarza ardiente, las diez plagas, el maná del cielo y la resurrección de Lázaro.

» the Flood = El Diluvio.

Example: The decoration and iconography of the wooden panels depict illustrations of the Flood and Judgement Day.

» torrential flood = riada, aluvión.

Example: There are spring freshets caused by heavy rainfalls and melting snows, and torrential floods of short duration caused by cloudbursts.

flood2 = flujo, afluencia. 

Example: George Ticknor noted that this flood of new immigrants 'at no time, consisted of persons who, in general, were fitted to understand our free institutions or to be intrusted with the political power given by universal suffrage'.


» a flood of = una avalancha de, un aluvión de, un sinfín de.

Example: This has called forth a flood of protests.

» a flood tide of = una avalancha de.

Example: Children experience so much that is new and unknown to them every day -- a flood tide of sensual emotions, events, ideas, data of all kinds.

» flood with + light = llenar de luz.

Example: Opened in 1989, the library is housed in a modern building with large bay windows that flood the space with light.

flood3 = inundar, anegar, empantanar, encharcar. 

Example: Rising water levels in both rivers has flooded several villages causing massive loss to crops and property.


» floodlight = iluminar, iluminar con focos. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio floodlit]

Example: The local authorities have decided to floodlight the library at night to discourage vandalism.

» flood + the market = saturar el mercado, inundar el mercado.

Example: China is flooding the market with government subsidised products.

» flood with = inundar de, cubrir de.

Example: And making matters worse, this uncomfortable group sat in a suburban sitting-room flooded with afternoon sunlight like dutifully polite guests at a formal coffee party.

» river + flood + its banks = río + desbordarse.

Example: The river has flooded its banks in Nepal as well, displacing tens of thousands of people.

Flood synonyms

high in spanish: alto, pronunciation: haɪ part of speech: adjective deluge in spanish: diluvio, pronunciation: deljudʒ part of speech: noun swamp in spanish: pantano, pronunciation: swɑmp part of speech: noun torrent in spanish: torrente, pronunciation: tɔrənt part of speech: noun inundate in spanish: inundar, pronunciation: ɪnəndeɪt part of speech: verb overflow in spanish: rebosar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrfloʊ part of speech: noun, verb inundation in spanish: inundación, pronunciation: ɪnəndeɪʃən part of speech: noun oversupply in spanish: proveer en exceso, pronunciation: oʊvɜrsəplaɪ part of speech: noun outpouring in spanish: efusión, pronunciation: aʊtpɔrɪŋ part of speech: noun floodlight in spanish: Luz de inundación, pronunciation: flʌdlaɪt part of speech: noun photoflood in spanish: inyección fotográfica, pronunciation: foʊtoʊfləd part of speech: noun flood lamp in spanish: lámpara de inundación, pronunciation: flʌdlæmp part of speech: noun
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