Floating in spanish


pronunciation: floʊtɑnte part of speech: noun
In gestures

float3 = flotar, navegar. 

Example: And there is more to be gained from an imaginary nineteenth-century boy floating down the Mississippi on a raft with a fleeing black slave than a good deal of everyday, 'direct' experience can give.


» float + downriver = flotar río abajo.

Example: The current was strong and the water deep, so Pettis floated downriver until he was able to stand on his feet.

» float on + air = sentirse como flotando en las nubes, estar en la gloria, estar en el séptimo cielo.

Example: She felt the rush of adrenaline and sense of floating on air as the plane lifted off for a tour over the harbor.

» float + past = pasar flotando, deslizarse flotando.

Example: Float past the beautiful palaces and bridges of Venice on a 35-minute Venice gondola ride and enjoy a serenade, too.

» refloat = reflotar, poner a flote, sacar a flote. 

Example: The oldest fishmonger's shop in Sheffield is back in business after being refloated.

» refloat = reflotar, desencallar, desembarrancar, desvarar, sacar a flote, poner a flote, poner nuevamente a flote. 

Example: Australian officials raced against the clock on Monday to refloat a massive Chinese ship which grounded and leaked oil.

» whatever floats + Posesivo + boat = lo que + querer, lo que + desear, lo que + apetecer.

Example: There are plenty of green spaces to relax, play games or do whatever floats your boat on a nice day.

float4 = sugerir, insinuar, hacer circular. 

Example: Recently they started floating that same comment again, only this time Democrats have had time to formulate a response.


» float + a concept = discutir una idea, sugerir una idea.

Example: The concepts currently being floated by UNESCO are such as will make convenient pegs to hang pleas for resources for bibliographic and library development to national governments.

» float + an idea = sugerir una idea, insinuar una idea.

Example: The idea is being floated that to prevent any recurrence, a central European authority should control the budgets of member states.

» float + a possibility = sugerir una posibilidad.

Example: Two other possibilities have been floated but not yet put into practical effect.

» float + a rumour = circular un rumor, rumorearse.

Example: Rumors are even floating that President Bush, who has yet to set foot in San Francisco since being elected, might make a surprise visit.

» suggestion + float = sugerirse, insinuarse.

Example: Suggestions are being floated that things will change.

floating = desplazable, flotante. 

Example: This utility provides the ability to create diagrams, windows, and floating palettes.


» floating market = mercado flotante, mercadillo flotante.

Example: At this time of year, the boats at the floating market are full to the gunwales with sweet potatoes, cabbages, carrots and spring onions.

» floating point mathematics = operaciones aritméticas decimales. [Modo de trabajar con número muy grandes o muy pequeños según el cual se desplaza la coma decimal hacia la izquierda o derecha del número real para poder obtener unos resultados más claros]

Example: The MIPs R8000 microprocessor aims to deliver fast performance for technical and scientific computing tasks involving huge data sets and floating point mathematics = El microprocesador MIPs R8000 permite el procesamiento rápido de las tareas informáticas científicas y técnicas de gestión de grandes volúmenes de datos y de las operaciones aritméticas decimales.

» floating rib = costilla flotante.

Example: Floating ribs are four atypical ribs in the human ribcage.

» floating vote = voto indeciso.

Example: Estimates, or perhaps guesses, of the size of the floating vote vary from ten per cent to twenty per cent of the electorate.

» floating voter = votante indeciso.

Example: Floating voters are more likely to trust the Tories on the economy but are more supportive of Labour's approach to public services and believe the party is more likely to be on their side.

» floating wood floor = tarima flotante.

Example: Quality floating wood floors should last 40 to 50 years!.

» floating wood flooring = tarima flotante.

Example: Floating wood flooring has quickly become one of the most popular flooring options in the world today.

» free-floating subdivision = subencabezamiento común.

Example: The eighth edition introduction also included other useful listings, particularly the 'free-floating subdivisions' (common subdivisions), which formed a substantial part of the whole introduction.

Floating synonyms

mobile in spanish: móvil, pronunciation: moʊbəl part of speech: adjective, noun vagabond in spanish: vagabundo, pronunciation: vægəbɑnd part of speech: noun vagrant in spanish: vagabundo, pronunciation: veɪgrənt part of speech: adjective, noun moving in spanish: emocionante, pronunciation: muvɪŋ part of speech: adjective unsettled in spanish: inestable, pronunciation: ənsetəld part of speech: adjective aimless in spanish: sin objetivo, pronunciation: eɪmləs part of speech: adjective drifting in spanish: a la deriva, pronunciation: drɪftɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective
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