Float in spanish


pronunciation: floʊtɑdoʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

float1 = flotador. 

Example: Attach the plummet to the hook and let it hang below the float.


» bull-float = nivelador de hormigón, extendedor de hormigón.

Example: When concrete is poured and leveled off with a bull-float, it is glossy at first and dries down to a matte finish before going hard.

» cash float = dispersión de caja, dinero para gastos imprevistos. [Pequeña cantidad de dinero que se mantiene en una institución para dedicar a pequeños gastos]

Example: Most libraries maintain a small cash float for the giving of change and, in addition, money is received in payment of fines.

» float tail = ?.

Example: This distribution is highly positively skewed, with a float tail and a small upturn at the high end.

float2 = carroza, carroza de desfile. 

Example: Activities included a procession of floats, marching bands, stalls, displays and cultural activities = Las actividades incluyeron una procesion de carrozas, bandas de música, puestos de venta, exposiciones y actividades culturales.


» parade float = carroza de desfile.

Example: The sci-fi movie she watched led her to believe her family was being taken over by aliens and that the parade float they were constructing was really a spaceship.

float3 = flotar, navegar. 

Example: And there is more to be gained from an imaginary nineteenth-century boy floating down the Mississippi on a raft with a fleeing black slave than a good deal of everyday, 'direct' experience can give.


» float + downriver = flotar río abajo.

Example: The current was strong and the water deep, so Pettis floated downriver until he was able to stand on his feet.

» float on + air = sentirse como flotando en las nubes, estar en la gloria, estar en el séptimo cielo.

Example: She felt the rush of adrenaline and sense of floating on air as the plane lifted off for a tour over the harbor.

» float + past = pasar flotando, deslizarse flotando.

Example: Float past the beautiful palaces and bridges of Venice on a 35-minute Venice gondola ride and enjoy a serenade, too.

» refloat = reflotar, poner a flote, sacar a flote. 

Example: The oldest fishmonger's shop in Sheffield is back in business after being refloated.

» refloat = reflotar, desencallar, desembarrancar, desvarar, sacar a flote, poner a flote, poner nuevamente a flote. 

Example: Australian officials raced against the clock on Monday to refloat a massive Chinese ship which grounded and leaked oil.

» whatever floats + Posesivo + boat = lo que + querer, lo que + desear, lo que + apetecer.

Example: There are plenty of green spaces to relax, play games or do whatever floats your boat on a nice day.

float4 = sugerir, insinuar, hacer circular. 

Example: Recently they started floating that same comment again, only this time Democrats have had time to formulate a response.


» float + a concept = discutir una idea, sugerir una idea.

Example: The concepts currently being floated by UNESCO are such as will make convenient pegs to hang pleas for resources for bibliographic and library development to national governments.

» float + an idea = sugerir una idea, insinuar una idea.

Example: The idea is being floated that to prevent any recurrence, a central European authority should control the budgets of member states.

» float + a possibility = sugerir una posibilidad.

Example: Two other possibilities have been floated but not yet put into practical effect.

» float + a rumour = circular un rumor, rumorearse.

Example: Rumors are even floating that President Bush, who has yet to set foot in San Francisco since being elected, might make a surprise visit.

» suggestion + float = sugerirse, insinuarse.

Example: Suggestions are being floated that things will change.

Float synonyms

blow in spanish: soplo, pronunciation: bloʊ part of speech: noun, verb drift in spanish: deriva, pronunciation: drɪft part of speech: noun, verb swim in spanish: nadar, pronunciation: swɪm part of speech: verb, noun ice-cream soda in spanish: refresco de helado, pronunciation: aɪskrimsoʊdə part of speech: noun be adrift in spanish: estar a la deriva, pronunciation: biədrɪft part of speech: verb ice-cream float in spanish: flotador de helado, pronunciation: aɪskrimfloʊt part of speech: noun

Float antonyms

sink pronunciation: sɪŋk part of speech: verb, noun settle pronunciation: setəl part of speech: verb go down pronunciation: goʊdaʊn part of speech: verb go under pronunciation: goʊʌndɜr part of speech: verb
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