Flit in spanish


pronunciation: reboʊloʊteɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures



» do + a moonlight flit = fugarse para evitar pagos pendientes, huir para evitar pagos pendientes. [Generalmente de noche y usado para referirse a personas que arriendan una vivienda ]

Example: On a number of occasions they had 'to do a moonlight flit' -- leave their home at night -- because they were in arrears with their rent.

» flit to and fro = revolotear.

Example: These thoughts and many more like them flitted to and fro ceaselessly over the troubled surface of his mind.

Flit synonyms

fleet in spanish: flota, pronunciation: flit part of speech: noun flutter in spanish: aleteo, pronunciation: flʌtɜr part of speech: noun, verb dart in spanish: dardo, pronunciation: dɑrt part of speech: noun, verb
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