Flip in spanish

Dar la vuelta

pronunciation: dɑɹ̩lɑbueltɑ part of speech: noun, adjective, verb
In gestures

flip1 = irrespestuoso. 

Example: And because it refuses to express itself in the kind of language we have to assume would be natural to Slake himself slangy, staccato, flip, street-wise we are forced into the position of observing him rather than feeling at one with him.


» backflip = salto mortal hacia atrás, voltereta hacia atrás, vuelta de campana hacia atrás, pirueta hacia atrás.

Example: Then he did several backflips and wailed aloud in his misery and woe, his yelps of distress quite filling the empyrean.

» flip chart = cuaderno grande para hacer presentaciones en público.

Example: The team developed a flip chart which enabled pupils to master the concepts and skills necessary for understanding a map = El equipo creó un cuaderno grande para hacer presentaciones en público que le permitía a los alumnos aprender los conceptos y destrezas necesarias para interpretar un mapa.

» flip-flop = cambio brusco, oscilación, vacilación, vaivén, titubeo, bamboleo.

Example: Within this debate, there is flip-flop between those who argue for methods influenced by objectivism and those who argue for a more egalitarian approach.

» flip-flops = chanclas, sandalias.

Example: A commercial game called consisting of a series of flip-flops encased in plastic was employed as the learning task.

» flip side of + Nombre, the = otra cara de + Nombre, la; reverso de, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Her paper was titled 'The flip side of faculty status'.

» flip side, the = reverso, el; otra cara, la; cara B, la.

Example: Flat television screens come with pre-drilled holes on the flip side.

» I'll catch you on the flipside = nos vemos, hasta mañana, hasta pronto, hasta luego.

Example: 'I'll see you (or catch you) on the flipside' became a catch phrase for some DJ's when closing a radio show during the vinyl record period = "Nos vemos" era una frase muy usada por algunos DJ's cuando terminaban sus programas de radios durante la época del disco de vinilo.

» I'll see you on the flipside = nos vemos, hasta mañana, hasta pronto, hasta luego.

Example: 'I'll see you (or catch you) on the flipside' became a catch phrase for some DJ's when closing a radio show during the vinyl record period = "Nos vemos" era una frase muy usada por algunos DJ's cuando terminaban sus programas de radios durante la época del disco de vinilo.

» on the flip side = por otro lado, por otra parte, por el contrario.

Example: On the flip side, jaywalking laws really are absolutely ridiculous anyway.

» on the flip side of the coin = por otro lado, por otra parte, por el contrario.

Example: On the flip side of the coin, Muslims burn bibles in Muslim countries without fear of retaliation.

» the flip side of the coin = la otra cara de la moneda.

Example: The flip side of the coin is that the rich believe that they also deserve their fabulous wealth.

flip2 = dar la vuelta. 

Example: FlipPhr is a Microsoft Windows application program that rearranges (flips) phrases or other expressions in accordance with rules in a grammar = FlipPhr es una aplicación de Microsoft Windows que reordena (da la vuelta) a las frases u otras expresiones de acuerdo con las reglas de la gramática.


» flip + a coin = lanzar una moneda al aire, echárselo a cara o cruz, jugárselo a cara o cruz.

Example: For example, if you flip a coin 10 times, how many times do you expect it to come up heads?.

» flip + Alguien + off = hacer un corte de mangas.

Example: Today, on my way to class to take my final exam a lady almost ran me off the road -- I got pissed, honked my horn and flipped her off.

» flip + Alguien + the bird = hacer un corte de mangas.

Example: Man moves in next door to ex-wife and puts up a statue flipping her the bird.

» flip-flop = quedar patas arriba.

Example: The following transitory government floundered and flip-flopped embarrassingly in trying to respond to the Persian Gulf crisis.

» flip out = alucinar, flipar, perder los papeles, cruzársele los cables. [Supuestamente, origen de la palabra "flipar" en español]

Example: And this is coming from someone who had to be restrained in school after flipping out and kicking a bubbler.

» flip over = dar la vuelta, voltear.

Example: If all that runny yolk is unappealing, you can quickly flip it over at the end and have a sunny side down egg.

» flip + pages = pasar hojas.

Example: This is something that doesn't work well in a book, where you have to flip pages.

» flip + Posesivo + hair = sacudirse el pelo.

Example: When he sat next to her she went on flirt mode, which is basically blinking her eyelashes a lot and flipping her hair every two seconds.

» flip + Posesivo + lid = volverse loco, volverse majareta, perder la cabeza, enloquecer.

Example: Mr James, who served 13 years of his 30-year sentence for the train robbery, said that he had come to the end of his tether and 'flipped his lid'.

» flip through/over = hojear.

Example: Had they even flipped through it a little, what would they have found?.

Flip synonyms

pitch in spanish: tono, pronunciation: pɪtʃ part of speech: noun pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun throw in spanish: lanzar, pronunciation: θroʊ part of speech: verb leaf in spanish: hoja, pronunciation: lif part of speech: noun switch in spanish: cambiar, pronunciation: swɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb jerk in spanish: imbécil, pronunciation: dʒɜrk part of speech: noun, verb sky in spanish: cielo, pronunciation: skaɪ part of speech: noun alternate in spanish: alterno, pronunciation: ɔltɜrnət part of speech: adjective thumb in spanish: pulgar, pronunciation: θʌm part of speech: noun insolent in spanish: insolente, pronunciation: ɪnsələnt part of speech: adjective flick in spanish: película, pronunciation: flɪk part of speech: noun, verb toss in spanish: sacudida, pronunciation: tɔs part of speech: verb, noun impudent in spanish: impudente, pronunciation: ɪmpudənt part of speech: adjective riff in spanish: riff, pronunciation: rɪf part of speech: noun twitch in spanish: contracción nerviosa, pronunciation: twɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb interchange in spanish: intercambio, pronunciation: ɪntɜrtʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun flip-flop in spanish: chanclas, pronunciation: flɪpflɑp part of speech: noun, verb riffle in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: rɪfəl part of speech: noun somersault in spanish: voltereta, pronunciation: sʌmɜrsɔlt part of speech: noun disrespectful in spanish: irrespetuoso, pronunciation: dɪsrɪspektfəl part of speech: adjective turn over in spanish: entregar, pronunciation: tɜrnoʊvɜr part of speech: verb flip over in spanish: Dale la vuelta, pronunciation: flɪpoʊvɜr part of speech: verb somersaulting in spanish: dar un salto mortal, pronunciation: sʌmɜrsɔltɪŋ part of speech: noun snotty-nosed in spanish: mocosa, pronunciation: snɑtinoʊzd part of speech: adjective
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