Fling in spanish


pronunciation: ɑroʊxɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

fling1 = aventura, aventura amorosa, rollo amoroso, rollo sentiimental, lío amoroso, historia amorosa, plan, aventura sentimental, lío sentimental, canica al aire. 

Example: But the man who became famous for his flings believes celibacy is a revolutionary act to strengthen his spiritual journey.


» have + a fling = echarse una cana al aire, echarse una canita al aire, tener una aventura amorosa, tener un lío amoroso, tener un rollo amoroso, llevarse a Alguien al huerto.

Example: The most obvious downside to having a fling is the fact that it is short term.

» one last fling = una última canica al aire.

Example: My boyfriend seems to think it's normal for the guy to have 'one last fling' at his bachelor party -- that's where we completely disagree.

fling2 = lanzar, arrojar, tirar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio flung]

Example: A gust of wind flung a powder of snow from the window-sill into the room.


» fling down = echar abajo, arrojar al suelo, tirar al suelo, echar al suelo.

Example: It all begins with a fatal shot that accidentally fires from a pistol flung down during an argument.

» fling + Nombre + open = abrir de un empujón.

Example: Closed doors should be flung open and scheduling changed to allow systematic examination of professional and organisational questions.

» fling + Reflexivo + off/from = arrojarse (al vacío) de/desde, lanzarse (al vacío) de/desde, tirarse (al vacío) de/desde, precipitarse (al vacío) de/desde.

Example: The Chassidic woman who hung herself four months after her sister flung herself off a building had been forced to marry a first cousiin.

Fling synonyms

go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun crack in spanish: grieta, pronunciation: kræk part of speech: noun, verb offer in spanish: oferta, pronunciation: ɔfɜr part of speech: verb, noun dispose in spanish: disponer, pronunciation: dɪspoʊz part of speech: verb toss in spanish: sacudida, pronunciation: tɔs part of speech: verb, noun discard in spanish: descarte, pronunciation: dɪskɑrd part of speech: verb bout in spanish: combate, pronunciation: baʊt part of speech: noun spree in spanish: juerga, pronunciation: spri part of speech: noun splurge in spanish: derroche, pronunciation: splɜrdʒ part of speech: noun, verb whirl in spanish: giro, pronunciation: wɜrl part of speech: noun, verb put away in spanish: guardar, pronunciation: pʊtəweɪ part of speech: verb throw out in spanish: tirar, pronunciation: θroʊaʊt part of speech: verb throw away in spanish: tirar a la basura, pronunciation: θroʊəweɪ part of speech: verb toss out in spanish: tirar, pronunciation: tɔsaʊt part of speech: verb cast out in spanish: arrojar, pronunciation: kæstaʊt part of speech: verb toss away in spanish: tirar, pronunciation: tɔsəweɪ part of speech: verb cast away in spanish: Desechar, pronunciation: kæstəweɪ part of speech: verb cast aside in spanish: desechar, pronunciation: kæstəsaɪd part of speech: verb chuck out in spanish: echar, pronunciation: tʃʌkaʊt part of speech: verb
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