Flight in spanish


pronunciation: bueloʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

flight = vuelo, escapada, especulación, fuga. 

Example: Cases keep discussion grounded on certain persistent facts that must be faced, and keep a realistic rein on airy flights of academic speculation.


» airflight = vuelo.

Example: I have, on occasion, kept the vomit bag from my seat on an airflight to take home and give to a friend.

» book + a flight = reservar un vuelo.

Example: Can't we do it before or after summer? Probably a lot cheaper and easier to book a flight for us Europeans.

» budget flight = vuelo barato.

Example: However, short breaks and budget flights are exceptions to the general travel gloom.

» charter flight = vuelo chárter.

Example: The concept is used to identify the differences in costs of operating charter flights to five different European destinations.

» commercial flight = vuelo comercial.

Example: Efforts to train thousands of federal agents to protect commercial flights during heightened terror alerts have been abandoned.

» connecting flight = vuelo de enlace, conexión, vuelo de conexión.

Example: What's saved from lower-cost airline tickets can be more than offset by the income lost when travelers cool their heels for hours waiting for connecting flights.

» domestic flight = vuelo nacional, vuelo interior.

Example: By comparison, airline passengers in the USA numbered 418 million, of whom 393 million were on domestic flights.

» fight or flight response = respuesta de lucha o huida, respuesta de enfrentamiento o huida. [También escrito flight or fight response]

Example: Another cause for chill bumps and shivers is your autonomic nervous system 'fight or flight' response = Una explicación para la piel de gallina y los escalofríos es la respuesta de "lucha o huída" por parte de nuestro sistema nervioso autónomo.

» flight attendant = auxiliar de vuelo, azafata.

Example: Representative job titles are commercial artist, computer operator, dental hygienist, wildlife manager, flight attendant, law enforcer, meteorologist, optometrist, and tuner.

» flight bag = bolsa de mano.

Example: The conference name badge and flight bag are courtesy of EBSCO.

» flight crew = tripulación de vuelo, personal de vuelo.

Example: Today's flight and cabin crews are much different than they were during the early years of commercial aviation.

» flight deck = cubierta de vuelo.

Example: Aircraft carriers are ships outfitted with flight decks to launch and land airplanes.

» flight from = abandono de, huida de.

Example: However, the flight from DC appears to have slowed down more quickly than was anticipated, and we no longer read of large numbers of libraries making the change.

» flight mission = salida, incursión aérea, vuelo.

Example: The collection is composed of more than 400,000 prints and negatives from photographs taken during 1,258 separate flight missions, most of which were flown over California.

» flight of fancy = fantasía.

Example: The play is clearly presented as an author's flight of fancy rather than as history.

» flight of stairs = tramo de escaleras.

Example: She put her empty cup in the dirty-dish cart, and mounted on the wings of a pure and ingenuous elation the long flight of stairs leading to the offices on the first floor.

» flight range = autonomía de vuelo.

Example: Such aircraft was equipped with an auxiliary gas tank to increase its flight range without refueling.

» flight recorder = caja negra.

Example: All technical processes that take place before, during and directly after the flight are taken down automatically by the flight recorder in the cockpit.

» flight simulator = simulador de vuelo.

Example: It covers simple approaches that use basic or no technology through projects on the scale of computer games and flight simulators.

» flight steward = auxiliar de vuelo.

Example: The air hostess and/or flight steward (also referred to as cabin crew), are the first people to welcome passengers aboard an aircraft.

» flight stewardess = azafata, azafata de vuelo.

Example: Flight stewardesses are known for their glamour and elegance, partly because of their uniforms.

» flight to = cambio a.

Example: It was under his guidance that the scheme survived the flight to LC which was such a notable feature of the 1960s (a change which some librarians may no be regretting).

» ground + a flight = prohibir el despegue de un vuelo, cancelar un vuelo.

Example: Flights were back to normal yesterday after the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud returned to ground further flights from Exeter Airport.

» halt + in full flight = detener bruscamente.

Example: I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight during a visit to a college to speak to student teachers by the explosive entrance of a lecturer.

» in-flight = de abordo, durante el vuelo, en el vuelo, en vuelo.

Example: Starting on Oct. 2nd, 2006, the in-flight Internet service will be free of charge.

» international flight = vuelo internacional.

Example: For international flights, you will be met inside or just exiting the luggage claim area.

» long-haul flight = vuelo de larga distancia.

Example: I think it's safe to say that few people enjoy long-haul flights.

» manned flight = vuelo tripulado.

Example: For example, 629.1388 in DC has to house all documents on Astronautics documents on Instrumentation, Earth satellites, Monkeys in space, manned flights, and so on.

» mid-flight = en pleno vuelo, en mitad del vuelo, a mitad del vuelo.

Example: The person sitting next to me was obviously a nervous flier and she had kittens when the locker above her flew open mid-flight!.

» miss + a flight = perder un vuelo.

Example: She missed her flight and her daughter went into panic mode when she didn't see her mom getting off the plane.

» night flight = vuelo nocturno.

Example: The Government was going to court today in a bid to overturn a legal ruling which could ban all night flights in the UK.

» non-stop flight = vuelo sin escalas.

Example: The El Paso International Airport wants to lure more non-stop flights to and from other cities, and they want to use some incentives to do it.

» powered flight = vuelo motorizado.

Example: From the dawn of powered flight, all aircraft were powered by piston engines until August 27, 1939, when the first gas turbine engine took to the air.

» return flight = vuelo de ida y vuelta. [Más comúnmente usado en el inglés británico]

Example: The grant includes the registration fee, accommodation, economy class return flight and travel insurance.

» space flight = vuelo espacial.

Example: Image-enhancement methods, first developed for the improvement of pictures from space flights, can be applied for this purpose.

» take + flight = echar a volar, comenzar.

Example: The article 'ALA campaign takes flight @ the local level' reports on a five year public education programme sponsored by the American Library Association to promote all types of libraries throughout the USA.

» take + flight = huir, darse a la fluga, salir por pies, largarse, pirarse, pirárselas, darse el piro.

Example: Fallow deer are very wary of people, and will take flight as soon as they hear or see someone.

» test flight = vuelo de prueba.

Example: A bomber plane was a total wreck when it crash-landed today returning from a test flight = Un bombardero quedó siniestro total al realizar un atterrizaje de emergencia hoy cuando volvía de un vuelo de pruebas.

» top-flight = de máxima categoría, de lujo, de gran lujo, de los mejores.

Example: We're looking for top-flight professionals committed to creating and implementing innovative solutions that help transform businesses.

» white flight = huida blanca. [Abandono de los barrios con poblaciones étnicas diversas por parte de los ciudadanos de raza blanca]

Example: There is some evidence that racism toward minority schoolchildren may contribute to white flight.

Flight synonyms

escape in spanish: escapar, pronunciation: ɪskeɪp part of speech: verb, noun trajectory in spanish: trayectoria, pronunciation: trədʒektɜri part of speech: noun fledge in spanish: plumar, pronunciation: fledʒ part of speech: verb flying in spanish: volador, pronunciation: flaɪɪŋ part of speech: noun flight of steps in spanish: tramo de escalones, pronunciation: flaɪtʌvsteps part of speech: noun flight of stairs in spanish: tramo, pronunciation: flaɪtʌvsterz part of speech: noun
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