Flex in spanish


pronunciation: fleksioʊnɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

flex1 = cable. 

Example: This type of flex should never be repaired or joined by using insulating tape .

flex2 = flexionar, doblar. 

Example: The following recommendations are made: select copying machines carefully (edge-flush platens are best; don't flex a book more than 180 degrees; educate patrons and staff to be gentle with books; and limit the number of pages copied from each volume.

flex3 = ejercitar. [Usado generalmente para los músculos o extremidades del cuerpo]

Example: Dirty talk allows you to flex that other sex organ -- the brain, which houses an unlimited reserve of erotic stimuli.


» flex + Posesivo + muscles = exhibir músculo, mostrar + Posesivo + poderío, mostrar + Posesivo + fuerza(s), actuar autoritariamente.

Example: The article 'Flexing a different set of muscles' is an interview with David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker, who has been, wrongly, portrayed as a low key intellectual with little appetite for the limelight.

Flex synonyms

bend in spanish: curva, pronunciation: bend part of speech: noun, verb inflection in spanish: inflexión, pronunciation: ɪnflekʃən part of speech: noun flexion in spanish: flexión, pronunciation: flekʃən part of speech: noun bending in spanish: doblado, pronunciation: bendɪŋ part of speech: noun flection in spanish: flexión, pronunciation: flekʃən part of speech: noun

Flex antonyms

unbend pronunciation: ənbend part of speech: verb straighten pronunciation: streɪtən part of speech: verb
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