Flew in spanish


pronunciation: boʊloʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

flew = Tiempo pasado del verbo fly (volar). [Véase éste y sus derivados para los distintos significados]

Example: It was a dozen years later that the first central electric power station was built; a decade was to pass before the automobile was invented, and nearly three decades before the first airplane flew.

fly3 = volar, ir rápido. [Verbo irregular: pasado flew, participio flown. Tercera persona singular flies]

Example: For example, pilots flying on international routes sometimes have problems in understanding weather reports spoken in English but with a heavy local accent.


» as the crow flies = en línea recta.

Example: The car zigzagged a 30 mile path in 10 minutes as the crow flies.

» flag + fly/be + at half-mast = bandera + estar izada + a media hasta.

Example: All European flags fly at half-mast today to pay tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack in Paris.

» fly + a kite = volar una cometa, hacer volar una cometa.

Example: There are hardly any better things to do than flying a kite in a wide, open field with the warm breeze.

» fly + a kite = tantear el terreno.

Example: His opinion is that Buratai 'is only flying a kite to see how people will react if there is a coup'.

» fly back = volver en avión, regresar en avión.

Example: Why is it such a schlep to fly back on a Friday night from Johannesburg to Cape Town?.

» fly by = pasar zumbando, pasar como una bala, pasar a toda velocidad, pasar como un cohete, pasar como un rayo, pasar volando.

Example: The year really flew by, and things have already started picking back up in the last few weeks or so after the winter.

» fly-by-night = sospechoso, dudoso, fraudulento, ilegal.

Example: What I was reading about looked like a really genuine and reliable way of earning good money that didn't involve some fly-by-night, get-rich-quick scheme.

» fly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants = improvisar, confiar en el instinto, dejarse llevar por el instinto, dejarse guiar por el instinto.

Example: One of the persistent arguments about Mr. Gorbachev is whether he ever had a clear strategic vision, or was flying by the seat of his pants.

» fly-dumping = vertido ilegal de escombros.

Example: Other states have comprehensive strategies including enforcement, public education and policy changes to discourage the practice, sometimes called midnight dumping or fly-dumping.

» fly + high = volar alto, tener altos vuelos, ser ambicioso, aspirar a grandeza, tener grandes aspiraciones.

Example: If Mimi could have a final wish to her family and friends it would be, 'think of me as a girl that wants to fly high, shine bright, and make every second count'.

» fly + high = ir viento en popa, marchar viento en popa, ir que volar, ir cada vez mejor, ir a las mil maravillas, marchar a las mil maravillas.

Example: The team took a while to get into the flow of things but have been gaining steam and are now flying high, after winning six of their last seven outings.

» fly + high (in the sky) = estar contentísimo, estar loco de alegría, no caber en sí de alegría.

Example: And while they are still hurting, we are still flying high after one of the most improbable title wins we've ever seen.

» fly in + the air = volar en el aire.

Example: Four performers tied to bungees swing, droop and fly in the air in ways that defy gravity.

» fly in + the face of = ir en contra de, no prestar atención, no tener en cuenta, hacer caso omiso, desdeñar.

Example: If a planned activity flies in the face of human nature, its success will be only as great as the non-human factors can ensure.

» fly into + a rage = ponerse (hecho/como) un energúmeno, ponerse (hecho/como) una fiera, ponerse hecho un basilisco, ponerse (como/hecho) un diablo, llevar a Uno el diablo, llevar a Uno (todos) los diablos, ponerse (hecho/como) un demonio, llevar a Uno el demonio, llevar a Uno (todos) los demonios, montar en cólera.

Example: He winkled the truth out of her, flew into a rage, and demanded she gives her friend an ultimatum.

» fly off = salir disparado, salir volando, salir pitando, irse corriendo, salir corriendo, salir apresuradamente, marcharse de prisa, marcharse apresuradamente, salir echando leches, salir como una flecha, salir disparado como una bala, salir disparado como un cohete, salir echando humo.

Example: In fact, compact vehicles are flying off dealer lots at a clip not seen since the gas price hike during the summer of 2008.

» fly off at/on + a tangent = salirse por la tangente, irse por las ramas, irse por la tangente, divagar, desviarse del tema, salir por los cerros de Ubeda, salir por peteneras, irse por los cerros de Ubeda, echar por los cerros de Ubeda.

Example: There's a real danger of flying off on a tangent while writing about this as it for once is purely about politics and there's 'nowt' as controversial as that.

» fly off + course = desviarse del rumbo, perder el rumbo, perder el norte.

Example: Experts think the albatross somehow flew off course, or maybe was blown north by a hurricane.

» fly off + the handle = perder los estribos, perder los nervios, perder los papeles, perder la cabeza, montar en cólera, cruzársele los cables.

Example: In other words, it is not true that homicides are commonly committed by ordinary citizens who just fly off the handle.

» fly out = despegar.

Example: Unfortunately, the weather took a turn for the worse, and there was no way to fly out.

» fly out = ir en avión, viajar en avión.

Example: I actually flew out on a job interview, did the dance, and flew home, all without knowing anything about what the company was willing to pay.

» fly out (of) + the window = salir volando por la ventana.

Example: Don't you hate it when your beanie flies out the window on the freeway.

» fly out (of) + the window = irse al carajo, irse a pique, irse a la porra, irse al traste.

Example: When grandparents enter the door discipline flies out the window.

» fly + past = pasar zumbando, pasar como una bala, pasar a toda velocidad, pasar como un cohete, pasar como un rayo, pasar volando.

Example: I was wrong on all counts -- the fourteen days flew past and attendance at all sessions, day and evening remained strong right to the end.

» fly + solo = valérselas por uno mismo, actuar independientemente.

Example: It is unrealistic to expect even the most self-motivated, creatively pedagogical, and technically inclined instructor to fly solo after just a few hours of training.

» fly + the coop = escaparse, largarse, pirarse, pirárselas, ahuecar el ala, dejar el nido, volar del nido, darse el piro.

Example: By January 2010 I had flown the coop and escaped the clutches of winter.

» fly + the flag for = hacer bandera de, ondear la bandera de, enarbolar la bandera de.

Example: Fly the flag for the all-American snack with this recipe for corn dogs (deep-fried frankfurters).

» fly + the nest = dejar el nido, volar del nido.

Example: The term 'family nest' was used in the 1960s by researchers to describe an empty nest from which all of the children had flown leaving the parents lonely or sad.

» fly-tipping = vertido ilegal de escombros.

Example: Fly-tipping is a criminal offence that can carry a sentence of 5 years imprisonment and a £50,000+ fine.

» go (and) fly a kite = largarse, irse al cuerno, irse al infierno, irse a paseo, irse al diablo, irse a la mierda, irse a freír espárragos, irse a tomar por culo, irse a la porra, perderse de + Posesivo + vista, esfumarse, desaparecer, perderse, pirarse, pirárselas, darse el piro.

Example: Whoever tried to stand in the way of her goals and dreams was promptly told to go fly a kite.

» let + fly = disparar, arremeter.

Example: In this way the fowler could work his way through the shallows to within gunshot of the fowl, so as to let fly with his rifle as they took off from the water.

» let + your imagination fly! = dale alas a tu imaginación, da rienda suelta a tu imaginación.

Example: It is a place to dream, to learn and to let your imagination fly!.

» time flies (by) = el tiempo vuela.

Example: Why is it that when were are having fun, time flies by, but when we are at work, time creeps by? = ¿Por qué ocurre que cuando nos estamos divirtiendo, el tiempo vuela, pero cuando estamos trabajando se nos hace una eternidad?.

» time flies when you're having fun = el tiempo vuela cuando te diviertes, el tiempo vuela cuando te lo pasas bien.

Example: 'A watched pot never boils' and, conversely, 'time flies when you're having fun' nicely capture the observation that the degree of attention paid to the passing of time contributes to its subjective duration = "El que espera desespera" y, lo opuesto, "el tiempo vuela cuando te diviertes" refleja bien la idea de que el grado de atención que se presta al paso del tiempo contribuye a su duración subjetiva.

» when pigs fly = cuando las ranas críen pelos.

Example: Somebody once told me that Arabs and Jews will come together when pigs fly.
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