Flee in spanish


pronunciation: uiɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

flee = huir, darse a la fuga, escaparse. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio fled]

Example: The Ndzevane Refugee Settlement in south eastern Swaziland provides a home to Swazis displaced from South Africa and those fleeing the RENAMO terrorists in Mozambique.


» flee away = huir, escaparse, darse a la fuga.

Example: For this is the way with these common people; they will work up an enthusiasm one minute, and an hour later it will have fled away and left them cold and empty.

» flee + the scene = huir.

Example: Police are more likely to be killed by rational robbers fleeing the scene of a crime, who routinely use potentially lethal weapons as 'tools of the trade'.

Flee synonyms

fly in spanish: volar, pronunciation: flaɪ part of speech: verb, noun take flight in spanish: tomar vuelo, pronunciation: teɪkflaɪt part of speech: verb
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