Fledgeling in spanish


pronunciation: pitʃoʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

fledg(e)ling1 = cría, polluelo, volatón. [Cría de pájaro]

Example: During the spring time, robin redbreasts are a common sight as they care for their nests, eggs, and fledglings.

fledg(e)ling2 = incipiente, nuevo. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: This article describes the experiences of a fledgling information system in dealing with a hurricane which wreaked devastation on some of the most remote areas of Hawaii = Este artículo describe las experiencias de un sistema de información nuevo al verse afectado por un huracán que devastó algunas de las zonas más remotas de Hawaii.

Fledgeling synonyms

neophyte in spanish: neófito, pronunciation: niəfaɪt part of speech: noun fledgling in spanish: volantón, pronunciation: fledʒlɪŋ part of speech: adjective, noun starter in spanish: motor de arranque, pronunciation: stɑrtɜr part of speech: noun freshman in spanish: estudiante de primer año, pronunciation: freʃmən part of speech: noun, adjective entrant in spanish: entrante, pronunciation: entrənt part of speech: noun newcomer in spanish: recién llegado, pronunciation: nukəmɜr part of speech: noun
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