Fledged in spanish


pronunciation: plumɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

fledge = criar. [Utilizado especialmente para animales de plumas]

Example: Birds in territories with more foliage cover were more likely to fledge young.



» full-fledged = completo, con todas las de la ley, en toda regla.

Example: Once the functional and informal network seeks to widen its influence, it becomes a full-fledged institution.

» fully-fledged = hecho y derecho.

Example: From 1892 to 1932, this small library was directed by Genevieve Walton, who developed a one-room, one-person operation into a fully-fledged academic library.

Fledged synonyms

mature in spanish: maduro, pronunciation: mətʃʊr part of speech: adjective, verb feathered in spanish: plumado, pronunciation: feðɜrd part of speech: adjective full-fledged in spanish: de pleno derecho, pronunciation: fʊlfledʒd part of speech: adjective vaned in spanish: desaparecido, pronunciation: veɪnd part of speech: adjective fully fledged in spanish: de pleno derecho, pronunciation: fʊlifledʒd part of speech: adjective

Fledged antonyms

immature pronunciation: ɪmətjʊr part of speech: adjective unfledged pronunciation: ənfledʒd part of speech: adjective
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