Flattering in spanish


pronunciation: ɑlɑguenjoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

flatter2 = halagar, adular, regalar los oídos. 

Example: Library readers are not always flattered to think that their problems are so simple that the librarian can produce the answers out of his head.


» flatter + Posesivo + figure = realzar la figura.

Example: Our dress pants are available in a variety of great fits that will flatter your figure.

flattering = halagador, halagüeño, favorecedor. 

Example: There have, at the same time, been very few accounts of users' reactions to the reference interview, and those are not too flattering to the profession.


» unflattering = poco favorecedor, poco halagador, poco halagüeño.

Example: In the light of the current unflattering stereotyped image of librarians, the author suggests that more research is needed to provide data to profile 'the American librarian of the 1990s'.

Flattering synonyms

complimentary in spanish: Complementario, pronunciation: kɑmpləmentɜri part of speech: adjective becoming in spanish: devenir, pronunciation: bɪkʌmɪŋ part of speech: adjective ingratiating in spanish: insinuante, pronunciation: ɪŋgreɪʃieɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective adulatory in spanish: adulador, pronunciation: ədʒulətɔri part of speech: adjective ingratiatory in spanish: ingratiatory, pronunciation: ɪngreɪʃətɔri part of speech: adjective

Flattering antonyms

unflattering pronunciation: ənflætɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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