Flatter in spanish


pronunciation: ɑdulɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

flat [flatter -comp., flattest -sup.]3 = llano, plano, liso. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: The film-strip may roll sideways a little as a canister is removed if they are housed on flat shelves.


» Chinese flat peach = paraguayo.

Example: When handling Chinese flat peaches, one should remember that they bruise easily, like all peaches.

» fall + flat = fracasar.

Example: The performance nevertheless falls flat due to the singers' failure to create true exhilaration.

» fall + flat on + Posesivo + face = fracasar estrepitosamente, caerse de bruces, salir el tiro por la culata.

Example: Like the bear who could take it or could leave it alone, we may find that if we lean over too far backwards we might as well fall flat on our face.

» flat-bed [flatbed] = escáner de sobremesa.

Example: This article describes the 3 basic types of scanner available: the handheld; the flatbed; and the sheet-fed.

» flat-chested = de pechos planos.

Example: She was teased for being flat-chested as a teen and now she wants her bullies to be green with envy at how good she looks.

» flat denial = negativa rotunda.

Example: She chased him down and got what I think is the first flat denial of the sexual harassment allegations swirling around him.

» flat feet = pies planos.

Example: Flat feet is a condition in which the foot doesn't have a normal arch and it may affect one foot or both feet.

» flat file = fichero plano, archivo plano.

Example: The two basic types of databases are flat file and relational.

» flatfish = pez plano.

Example: With dabs and most of the flatfish, the bone structure makes filleting a doddle because you can lay the knife against the central skeleton to take off the fillets.

» flat-floor = de un solo piso, de piso llano, de piso corrido.

Example: Counting the media center (which everyone persists in calling the library), there are 26 classrooms, 2 shops (one for auto repair and one for woodworking), a basement gymnasium, and a flat-floor auditorium.

» flat-floored = de un solo piso, de piso llano, de piso corrido.

Example: This spacious, flat-floored, pillar-free hall is extremely flexible allowing a wide variety of stand configurations.

» flat-footed = de pies planos.

Example: Army studies have found that recruits with the highest arches have the most lower-limb injuries and that flat-footed recruits have the least.

» flat-head screwdriver = destornillador de cabeza plana.

Example: This can be done by prying it out with a razor blade or small flathead screwdriver.

» flat-iron = plancha, plancha de la ropa.

Example: As with all electrical devices, be cautious when using blow-dryers and flat-irons around water and/or children.

» flat market = mercado sin cambios.

Example: In this flat market we have sold our property for a reduced price in order to move on.

» flat 'no' = no rotundo.

Example: A flat 'no' to a question such as 'Is this book recommended for Professor Shaw's course?' leaves uncertainty as to whether one was mistaken in the professor or in the suggestion that it was for a course.

» flat-nosed = chato, de nariz chata, de nariz respingada, de nariz respingona.

Example: Most of the monkeys found here are flat nosed and have round nostrils set far apart.

» flat out = categóricamente, completamente, rotundamente, sencillamente.

Example: The normally perky and intrepid Cristina is flat out crabby these days.

» flat pack = listo para ensamblar, listo para montar.

Example: Tables are delivered flat pack and require simple assembly using an Allen key.

» flat-platen machine = minerva, máquina de presión plana.

Example: Koenig had a flat-platen machine working after a fashion in 1811, and a prototype cylinder machine in 1812 = Koenig ya en 1811 tenía una máquina de presión plana que más o menos funcionaba y un prototipo de máquina rotativa en 1812.

» flat refusal = negativa rotunda.

Example: Human nature being what it is, all men prefer a false promise to a flat refusal.

» flat screen [flatscreen] = pantalla plana.

Example: The author mentions scanners, image storage and flat screens but focuses particularly on the proliferation of digital cameras.

» flat sheet = sábana normal, sábana de arriba.

Example: Each set contains one flat sheet, one fitted sheet and two standard pillow cases.

» flat stomach = estómago liso.

Example: Flatten your midsection and get rid of your beer gut and pop belly and get a flat stomach.

» flat television = televisión plana.

Example: Flat televisions have never been priced so low.

» flat television screen = pantalla de televisión plana.

Example: Flat television screens come with pre-drilled holes on the flip side.

» flat tone = tono apagado.

Example: But for the most part chromolithographers combined the three-colour method with the superimposition of flat tones and used a larger number of colour stones than the basic three.

» flat-topped = acabado en meseta, sin pico.

Example: Since shales and siltstones erode faster than sandstones and limestones, the basic topography is flat-topped mountains with stepped flanks.

» flat TV = televisión plana.

Example: Lower pricing is only one factor driving consumers toward flat TVs.

» flat TV screen = pantalla de televisión plana.

Example: Flat TV screens come with pre-drilled holes on the back.

» flat tyre = pinchazo.

Example: We have all been there: a flat tire on the way to work, a power outage that puts the refrigerator on the blink -- life simply has a way of throwing a wrench into the works.

» flatware = cubertería, cubiertos. 

Example: Setting the table is often a hurried, last-minute task that can leave you wondering about the correct placement of the flatware, plates, napkins and glassware.

» flat wire = cable plano.

Example: Placing CD-ROM equipment in a reference room poses wiring difficulties that the flexibility of carpet tiles and flat wire installation should alleviate.

» give + a flat refusal = negarse rotundamente, negarse en redondo.

Example: There are strong indications that Serbia will give a flat refusal to the demands announced by the Bulgarian premier, Vassil, three weeks ago.

» hammer + flat = alisar a martillazos.

Example: Any mistakes could be scraped or burnished away, and the plate hammered flat again for re-engraving; the same method was used for emendation = Cualquier error se podía eliminar raspándolo o puliéndolo y la plancha de impresión se alisaba de nuevo a martillazos para su regrabado; se usaba el mismo método para la corrección.

» have + a flat tyre = tener un pinchazo, sufrir un pinchazo.

Example: We had a flat tyre out in the Pampas, about 141 kilometres from our destination in the middle of nowhere.

» mudflat = marisma, ciénaga.

Example: In tropical regions, halophytic (salt tolerant) trees invade mudflats associated with estuaries and form mangrove swamps instead of tidal marshes.

» on the flat = en llano.

Example: The work done by the cyclist is quantified when the ride is on the flat and also when pedalling uphill.

» salt flats = salinas.

Example: The purposes of this study is interpret the origin of salt flats and saline wetlands using modern scientific data and historical accounts.

» tidal flat = marisma, ciénaga.

Example: A model was developed to evaluate the effect of the tidal flat on changes in the seawater temperature.

flatter1 = Comparativo de flat. [Véase éste para sus distintos significados]

Example: The review led to an upgrade of one third of support staff positions and has led to a flatter hierarchical structure in the library.

flatter2 = halagar, adular, regalar los oídos. 

Example: Library readers are not always flattered to think that their problems are so simple that the librarian can produce the answers out of his head.


» flatter + Posesivo + figure = realzar la figura.

Example: Our dress pants are available in a variety of great fits that will flatter your figure.

Flatter synonyms

blandish in spanish: ablandar, pronunciation: blændɪʃ part of speech: verb

Flatter antonyms

disparage pronunciation: dɪsperɪdʒ part of speech: verb belittle pronunciation: bɪlɪtəl part of speech: verb pick at pronunciation: pɪkæt part of speech: verb find fault with pronunciation: faɪndfɔltwɪð
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