Flash in spanish


pronunciation: destejoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

flash1 = destello, fogonazo. 

Example: Be it his fiery temper, flamboyant clothes or his flashes of kindness and razor-sharp wit, when people talk of him, they tend to go from one extreme to the other.


» (as) quick as a flash = tan rápido como una liebre, tan rápido como un rayo, tan rápido como un relámpago.

Example: If you're looking for more info on any of our products just drop us a message in the form below and one of our team will get back to you as quick as a flash.

» be back in a flash = volver en un segundo, volver en un instante.

Example: He went to the bar and was back in a flash with pulled pork nachos and two glasses of wine.

» flashback [flash back] = flashback, recuerdo del pasado, escena retrospectiva, visión retrospectiva.

Example: I have a liking for novels which use techniques for disturbing the usual steady flow of sequential narrative with perhaps a flashback or two.

» flash card = cartulina. [Cartulina pequeña que contiene palabras, números o dibujos y que se utiliza principalmente en las aulas de clase para mostrar a los alumnos información de manera rápida]

Example: A flash card is a card or other opaque material printed with words, numerals, or pictures and designed for rapid display.

» flash drive = lápiz de memoria, pastilla de memoria, data pen, pen drive.

Example: The author reviews the technology of flash drives (sometimes called USB hard drives or pen drives) comprising small portable hard drives that are small enough to fit on a key chain that are simply plugged into the USB ports of a personal computer.

» flash fire = fuego repentino.

Example: The author presents the results of an an epidemiological study examining 127 victims of a flash fire in a ballroom.

» flash flood = riada, aluvión.

Example: On 28 July 1997 Colorado State University, USA, experienced a flash flood which destroyed 50 per of the library's collection, and destroyed its computer lab.

» flash in the pan = visto y no visto, moda pasajera, flor de un día.

Example: The article is entitled 'WAP: a new phase in the technological revolution or a flash in the pan?'.

» flashlight = linterna.

Example: A mannequin head is used to teach the swinging flashlight test for examining eye pupils.

» flash of light = destello de luz.

Example: His snorting releases flashes of light; his eyes are like the rays of the dawn.

» flash of lightning = rayo, relámpago.

Example: Just count the number of seconds that pass between a flash of lightning and the crack of thunder that follows it, then divide that number by five.

» flash storm = tormenta.

Example: Weeks have passed, weeks spent watching weather through windows, flash storms, incessant rains -- and now the first snow.

» flash storm flood = riada.

Example: Then in July a flash storm flood washed out all the roads at our cottage in Haliburton and our long path to the lake.

» hot flash [hot flush, -UK] = sofoco, bochorno. [Generalmente referido a los causados por la menopausa]

Example: Eating flaxseed may not ease menopausal hot flashes after all, despite some promising early evidence that it might.

» in a flash = en un instante, en un momento, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, como un rayo, en un dos por tres.

Example: In a flash, without a moment wasted on intelligent astonishment, the poor accosted earthling gives a detailed description of the instrument he apparently assumes without further investigation the stranded space man needs.

» in and out in a flash = visto y no visto, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

Example: Burglars could be in and out in a flash and it may be hours before you even realise that anything is missing.

» news flash = noticia de última hora, información de última hora, flash informativo.

Example: The idea of teletext is to supply, over the airwaves, such items of information as news flashes, the latest sport results, and commodity prices.

» USB flash disk = lápiz de memoria, memoria USB, pastilla de memoria, data pen, pen drive.

Example: This paper proposes two countermeasures to prevent the spread of USB flash disk viruses.

flash2 = destellear, mostrar, relampaguear. 

Example: Since Disc #1 is not in the CD-ROM drive the system 'queues' your requests by placing it into the 'disc queue' (shown flashing below).


» flash across = pasar rápidamente.

Example: The narrative shows clearly how a computer virus can literally flash across a local area network, efficiently doing its dirty work.

» flash by = pasar rápidamente, pasar como un cohete, pasar echando hostias.

Example: He turned to stare out the window, letting himself zone out watching the rain and the scenery that flashed by.

» flash + past = pasar rápidamente, pasar como un cohete, pasar echando hostias.

Example: The frozen winter scenery flashed past my window in a blur of white and grey as the car skidded out of control.

» flash + Posesivo + bulge = marcar paquete, exhibir el paquete.

Example: He's a sex symbol and he's benefited from it and his dong wouldn't be a 'thing' if he wasn't flashing his bulge around all the time.

» flash + Posesivo + lights = echarle las luces a Alguien.

Example: Some woman started driving right up her arse, hooting her horn and flashing her lights.

» flash up = mostrar por medio de cambio de intensidad en el brillo.

Example: On completion of the search, the VDU will flash up details of the costs accrued for which the library will later be billed.

Flash synonyms

flare in spanish: llamarada, pronunciation: fler part of speech: noun, verb shoot in spanish: disparar, pronunciation: ʃut part of speech: verb, noun dash in spanish: guión, pronunciation: dæʃ part of speech: noun, verb flaunt in spanish: lucir, pronunciation: flɔnt part of speech: verb loud in spanish: ruidoso, pronunciation: laʊd part of speech: adjective, adverb meretricious in spanish: rimbombante, pronunciation: merətrɪʃəs part of speech: adjective gaudy in spanish: llamativo, pronunciation: gɔdi part of speech: adjective cheap in spanish: barato, pronunciation: tʃip part of speech: adjective dart in spanish: dardo, pronunciation: dɑrt part of speech: noun, verb blink in spanish: parpadeo, pronunciation: blɪŋk part of speech: verb, noun tawdry in spanish: cursi, pronunciation: tɔdri part of speech: adjective instant in spanish: instante, pronunciation: ɪnstənt part of speech: noun, adjective garish in spanish: llamativo, pronunciation: gerɪʃ part of speech: adjective tacky in spanish: pegajoso, pronunciation: tæki part of speech: adjective glint in spanish: destello, pronunciation: glɪnt part of speech: noun wink in spanish: guiño, pronunciation: wɪŋk part of speech: noun, verb scud in spanish: carrera, pronunciation: skʌd part of speech: noun twinkle in spanish: centelleo, pronunciation: twɪŋkəl part of speech: noun, verb trice in spanish: santiamén, pronunciation: traɪs part of speech: noun scoot in spanish: largarse, pronunciation: skut part of speech: verb gimcrack in spanish: de mala calidad, pronunciation: gɪmkræk part of speech: adjective jiffy in spanish: instante, pronunciation: dʒɪfi part of speech: noun winkle in spanish: bígaro, pronunciation: wɪŋkəl part of speech: noun flashing in spanish: brillante, pronunciation: flæʃɪŋ part of speech: noun swank in spanish: presumir, pronunciation: swæŋk part of speech: noun, adjective brassy in spanish: de latón, pronunciation: bræsi part of speech: adjective flashy in spanish: ostentoso, pronunciation: flæʃi part of speech: adjective trashy in spanish: de pacotilla, pronunciation: træʃi part of speech: adjective tatty in spanish: raído, pronunciation: tæti part of speech: adjective tasteless in spanish: insípido, pronunciation: teɪstləs part of speech: adjective show off in spanish: presumir, pronunciation: ʃoʊɔf part of speech: verb twinkling in spanish: centelleo, pronunciation: twɪŋkəlɪŋ part of speech: noun newsflash in spanish: noticia de última hora, pronunciation: nusflæʃ part of speech: noun split second in spanish: dividir segundo, pronunciation: splɪtsekənd part of speech: noun flashbulb in spanish: flash, pronunciation: flæʃbəlb part of speech: noun new york minute in spanish: minuto de New York, pronunciation: nujɔrkmɪnət part of speech: noun photoflash in spanish: flash, pronunciation: foʊtəflæʃ part of speech: noun flashgun in spanish: disparador de flash, pronunciation: flæʃgən part of speech: noun blink of an eye in spanish: en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, pronunciation: blɪŋkʌvænaɪ part of speech: noun news bulletin in spanish: del Boletín de noticias, pronunciation: nuzbʊlɪtən part of speech: noun flash lamp in spanish: lámpara de flash, pronunciation: flæʃlæmp part of speech: noun
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