Flared in spanish


pronunciation: kemɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

flare4 = brillar, estallar. 

Example: The visual manifestation of the recent Hale-Bopp comet reminds us how telling are those rare objects which suddenly flare in the sky.


» flare up = recrudecer, empeorar, agravarse, repuntar.

Example: There will always be conflicts that flare up suddenly and call for a rapid response.

flare5 = ensancharse. 

Example: Some of these trenches have walls that taper in at the bottom or flare at the top.



» flared jeans = pantalones vaqueros acampanados, vaqueros acampanados, pantalones vaqueros de campana, vaqueros de campana.

Example: Give your skinny jeans a much needed break and pull out those flared jeans hidden in the back of your closet.

» flared trousers = pantalones acampanados, pantalones de campana.

Example: In fact, if there's one thing that's really getting people arguing it's flared trousers.

Flared synonyms

increasing in spanish: creciente, pronunciation: ɪnkrisɪŋ part of speech: adjective flaring in spanish: resplandeciente, pronunciation: flerɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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