Flapjack in spanish


pronunciation: flɑpxɑkk part of speech: noun
In gestures

flapjack = tortita. [En Inglés británico el significado es "pastelito de avena y miel"]

Example: It would be nice for libraries to practice more creative cross-referencing, for instance introducing cross-references from flapjacks and Hotcakes to the primary heading, PANCAKES, WAFFLES, etc.; or from 'Coke' and 'Snow' to COCAINE.

Flapjack synonyms

pancake in spanish: crepe, pronunciation: pænkeɪk part of speech: noun griddlecake in spanish: griddlecake, pronunciation: grɪdəlkeɪk part of speech: noun hot cake in spanish: pastel caliente, pronunciation: hɑtkeɪk part of speech: noun hotcake in spanish: pastel caliente, pronunciation: hɑtkeɪk part of speech: noun battercake in spanish: pastel de carne, pronunciation: bætɜrkeɪk part of speech: noun flapcake in spanish: Flapcake, pronunciation: flæpkeɪk part of speech: noun flannelcake in spanish: pastel de franela, pronunciation: flænəlkeɪk
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