Flap in spanish


pronunciation: soʊlɑpɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

flap1 = tapa. 

Example: This article argues that box designs for small books have 3 shortcomings: their corners tend to gape; strings, buttons and other fixing arrangements clutter the outside of the box; and the box flaps are too soft causing it to be pushed out of alignment.


» mud flap = lengüeta del guardabarros.

Example: You can keep your vehicle cleaner and protect finish from corrosion by using mud flaps.

» splash flap = lengüeta del guardabarros.

Example: Splash flaps protect the car paint, whether you like the look of them or not, they do their job..

flap2 = aletear, sacudir en el viento, ondular, agitarse en el viento, agitar las alas, batir las alas. 

Example: Anyway they stood there looking at the top of the poster which was still unglued and flapping around.


» Posesivo + ears + be + flapping = tener la(s) antena(s) puesta(s).

Example: As Richard took the receiver, she busied herself with papers at the other side of the room, but her ears were flapping.

Flap synonyms

beat in spanish: golpear, pronunciation: bit part of speech: verb, noun wave in spanish: ola, pronunciation: weɪv part of speech: noun fuss in spanish: escándalo, pronunciation: fʌs part of speech: noun flutter in spanish: aleteo, pronunciation: flʌtɜr part of speech: noun, verb dither in spanish: vacilar, pronunciation: dɪðɜr part of speech: noun undulate in spanish: ondular, pronunciation: ʌndʒəleɪt part of speech: verb, adjective pother in spanish: confusión, pronunciation: pʌðɜr part of speech: noun tizzy in spanish: emoción, pronunciation: tɪzi part of speech: noun flapping in spanish: batiendo, pronunciation: flæpɪŋ part of speech: noun fluttering in spanish: aleteo, pronunciation: flʌtɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun flaps in spanish: flaps, pronunciation: flæps part of speech: noun flopping in spanish: fallar, pronunciation: flɑpɪŋ part of speech: verb, noun
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