Flame in spanish


pronunciation: jɑmɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

flame1 = llama, fuego. [Usado también en el sentido figurado para indicar la pérdida de control y en el enrojecimiento en un debate]

Example: The article 'Flames, fear, and loathing: learning about life on the Internet' considers issues surrounding flaming on the Internet, i.e. a critical message or angry response sent on the Internet.


» add + fuel to the flames = echar leña al fuego.

Example: When she started to well up, Usher added fuel to the flames by saying, 'You have to be able to take the good and bad in this business'.

» be in flames = estar en llamas, arder.

Example: She had not been gone long before the city swarmed with soldiers, and that night all the public buildings were in flames.

» burst into + flames = empezar a arder, prenderse fuego.

Example: The relief driver on board a coach which crashed and burst into flames in France has returned home to his family.

» engulf in + flames = envolver en llamas.

Example: In less than 30 seconds, a small flame can grow into a major fire, filling a house with smoke and engulfing it in flames.

» flame-coloured = de color fuego, color fuego.

Example: Famous for her flame-coloured locks, Cole recently dyed her hair jet black.

» flame of love, the = llama del amor, la.

Example: It is possible to save a marriage from divorce by rekindling the flame of love back into the marriage.

» flame of passion, the = llama de la pasión, la.

Example: But the flame of passion can be re-ignited with patience and persistence.

» flame of peace, the = llama de la paz, la.

Example: The flame of peace project emphasized finding peaceful solutions to conflicts.

» flame-red = rojo fuego.

Example: Christina Aguilera has swapped her blonde hair for new flame-red locks.

» flames of love = llama del amor.

Example: Lucky is the person who gets love and keeps the flames of love burning for ever.

» flame-striped = flameado, con un dibujo imitando a las llamas.

Example: The one sitting in the chair, unlike the other two, was a young man with shaggy black hair and wearing a flame-striped robe and white trousers.

» flame war = enfrentamientos sobre preferencias, discusiones sobre gustos y colores.

Example: I would greatly appreciate any feedback (no flame wars, please) on this issue.

» go up in + flames = arder, quemarse, ser pasto de las llamas.

Example: The title of the article is 'National library in Sarajevo destroyed; collections, archives go up in flames'.

» keep + the flame alive = mantener Algo vivo.

Example: The title of the article is 'Keeping the flame alive: Second National Conference of African American Librarians'.

» old flame = ex-novio, ex-amante, viejo amor.

Example: In this novel, if you remember, Henry Crawford, having been refused by the heroine Fanny, goes off and elopes with an old flame, Mrs Rushworth.

» Olympic flame, the = llama olímpica, la.

Example: The Olympic flame is kept in a nearby lantern that is heavily guarded.

» pour + oil on the flames = echar leña al fuego.

Example: They know that to build bigger audiences, they have to pour oil on the flames and amp up the confrontation.

» put out + the flames = apagar el fuego. [También put the flames out]

Example: The article has the title 'Putting out the flames: the etiquette and law of e-mail'.

» throw + oil on the flames = echar leña al fuego.

Example: The US understandably cares about the balance of power in the Caucasus, but why does it need to evoke 1968 and throw oil on the flames?.



» flame out = decir Algo de un modo colérico.

Example: 'Didn't you learn anywhere along the line that a subordinate has an obligation to keep a supervisor informed about what's going on?' she flamed out indignantly.

» flame up = recrudecer, empeorar, agravarse.

Example: She looked into the distance, and the old terror flamed up for an instant, then sank again.

Flame synonyms

fire in spanish: fuego, pronunciation: faɪɜr part of speech: noun flare in spanish: llamarada, pronunciation: fler part of speech: noun, verb flaming in spanish: llameante, pronunciation: fleɪmɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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