pronunciation: ekstɹ̩ɑbɑgɑnte
part of speech: adjective
flamboyant = ostentoso, extravagante, vistoso, ampuloso, llamativo.
Example: Nathan was known for being the most flamboyant DJ in the area.
Flamboyant synonyms
in spanish: lujoso,
pronunciation: fænsi
part of speech: noun, adjective, verb
in spanish: florido,
pronunciation: flɔrəd
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: resplandeciente,
pronunciation: risplendənt
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: vistoso,
pronunciation: kʌlɜrfəl
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: dorado,
pronunciation: ɔrieɪt
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: llamativo,
pronunciation: ʃoʊi
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: desenfrenado,
pronunciation: ənristreɪnd
part of speech: adjective
flame tree
in spanish: árbol de fuego,
pronunciation: fleɪmtri
part of speech: noun
royal poinciana
in spanish: poinciana real,
pronunciation: rɔɪəlpoʊɪntʃiænə
part of speech: noun
peacock flower
in spanish: flor de pavo real,
pronunciation: pikɑkflaʊɜr
part of speech: noun
poinciana regia
in spanish: poinciana regia,
pronunciation: poʊɪntʃiænəridʒiə
part of speech: noun
delonix regia
in spanish: delonix regia,
pronunciation: dɪlɑnɪksridʒiə
part of speech: noun