Flake in spanish


pronunciation: eskɑmɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

flake1 = bicho raro. 

Example: It's not altogether its fault because the critics have been so far more or less characterized as freaks and flakes who are not to be taken seriously.


» flake out = fracaso, decepción. [Coloquial]

Example: The show was a real flake out.

flake2 = laja. 

Example: These small but very sharp flakes were used by hunters to slaughter animals.


» bran flake = copo de salvado.

Example: I also know eating bran flakes is good for my heart, but I daren't touch them.

» cornflakes = copos de maíz.

Example: American cornflakes magnate John Harvey Kellogg declared war on masturbation at the end of 19th century.

» flake of fish = laja de pescado.

Example: All of the cod served into the restaurant is cut from the loin of the fillet which provides the thickest, largest flakes of fish.

» snowflake = copo de nieve.

Example: Snowflakes always have six arms or sides because of the way the crystals grow.

flake3 = descascarillarse, pelarse, descascararse. 

Example: Since the polychromy was flaking badly, a program of restoration was decided on in 1975 and completed in 1977.


» flake off = descascarillarse, pelarse, desprenderse, descascararse.

Example: Reader use, exhibitions and reproductions, age, pigment damages, and the dry air caused by the radiators, often cause the layer of pigment in the miniatures of old manuscripts to loosen or flake off.

» flake out = desplomarse, caer (en) redondo, caerse redondo, caer hecho polvo, caer deshecho. [Coloquial]

Example: After dancing his heart out for an hour or two, and drinking more beers than he should, he flaked out earlier than most.

» flake out = abandonar, dejar, dejar de funcionar. [Coloquial]

Example: The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.

Flake synonyms

bit in spanish: poco, pronunciation: bɪt part of speech: noun chip in spanish: chip, pronunciation: tʃɪp part of speech: noun scrap in spanish: chatarra, pronunciation: skræp part of speech: noun peel in spanish: pelar, pronunciation: pil part of speech: noun, verb fleck in spanish: mancha, pronunciation: flek part of speech: noun snowflake in spanish: copo de nieve, pronunciation: snoʊfleɪk part of speech: noun peel off in spanish: despegar, pronunciation: pilɔf part of speech: verb flake off in spanish: desprenderse en escamas, pronunciation: fleɪkɔf part of speech: verb
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