Flair in spanish


pronunciation: instintoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

flair = don, talento, talante. [A veces confundido con flare]

Example: The image of the reference librarian, as portrayed by Katherine Hepburn in the film, 'Desk Set,' suggests the superb flair and intellectual acumen with which reference librarians would like to dazzle their patrons.


» have + a flair for = tener un don (especial) para, tener un talento (especial) para, tener una habilidad (especial) para.

Example: Some actors who are naturally gifted and have a flair for the dramatic are often stifled and bottled up -- sort of like the genie inside the bottle.

Flair synonyms

style in spanish: estilo, pronunciation: staɪl part of speech: noun dash in spanish: guión, pronunciation: dæʃ part of speech: noun, verb genius in spanish: genio, pronunciation: dʒinjəs part of speech: noun panache in spanish: estilo, pronunciation: pənɑʃ part of speech: noun elan in spanish: vivacidad, pronunciation: ilən part of speech: noun
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