Flail in spanish


pronunciation: mɑiɑl part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

flail1 = mayal. [En la agricultura manual, utensilio que consiste en dos palos unidos por una tira de cuero que se agita con una mano para golpear el trigo y separarlo de la espiga]

Example: With a flail, one man could thresh 7 bushels of wheat, 8 of rye, 15 of barley, 18 of oats, or 20 of buckwheat in a day.

flail2 = agitar, sacudir. 

Example: The crab's mouth has elongated setae, notably on the maxilla, which it repeatedly flails through the seawater to feed on suspended material.


» flail about = hacer ademanes.

Example: Your exaggerated coughs and annoyed looks and the oh so dramatic flailing about of your hands and arms when he lights up drive him up a wall.

» flail away at = arremeter contra, criticar duramente.

Example: His novels flailed away at ignorance and indecency and his editorials were partisan, personal, fervent, and emotional.

Flail synonyms

lam in spanish: justicia, pronunciation: læm part of speech: noun thrash in spanish: movimiento de piernas, pronunciation: θræʃ part of speech: verb thresh in spanish: trillar, pronunciation: θreʃ part of speech: verb
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