Flag in spanish


pronunciation: bɑndeɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

flag1 = bandera. 

Example: Stocks covering military history, uniforms, weapons, flags and heraldry include over 50,000 books, manuscripts, maps and music scores.


» checkered flag, the = bandera de salida, la.

Example: The article is entitled 'SLA in Indianapolis: attendees take the checkered flag'.

» flag-draped = envuelto en una bandera, cubierto con una bandera.

Example: Eight years ago, he stood before the flag-draped coffin of his friend and sparring partner Sen. Edward Kennedy, who had succumbed to the same disease he is now fighting.

» flag + fly/be + at half-mast = bandera + estar izada + a media hasta.

Example: All European flags fly at half-mast today to pay tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack in Paris.

» flag pledge = jura de (la) bandera, juramento de (la) bandera.

Example: Usually, blood oaths are a way to 'pledge allegiance' (not the flag pledge, I mean) to a god or group.

» flagpole = asta de bandera, mástil.

Example: A request such as `Where can I buy a flagpole?' might be dealt with by showing the enquirer where the trade directories are kept.

» flag-raising = izada de bandera.

Example: Although the flag-raising was a spontaneous and unceremonious gesture, the photograph has become to many people the symbol of that terrible day.

» flagship = buque insignia, ejemplo más representativo, estrella.

Example: The main library may the be flagship of the system, and its large collection and monumental architecture the pride and joy of the community boosters, but it is the branch library where people come to get their reading material.

» flagstaff = asta de bandera, mástil.

Example: In the absence of Their Majesties, the flagstaff on the Round Tower of Windsor Castle is being cleaned and beeswaxed.

» flagstone = losa, laja.

Example: The location of the quarries strongly supports the hypothesis that the Romans carried the flagstones by ship towards the coasts of the central Adriatic Sea.

» flag stop = apeadero, parada opcional.

Example: It is one of America's last flag stop trains allowing travelers to get off the train anywhere along a 55-mile stretch to hike the backcountry.

» fly + the flag for = hacer bandera de, ondear la bandera de, enarbolar la bandera de.

Example: Fly the flag for the all-American snack with this recipe for corn dogs (deep-fried frankfurters).

» hoist + the flag = izar la bandera.

Example: In hoisting the flag, it must be elevated quickly to the top of the mast, and should be lowered slowly.

» raise + a flag = advertir, avisar.

Example: Regrettably, hardly any flags have been raised as to what it all will mean for our offspring.

» raise + a red flag = dar la señal de alarma, dar la voz de alarma, dar la alarma.

Example: Research raises red flags suggesting that policies adopted may be increasing children's risk of maltreatment.

» raise + a warning flag = advertir, avisar.

Example: Some of the barriers and limitations identified do raise warning flags, but they did not negate the largely positive trends in the evidence presented.

» raise + cautionary flags = advertir, avisar.

Example: This experience should raise cautionary flags about seeking private-sector candidate.

» raise + the flag = izar la bandera.

Example: To improve Friday attendance, the class with the highest weekly attendance was allowed to raise the flag the following week.

» raise + the flag of = defender.

Example: The Augustinian order kept his theological tradition, and raised the flag of the Augustinian thought before and after the German reformer.

» raise + the white flag = enarbolar la bandera blanca, ondear la bandera blanca, enarbolar la bandera de la paz, ondear la banadera de la paz.

Example: The Iraqi army still cannot give the order to put down weapons and to raise white flags.

» send up + a red flag = dar la señal de alarma, dar la voz de alarma, dar la alarma.

Example: But a negative cash flow should not automatically send up a red flag without some further analysis.

» under the flag of = argumentando que, con la excusa de, con el pretexto de.

Example: When the news media in the United States serve as a megaphone for government policy, they do so under the flag of responsible journalism; when foreign media do the same, however, it is called 'propaganda'.

» wave + a flag = ondear una bandera, agitar una bandera, tremolar una bandera, enarbolar una bandera.

Example: At the Closing Session Danish flags were suddenly produced and passed out among the crowd who began waving them enthusiastically.

» white flag = bandera blanca, bandera de paz.

Example: The white flag is an internationally recognized protective sign of truce or ceasefire, and request for negotiation.

flag2 = flaquear, decaer. 

Example: But more mature readers can be expected to go on reading for full sessions without flagging, a point that most children should reach by ten years old.


» flag down + a taxi/cab/taxi cab = parar a un taxi. [Las posibilidades son flag down a taxi/flag a taxi down o flag down a cab/flag a cab down o flag down a taxi cab/flag a taxi cab down]

Example: To flag down a taxi, you just need to stick your arm out when the taxi is approaching and they will stop in a suitable place.

» interest + flag = interés + decaer.

Example: Once interest begins to flat then it it is time for a change.

flag3 = indicar, marcar, delimitar. 

Example: Since the fields are of different lengths in different records it is necessary that the beginning and end of fields be flagged in some way.


» flag + Nombre + up = destacar, resaltar, poner de manifiesto, poner de relieve.

Example: If you spot an error then flag it up to your bank promptly and insist they take action to rectify it.

Flag synonyms

pin in spanish: alfiler, pronunciation: pɪn part of speech: noun, verb swag in spanish: Swag, pronunciation: swɔg part of speech: noun iris in spanish: iris, pronunciation: aɪrəs part of speech: noun sag in spanish: hundimiento, pronunciation: sæg part of speech: noun, verb ensign in spanish: bandera, pronunciation: ensən part of speech: noun droop in spanish: inclinarse, pronunciation: drup part of speech: verb, noun fleur-de-lis in spanish: flor de lis, pronunciation: flɜrdeɪləs part of speech: noun flagstone in spanish: losa, pronunciation: flægstoʊn part of speech: noun slack off in spanish: aflojar, pronunciation: slækɔf part of speech: verb ease up in spanish: suavizar, pronunciation: izʌp part of speech: verb ease off in spanish: aligerar, pronunciation: izɔf part of speech: verb national flag in spanish: bandera nacional, pronunciation: næʃənəlflæg part of speech: noun sword lily in spanish: espada lily, pronunciation: sɔrdlɪli part of speech: noun slacken off in spanish: aflojar, pronunciation: slækənɔf part of speech: verb signal flag in spanish: bandera de señal, pronunciation: sɪgnəlflæg part of speech: noun
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