Fixed in spanish


pronunciation: fixoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

fix2 = fijar, determinar. 

Example: One of the functions which I have not specified is that the underlying ideology represented by the AACR aims first at fixing a location for an author and then for a work.


» fix + a colour = fijar un color, hacer que un color no se corra.

Example: This article presents a steam chamber to dissolve stubborn adhesives, to fix running colours and for other purposes pertaining to restoration.

» fix + Posesivo + attention = fijar la atención, centrar la atención.

Example: Our reading may fix all its attention on this element, in which case, as many readers do, we concentrate on the what-happens-next part of the narrative.

» fix + prices = fijar precios.

Example: Production costs are only one of the determining factors when it comes to fixing a book's price.

fix3 = arreglar, solucionar, reparar, componer, recomponer. 

Example: There is always a need to fix manually the formatting of articles taken from an online service such as DIALOG.


» fix + a fault = arreglar un fallo.

Example: The library staff involved in the day to day running of the library may be called upon quite often to fix certain minor faults or clear up problems and misunderstandings on the part of the user.

» fix + a problem = arreglar un problema.

Example: The author discusses some of the simple things that can go wrong with microcomputers and the problems anyone can fix.

» fix up = arreglar.

Example: So ISI have the dosh to fix up ProCite.

» if it ain't broke, don't fix it = si funciona, no lo toques; si no está roto, no lo arregles.

Example: If it ain't broke don't fix it is anathema to people who believe in improvement.

» if it's not broken, don't fix it = si funciona, no lo toques; si no está roto, no lo arregles.

Example: We are firm believers in the 'if it's not broken don't fix it' mentality.

» unfix = desestabilizar, desequilibrar, trastornar, desfijar.

Example: The author considers how to 'unfix' certainties about students' potential and their performances in class.

fixed = fijo. 

Example: Affinitive relationships that exist between terms are not necessarily connected to one another in any fixed hierarchical manner.


» fixed assets = activo fijo, bienes inmuebles.

Example: The maximum amount of loan is 50 per cent of the costs of fixed assets.

» fixed capital = capital fijo. [Capital invertido en propiedades, material o equipación]

Example: All forms of loan are for fixed capital only and not for working capital.

» fixed charge = tarifa única, precio fijo.

Example: The author criticizes the pricing level of the service with its fixed charge of 600 dollars per year.

» fixed date loan period = préstamo de período fijo.

Example: This is called a fixed date loan period.

» fixed disc = disco fijo.

Example: The more space available on your computer's fixed disk, the more records you can accumulate during a search.

» fixed-field = de campos fijos.

Example: Dbase data bases are fixed-length, fixed-field files in which all records must contain the same fields and be of the same length.

» fixed income = ingresos fijos.

Example: And to make matters worse, retirees on fixed incomes have recently presented the mayor with a petition deploring the soaring property taxes.

» fixed interest = interés fijo.

Example: Loans are made at fixed interest rates with flexible repayment terms.

» fixed-length = de longitud fija.

Example: Dbase data bases are fixed-length, fixed-field files in which all records must contain the same fields and be of the same length.

» fixed length field = campo de longitud fija.

Example: A fixed length field is a field which has the same length, that is, contains the same number of characters in each record.

» fixed-length key = clave de longitud fija.

Example: For example, a data base with the facility to process only fixed-length keys may well require less maintenance than one with variable-length keys.

» fixed-length record = registro de longitud fija.

Example: A data base of fixed-length records is easier to update since a new record can exactly take the place of an old one.

» fixed line = línea fija.

Example: It is not necessary to set up a fixed line between the two communicating parties and many callers can share the high-capacity networks.

» fixed location = ubicación topográfica fija. [Sistema de ordenación de los libros en los estantes típico de las bibliotecas de acceso restringido por el que los libros recibían una notación que era el número de estante y de secuencia dentro de él; esto significaba que los libros tenían un lugar fijo e inamovible a diferencia del sistema actual de intercalación según un número de clasificación lo que hace que los libros cambien relativamente de lugar al aumentar la colección]

Example: In fixed location notation was physically attached to certain places on the shelves and books were always filed in the same place.

» fixed-price = de precio fijo.

Example: This study found that online access to scientific serials is most appropriate in the third world, principally due to the presence of a small number of scientists with a broad range of interests which makes the fixed-price regimes of print, microform or CD-ROM disadvantageous.

» fixed-price deal = presupuesto cerrado.

Example: The way you make money on a fixed price deal is to complete it in fewer hours than estimated.

» fixed-price deal = tarifa fija.

Example: Companies often transfer customers to their more expensive standard tariff when a fixed price deal comes to an end.

» fixed rate pricing = tarifa fija, tarifa plana.

Example: A shift away from connect time based pricing to fixed rate pricing is inevitable = Es inevitable el abandono de las tarifas calculadas según el tiempo de conexión y se adopten las tarfijas planas.

» fixed telephone = teléfono fijo.

Example: In 1998, for the first time worldwide the number of new mobile telephones exceeded the number of new fixed telephones.

» of no fixed abode = sin residencia fija, sin domicilio fijo.

Example: The defendants were predominantly male, single, and of no fixed abode, suffering from serious psychiatric disorder.

» tangible fixed assets = activo fijo tangible, bienes fijos tangibles.

Example: Tangible fixed assets include physical assets such as land and buildings and equipment.

» unfixed = inestable.

Example: From incomplete networks, questions of quality control and copyright, to unfixed pricing policies, the route to fully electronic scientific communication has many pitfalls.

Fixed synonyms

set in spanish: conjunto, pronunciation: set part of speech: verb, noun flat in spanish: plano, pronunciation: flæt part of speech: adjective fast in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: fæst part of speech: adverb, adjective, noun stationary in spanish: estacionario, pronunciation: steɪʃəneri part of speech: adjective firm in spanish: firma, pronunciation: fɜrm part of speech: noun, adjective intent in spanish: intención, pronunciation: ɪntent part of speech: noun steady in spanish: estable, pronunciation: stedi part of speech: adjective rigid in spanish: rígido, pronunciation: rɪdʒəd part of speech: adjective given in spanish: dado, pronunciation: gɪvən part of speech: noun, adjective frozen in spanish: congelado, pronunciation: froʊzən part of speech: adjective regressive in spanish: regresivo, pronunciation: rəgresɪv part of speech: adjective concentrated in spanish: concentrado, pronunciation: kɑnsəntreɪtəd part of speech: adjective determinate in spanish: determinado, pronunciation: dɪtɜrməneɪt part of speech: adjective taped in spanish: grabado, pronunciation: teɪpt part of speech: adjective immobile in spanish: inmóvil, pronunciation: ɪmoʊbəl part of speech: adjective specified in spanish: especificado, pronunciation: spesəfaɪd part of speech: adjective repaired in spanish: reparado, pronunciation: rɪperd part of speech: adjective restored in spanish: restaurado, pronunciation: rɪstɔrd part of speech: adjective fastened in spanish: pegado, pronunciation: fæsənd part of speech: adjective leaded in spanish: con plomo, pronunciation: ledɪd part of speech: adjective unchangeable in spanish: inmutable, pronunciation: əntʃændʒəbəl part of speech: adjective geostationary in spanish: geoestacionario, pronunciation: dʒioʊstæʃəneri part of speech: adjective unmoving in spanish: inmóvil, pronunciation: ənmuvɪŋ part of speech: adjective geosynchronous in spanish: geosíncrono, pronunciation: dʒioʊsɪntʃrənəs part of speech: adjective reconditioned in spanish: reacondicionado, pronunciation: rikəndɪʃənd part of speech: adjective nonmoving in spanish: inmóvil, pronunciation: nɑnmuvɪŋ part of speech: adjective unadjustable in spanish: no ajustable, pronunciation: ənədʒʌstɪbəl part of speech: adjective

Fixed antonyms

unfixed pronunciation: ənfɪkst part of speech: adjective
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