Fix in spanish


pronunciation: fixɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

fix1 = arreglo, remedio, parche. 

Example: A technological fix which prevents people from sending mail to more than a fixed number of people at once is needed.


» be in a fix = estar en apuros, estar en un aprieto, estar en un brete.

Example: The political leaders, social reformers and Nobel Peace Laureates were appalled by this dangerous phenomenon but they were all in a fix as to what to do.

» bug fix = parche. [En informática, fichero que al instalarlo corrige algún problema de funcionamiento de un programa informático]

Example: The company will continue to provide maintenance releases and bug fixes on all the systems for an indefinite period.

» get into + a fix = meterse en un aprieto, meterse en apuros, meterse en problemas, meterse en follones, meterse en líos, meterse en belenes, meterse en camisa de once varas.

Example: This way you do not get into a fix and land up with a debt which you do not have the capacity to pay back.

» quick fix = remedio rápido, parche.

Example: The author calls for more market research rather than just tinkering or applying fashionable cosmetic quick fixes.

fix2 = fijar, determinar. 

Example: One of the functions which I have not specified is that the underlying ideology represented by the AACR aims first at fixing a location for an author and then for a work.


» fix + a colour = fijar un color, hacer que un color no se corra.

Example: This article presents a steam chamber to dissolve stubborn adhesives, to fix running colours and for other purposes pertaining to restoration.

» fix + Posesivo + attention = fijar la atención, centrar la atención.

Example: Our reading may fix all its attention on this element, in which case, as many readers do, we concentrate on the what-happens-next part of the narrative.

» fix + prices = fijar precios.

Example: Production costs are only one of the determining factors when it comes to fixing a book's price.

fix3 = arreglar, solucionar, reparar, componer, recomponer. 

Example: There is always a need to fix manually the formatting of articles taken from an online service such as DIALOG.


» fix + a fault = arreglar un fallo.

Example: The library staff involved in the day to day running of the library may be called upon quite often to fix certain minor faults or clear up problems and misunderstandings on the part of the user.

» fix + a problem = arreglar un problema.

Example: The author discusses some of the simple things that can go wrong with microcomputers and the problems anyone can fix.

» fix up = arreglar.

Example: So ISI have the dosh to fix up ProCite.

» if it ain't broke, don't fix it = si funciona, no lo toques; si no está roto, no lo arregles.

Example: If it ain't broke don't fix it is anathema to people who believe in improvement.

» if it's not broken, don't fix it = si funciona, no lo toques; si no está roto, no lo arregles.

Example: We are firm believers in the 'if it's not broken don't fix it' mentality.

» unfix = desestabilizar, desequilibrar, trastornar, desfijar.

Example: The author considers how to 'unfix' certainties about students' potential and their performances in class.

Fix synonyms

set in spanish: conjunto, pronunciation: set part of speech: verb, noun get in spanish: obtener, pronunciation: get part of speech: verb hole in spanish: agujero, pronunciation: hoʊl part of speech: noun make in spanish: hacer, pronunciation: meɪk part of speech: verb determine in spanish: determinar, pronunciation: dətɜrmən part of speech: verb secure in spanish: seguro, pronunciation: sɪkjʊr part of speech: verb, adjective posit in spanish: postular, pronunciation: pɑzət part of speech: verb doctor in spanish: doctor, pronunciation: dɑktɜr part of speech: noun pose in spanish: actitud, pronunciation: poʊz part of speech: verb jam in spanish: mermelada, pronunciation: dʒæm part of speech: noun deposit in spanish: depositar, pronunciation: dəpɑzɪt part of speech: noun mess in spanish: lío, pronunciation: mes part of speech: noun ready in spanish: Listo, pronunciation: redi part of speech: adjective cook in spanish: cocinar, pronunciation: kʊk part of speech: noun, verb pickle in spanish: conservar en vinagre, pronunciation: pɪkəl part of speech: noun repair in spanish: reparar, pronunciation: rɪper part of speech: noun, verb restore in spanish: restaurar, pronunciation: rɪstɔr part of speech: verb prepare in spanish: preparar, pronunciation: priper part of speech: verb location in spanish: ubicación, pronunciation: loʊkeɪʃən part of speech: noun muddle in spanish: confusión, pronunciation: mʌdəl part of speech: noun, verb mend in spanish: arreglar, pronunciation: mend part of speech: verb specify in spanish: especificar, pronunciation: spesəfaɪ part of speech: verb reparation in spanish: reparación, pronunciation: repɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun fasten in spanish: sujetar, pronunciation: fæsən part of speech: verb bushel in spanish: bushel, pronunciation: bʊʃəl part of speech: noun fixate in spanish: fijación, pronunciation: fɪkseɪt part of speech: verb situate in spanish: situar, pronunciation: sɪtʃueɪt part of speech: verb pay off in spanish: saldar, pronunciation: peɪɔf part of speech: verb localization in spanish: localización, pronunciation: loʊkələzeɪʃən part of speech: noun sterilize in spanish: esterilizar, pronunciation: sterəlaɪz part of speech: verb fixing in spanish: fijación, pronunciation: fɪksɪŋ part of speech: noun mending in spanish: zurcidura, pronunciation: mendɪŋ part of speech: noun unsex in spanish: unsex, pronunciation: ənseks part of speech: verb desex in spanish: desex, pronunciation: deseks part of speech: verb pay back in spanish: pagar, pronunciation: peɪbæk part of speech: verb localisation in spanish: localización, pronunciation: loʊkæləseɪʃən part of speech: noun locating in spanish: ubicando, pronunciation: loʊkeɪtɪŋ part of speech: noun touch on in spanish: mencionar, pronunciation: tʌtʃɑn part of speech: verb kettle of fish in spanish: costal, pronunciation: ketəlʌvfɪʃ part of speech: noun desexualize in spanish: desexualizar, pronunciation: dɪsekʃəwəlaɪz part of speech: verb furbish up in spanish: renovarse, pronunciation: fɜrbɪʃʌp part of speech: verb

Fix antonyms

break pronunciation: breɪk part of speech: verb, noun bust pronunciation: bʌst part of speech: noun unfasten pronunciation: ənfæsən part of speech: verb
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