Fives in spanish


pronunciation: fibes part of speech: noun
In gestures

five (5) = cinco (5). 

Example: Consider placing the following five or six names in the left-hand column, and then tell me what you feel: Eta, Untouchables, Bushmen, Hottentots, Eskimos, and Lapps.


» 5-star [five-star] = de cinco estrellas.

Example: From en suite university rooms to 5-star hotels, there is a wide choice of accommodation to suit every budget.

» every five minutes = cada cinco minutos.

Example: So people who check their email every five minutes waste 8 hours a week figuring out what they were doing moments before.

» every five minutes = cada dos por tres.

Example: I am tired of having to blow my nose every five minutes.

» fifth = quinto.

Example: There is need for a fifth principle since the application of objectivity and logic alone will not resolve the related problems of lack of specificity and the timely establishment of new headings.

» five-day = de cinco días de duración.

Example: In this five-day workshop we will play with the design and building of non-traditional interface solutions.

» fivefold [five-fold] = cinco veces mayor.

Example: The riboflavin content of cow's milk is about five-fold that of woman's milk.

» five-month-long = de cinco meses de duración.

Example: A couple convicted of tax evasion was taken into custody after a five-month-long standoff with federal agents.

» five o'clock shadow = barba de media tarde.

Example: No matter whether your five o'clock shadow shows by lunchtime or you need a razor only once every 48 hours, shaving can be hell.

» five-star = de cinco estrellas.

Example: We are a five-star gentlemen's club that is looking for amazing dancers and cocktail waitresses that will take us to the next level.

» five times = cinco veces.

Example: The man in the jersey climbed onto the stage, started yelling and shot the guitarist five or six times at close range.

» five-to-sevens = niños entre cinco y siete años.

Example: Meanwhile, there was further discussion about the kind of stories that five-to-sevens most enjoy and that would be best for them.

» five-yearly = quinquenal.

Example: Annual indexes over several years may be cumulated to five-yearly or ten-yearly indexes.

» five yearly [five-yearly] = quinquenal, de cinco años.

Example: This catalogue has annual and five yearly cumulations.

» five-year period = período de cinco años, quinquenio.

Example: The views of a sample of parents with children in secondary schools in London were examined over a five-year period.

» high-five = ¡chócala!, ¡choca esos cinco!, ¡dame esos cinco!, ¡venga esos cinco!. [Generalmente usado en plural high-fives]

Example: High-fives are as much a part of the fabric of America as baseball, apple pie and Bruce Springsteen.

» high-five = hacer el chócala.

Example: She collected her trophy after winning Wimbledon in 2010 and proceeded to high-five fans on the way out, and didn't stop until he reached the po-po.

» one in five = una quinta parte, uno de cada cinco.

Example: The median time to answer questions was just over two days, and about one in five answers received thank-you messages from users.

» period of five years = período de cinco años, quinquenio, lustro.

Example: The tribunal ordered his name to be removed from the register and that a period of five years must elapse before he would be allowed to apply for reregistration.

» put + two and two together to make five = llegar a una conclusión errónea.

Example: This article suffers from a classic case of putting two and two together to make five.

» seventy-five = setenta y cinco.

Example: Of the remaining two hundred and ninety odd, seventy-five were given away, the rest sold.

» the Big Five = los cinco grandes. [Usado para referirse a los cinco animales africanos más difícil de cazar a pie: el león, el elefante, el búfalo, el leopardo y el rinoceronte]

Example: Many of us have a dream to go on a safari, thinking about sleeping under the stars and spotting the "Big Five" on the African savannah.

» under-fives, the = menores de cinco años, los. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Some libraries have barriers to access for prams and pushchairs, and lack the facilities which would help to encourage library use by parents and the under-fives.

5 (five) = 5 (cinco). 

Example: In recent years, Earnscliffe's revenues have grown about 5 percent per year.


» 5-a-side football = fútbol cinco.

Example: The frequency of participation in 5-a-side football therefore tends to be highest amongst those who are under 24 and also play 11-a-side football.

» 5-star [five-star] = de cinco estrellas.

Example: From en suite university rooms to 5-star hotels, there is a wide choice of accommodation to suit every budget.

» 5th (fifth) = 5º (quinto).

Example: This is a revised version of a paper originally presented at the 5th History and Film Conference, Sydney, December, 1989.
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