Fitness in spanish


pronunciation: ɑptitud part of speech: noun
In gestures

fitness1 = idoneidad, conveniencia. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: In evaluating the fitness of certain items for inclusion or exclusion in bibliographies it could, indeed, be argued that 'control' could be thought of as a repressive, censoring, device.


» fitness for purpose = adecuación, idoneidad. [Se utiliza para indicar el grado de adecuación de un producto, recurso, servicio, sistema, edificio, etc. a las necesidades de los usuarios]

Example: Use is better explained as a function of 'fitness for purpose': the extent to which the information resource is of appropriate quality for the situation in which it is to be used.

fitness2 = buen estado físico, buena forma física, gimnasia de mantenimiento, fitness. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: Documents indexed in SPORT data base deal with all aspects of sport, fitness and recreation.


» fitness centre = gimnasio.

Example: All employees can access the intranet where they can find information on the company fitness centre, employee anniversaries, and discount tickets to local attractions.

» fitness facilities = gimnasio.

Example: Regardless of legal issues, owners of fitness facilities have a moral obligation to make their centers accessible to as many individuals as possible.

» fitness freak = friki del fitness, friki del ejercicio físico, loco del ejercicio físico, loco del fitness, obsesionado con el ejercicio físico, obsesionado con el fitness, fanático del ejercicio físico, fanático del fitness, maniático del ejercicio físico, maníaco del ejercicio físicio, maniático del fitness, maníaco del fitness, obseso del ejercicio físico, obseso del fitness.

Example: From working out in the gym to cycling around the city to keep that butt taut -- the man is one fitness freak.

» fitness professional = profesor de fitness, profesor de gimnasia de mantenimiento.

Example: As a fitness professional, you are well aware of many of the benefits of exercise in preventing chronic disease.

» fitness regime(n) = régimen deportivo.

Example: I am a lardy person, 18 stone, and as a part of my new fitness regime I have got myself back into cycling to work.

» fitness room = gimnasio.

Example: The third floor of our building features an endless swimming pool and fitness room for the health and enjoyment of our employees.

» fitness walking = marcha rápida, caminar rápido, andar rápido.

Example: A good fitness walking speed is 3 to 4 miles per hour, the pace you'd walk if you're late for a meeting or cruising through the airport to make a flight.

» physical fitness = buena forma física, buen estado físico, buena condición física.

Example: The author reviews the range of Web sites providing information about physical fitness.

Fitness synonyms

physical fitness in spanish: aptitud física, pronunciation: fɪzɪkəlfɪtnəs part of speech: noun fittingness in spanish: ajuste, pronunciation: fɪtɪŋnes part of speech: noun seaworthiness in spanish: navegabilidad, pronunciation: siwɜrðinəs part of speech: noun good shape in spanish: buena forma, pronunciation: gʊdʃeɪp part of speech: noun good condition in spanish: buen estado, pronunciation: gʊdkəndɪʃən part of speech: noun

Fitness antonyms

unfitness pronunciation: ənfɪtnəs part of speech: noun bad condition pronunciation: bædkəndɪʃən part of speech: noun poor shape pronunciation: pʊrʃeɪp part of speech: noun
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