Fit in spanish


pronunciation: ɑxuste part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

fit1 = adecuación, acondicionamiento. 

Example: By comparing this informal communication network with the formal organization chart one can see how close the fit between actuality and theory is.


» be a natural fit = complementarse de forma natural, complementarse a la perfección, ajustarse a la perfección, ser algo totalmente natural, ser totalmente ideal para.

Example: Hiring veterans is a natural fit for our organization, because they possess an unwavering commitment to their job.

» degree of fit = grado de adecuación.

Example: This article highlights bibliometrically the degree of fit between the national research effort and the social aim of agriculture, (to prevent hunger and poverty).

» good fit = buen ajuste, encajar bien.

Example: Factors making a data base a good fit for an end user requirement include match on subject of interest and the inclusion of full text or abstracts.

» goodness of fit test = ?.

Example: Goodness of fit tests indicate that neither model fits the data.

» loose fit = holgado, suelto, amplio.

Example: His offices and warehouses were one of the first designs which was subsequently described as loose fit, low energy building.

» looseness of fit = falta de rigidez, falta de precisión, holgura.

Example: Provided that key people are not being circumvented by the informal structure a certain looseness of fit is quite acceptable.

» misfit = falta de adecuación, desajuste. 

Example: For the benefit of both users and vendors, this misfit should be overcome.

» perfect fit = perfecto, como anillo al dedo.

Example: Terms of the sale are undisclosed but the acquisition is believed by Gale to be a perfect fit with its own group growth strategy.

» slim-fit = ajustado, ceñido, apretado, entallado.

Example: These slim-fit suit pants are slim throughout the leg with narrow openings at ankle.

» statistical fit = ajuste estadístico, adecuación estadística.

Example: The data of both experimental designs was combined and evaluated for the best statistical fit for hardness prediction.

fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.]2 = adecuado, apropiado, apto. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: That was considered to be a fit matter to be relegated to the machines.


» be unfit for = no estar en condiciones de.

Example: Library materials may be discarded when they are in poor physical condition, beyond repair and unfit for binding, or when the text is out-of-date or superseded by a new edition, or when they have outlived their popularity.

» deem + fit = considerar adecuado, considerar apropiado, considerar apto, considerar en condiciones de.

Example: A woman who worked as a nanny for a couple was deemed fit to face trial on charges she stabbed two of their children to death in their home home last year.

» fit for a king = digno de (un) rey.

Example: One model in particular caught my eye: a sleigh fit for a king -- literally!.

» fit for a queen = digno de una reina.

Example: Celebrate the long weekend with these recipes fit for a queen.

» fit for human consumption = apto para el consumo humano.

Example: In food safety, 'fit for human consumption' generally means that a potentially dangerous substance is not present in or on a product at a harmful level for human health.

» fit for purpose = adecuado, pertinente, relevante.

Example: Commercial pressures are placing demands on the designer to provide solutions which are fit for purpose for all user groups.

» misfit = inadaptado social. 

Example: A humane response to society's misfits will ultimately prove to be the best social defence against crime and the criminal = Una respuesta humanitaria a los inadaptados sociales resultará ser en última instancia la mejor defensa social contra la delincuencia y los delincuentes.

» see + fit = creer adecuado, creer conveniente.

Example: He wanted to be free to develop the school according to his specifications, not someone else's, and he wanted to be able to expand in any way he saw fit.

» think + fit = creer adecuado.

Example: If you are dissatisfied with your responses, go back and revise such parts of the text as you think fit.

» unfit = inepto, incapacitado. [Nombre]

Example: As Townsend cynically writes, a committee developed to make decisions is a group of 'unfits appointed by the incompetent to do the unnecessary'.

fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.]3 = en forma. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Fit and fun-loving delegates are invited to accept to join the field of 10,000 entrants in this marathon to raise money for IFLA's own charity 'Books for All'.


» as fit as a butcher's dog = estar rebosante de salud.

Example: At the time of writing, I am as fit as a butcher's dog -- I have no health problems and will keep on acting until I can physically no longer do it.

» as fit as a fiddle = andar como un reloj, estar rebosante de salud.

Example: Tall, handsome, fit-as-a-fiddle Louis Ronsard is the French businessman who has been selling this application for huge profits.

» beach-fit = operación bikini, operación verano.

Example: Research suggests there are many subtle, and often overlooked, reasons why for most of us the so-called 'beach-fit body' remains so elusive.

» be fit = estar en forma.

Example: Doing exercise and being fit is a simple form of stress relief.

» fit body = cuerpo en forma.

Example: With the awareness surrounding fit bodies, many of us become perturbed due to our bulgy or podgy body parts.

» fitness = buen estado físico, buena forma física, gimnasia de mantenimiento, fitness. 

Example: Documents indexed in SPORT data base deal with all aspects of sport, fitness and recreation.

» get + fit = ponerse en forma.

Example: This article examines why people should get fit for snow sports, looks at injury rates and suggests ways of preventing them.

» keep-fit = mantenimiento físico.

Example: However, although there had been an increase in numbers attending adult learning classes, the majority of uptake was in keep-fit activities.

» keep + fit = mantenerse en buen estado físico, mantenerse en forma.

Example: The main thing to remember is that keeping fit is not a fad, it's important for your health and happiness your whole lifelong.

» mentally fit = cuerdo, en + Posesivo + cabales, mentalmente sano, en pleno uso de + Posesivo + facultades mentales, en pleno uso de + Posesivo + razón.

Example: A panel of three psychiatrists has found Payton Rapozo mentally fit to stand trial for murder.

» physically and mentally fit = en forma física y mental, en pleno uso de + Posesivo + facultades físicas y mentales.

Example: No contestant shall be licensed to participate in a martial arts event unless certified as physically and mentally fit by a medical doctor.

» physically fit = en forma física.

Example: However, if you take tasks 5, 6 and 7 you would be looking for somebody who is physically fit, who is numerate and literate and perhaps has a high boredom threshold.

» sign off as + not fit for work = declarar incapacitado para trabajar, declarar incapacitado para el trabajo.

Example: There is a risk to an employer in allowing an employee back to work when he or she is signed off as not fit for work.

» stay + fit = mantenerse en buen estado físico, mantenerse en forma.

Example: I've found training for obstacle races has been a great way to stay fit over the summer and has been a lot of fun.

» survival of the fittest = supervivencia del más fuerte; ley del más fuerte, la.

Example: The effects of natural selection as a process in natural populations differs from 'survival of the fittest' as it was formulated by Darwin in his Origin of Species.



» after a few fits and starts = después de algunas vicisitudes, después de algunos trompicones.

Example: Thankfully he's an easy-going kid and after a few fits and starts, he finally gave up and I didn't feel the need to pass him a binky either.

» be in fits of laughter = partirse de risa, partirse de reír, mondarse de risa.

Example: Not only were the adults in fits of laughter all the way through the play, but the schoolchildren in the audience as well.

» burst into + a fit of laughter = empezar a reírse a carcajadas, empezar a dar carcajadas, partirse de risa, partirse de reír.

Example: Napoleon burst into a loud fit of laughter, gave him a slap in the face, called him a clever fellow, and made him a captain in the artillery.

» by fits and starts = a trompicones, a rachas, a trancas y barrancas.

Example: Rather readers grow by fits and starts now rushing ahead, now lying fallow, and now moving steadily on.

» coughing fit = ataque de tos.

Example: Even the ones who don't complain say they have coughing fits at times, and itchy eyes, and headaches.

» epileptic fit = ataque epiléptico, ictus epiléptico.

Example: The range of medical emergencies can include heart failure, airway blockage, epileptic fits, lacerations and other types of serious injury.

» fainting fit = desmayo, pérdida del conocimiento, pérdida del sentido.

Example: Representations of phenomena particularly important to melodrama are examined, such as love, farewells, deaths, tears, and fainting fits.

» fitful = irregular, espasmódico, intermitente, esporádico.

Example: This is a compelling account of Twain's fitful creative life.

» fit of anger = ataque de furia, ataque de cólera, ataque de ira, arrebato de cólera, arrebato de ira, arrebato de furia, arranque de cólera, arranque de ira, arranque de furia.

Example: Temper tantrums and other fits of anger erode not only people's respect for you, but also your own self-respect.

» fit of laughter = ataque de risa.

Example: He was shopping and suddenly began to laugh; the fit of laughter lasted 15 minutes and was followed by Wernicke's aphasia and right hemiparesia.

» fit of + Nombre = ataque de + Nombre, arrebato de + Nombre.

Example: Children no less than adults are subject to fits of boredom, to times when they feel glum or restless when everything they usually enjoy lacks attraction, purpose or pleasure.

» fit of rage = ataque de furia, ataque de cólera, ataque de ira, arrebato de cólera, arrebato de ira, arrebato de furia, arranque de cólera, arranque de ira, arranque de furia.

Example: He was a brave novelist but also bad-tempered, churlish and subject to fits of rage.

» have + a fit = montar en cólera, cabrearse, emberrenchinarse, emberrincharse, enrabietarse, ponerse histérico, perder la olla, írsele la olla, írsele la pinza.

Example: We both thought they'd have a fit if they found out I'd been involved with a man who had a wife and children.

» have + a (n epileptic) fit = tener un ataque epiléptico, tener un ictus epiléptico, tener un derrame cerebral, sufrir un ataque epiléptico, sufrir un ictus epiléptico, sufrir un derrame cerebral.

Example: I thought she was having a fit, which she has never had before, so we called the paramedics.

» in fits and starts = a trompicones, a rachas, a trancas y barrancas.

Example: The idea for this kind of program was tossed around in fits and starts.

» throw + a fit = tener una rabieta, tener un berrinche, dar un berrinche, montar en cólera, cabrearse, emberrenchinarse, emberrincharse, enrabietarse, ponerse histérico, perder la olla, írsele la olla, írsele la pinza.

Example: The diva then threw a fit when told they couldn't serve her a milkshake.

» throw + a hissy fit = montar en cólera, cabrearse, emberrenchinarse, emberrincharse, enrabietarse.

Example: Perhaps I should have thrown a hissy fit, but I just couldn't be bothered.

fit5 = talla. 

Example: Our dress pants are available in a variety of great fits that will flatter your figure.

fit6 = acomodarse, estar de acuerdo con, seguir, adecuarse, corresponder, encajar. 

Example: Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships, it will be difficult to fit into the existing order.


» best + fit = adecuarse mejor, encajar mejor, caer mejor.

Example: Nelson and Tague suggest that a rank distribution best fits the distribution of terms used to index journal papers.

» cap + fit = aplicársele el cuento a Alguien.

Example: We would laugh and mutter that in his case the cap fitted.

» fit in/into = caber en, encajar, amoldarse.

Example: Since the entire catalog cannot possibly fit into a single display screen, DOBIS/LIBIS must allow users to browse.

» fit into + the picture = desempeñar una función, desempeñar un papel.

Example: The author considers what responsibilities librarians have for the current decline in biological systems around the globe and where university libraries fit into this picture.

» fit in + well = casar bien.

Example: The one-one-one relationship between librarian and client fits in well with this vision of unique individuality.

» fit in with + the crowd(s) = pasar desapercibido entre la multitud.

Example: If you don't fit in with the crowd, perhaps it is because you were meant to lead it.

» fit like + a glove = quedar perfecto, quedar como un guante, sentar como un guante, venir como anillo al dedo, caer como anillo al dedo, venir como agua de mayo.

Example: Your boots must fit like a glove and be as comfy as your running shoes.

» fit + Nombre + (down) to a T/tee = quedar perfecto, quedar como un guante, sentar como un guante, venir de maravilla, venir de perlas, venir como anillo al dedo, venir de perilla, venir perfecto, venir que ni pintado, venir a(l) pelo, venir como agua de mayo.

Example: She had on a teal blue V-neck shirt that fitted her to a T with a small bit of cleavage showing.

» fit out = equipar, dotar, acondicionar, habilitar, armar, aviar.

Example: To get full use out of them, however, you have to fit them out with accessories.

» fit + Posesivo + schedule = adaptarse a + Posesivo + horario, adecuarse a + Posesivo + horario, encajar con + Posesivo + horario.

Example: Some people go running whichever time best fits their schedules.

» fit + snugly = ceñirse, ajustarse.

Example: English riders will wear riding breeches with swede patches that fit very snugly.

» fit + the bill = ser adecuado, reunir las condiciones, ser suficiente, satisfacer lo requisitos, venir muy bien, ser perfecto, venir como anillo al dedo, venir como agua de mayo.

Example: Some individuals think making resources simply electronic fits the bill, while others feel a digital library is far loftier than this.

» fit together = encajar, integrar, adaptar.

Example: The narrative may be unfamiliar in its structure so that they are unsure about the way different elements of the story fit together.

» fit with = encajar con, cuadrar con, estar de acuerdo con, coincidir con, concordar con.

Example: The data has to be tested to fit with other models.

» if the cap fit(s, wear it) = el que se pica, ajos come; el que se pique, que coma ajos.

Example: Some of my closest friends are of the opposite sex, so please don't get the idea I'm a manhater or a radical feminist; it's simply a question that 'if the cap fits, wear it'.

» if the shoe fits(, wear it) = el que se pica, ajos come; el que se pique, que coma ajos.

Example: This truth might upset some, but if the shoe fits, wear it.

» one size doesn't fit all = no somos todos iguales.

Example: One size doesn't fit all anymore.

» one size fits all = a todos por igual, igual para todos, sin hacer distinciones.

Example: And digital library developers might look at both situations before trying to offer simply a 'one size fits all' digital solution to some strange amalgam of Internet library users.

» retrofit = adaptar, adecuar, acondicionar, retocar.

Example: This model is attractive both for 'retrofitting' existing software as well as providing flexibility to new systems.

fit7 = equipar, instalar, poner, incluir, encajar. 

Example: One such method requires that each book has a magnetic strip inserted into the spine and a special exit door is fitted across which an electric signal is beamed.


» outfit = equipar, vestir.

Example: Five-year IFLA Treasurer Derek Law of Scotland, outfitted in a kilt, said he had been boosting Glasgow for his entire term.

» pre-fit = premontar.

Example: The system is supplied with a range of standard doors pre-fitted with hinges and door catches.

» refit = remodelar, reacondicionar. 

Example: Barnsley itself, a county borough, had at the time of this survey a medium-sized bookshop which had been refitted in 1974 and was well spoken of.

Fit synonyms

set in spanish: conjunto, pronunciation: set part of speech: verb, noun go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb suit in spanish: traje, pronunciation: sut part of speech: noun, verb check in spanish: comprobar, pronunciation: tʃek part of speech: verb, noun burst in spanish: ráfaga, pronunciation: bɜrst part of speech: verb, noun appropriate in spanish: apropiado, pronunciation: əproʊpriət part of speech: adjective meet in spanish: reunirse, pronunciation: mit part of speech: verb accommodate in spanish: acomodar, pronunciation: əkɑmədeɪt part of speech: verb match in spanish: partido, pronunciation: mætʃ part of speech: noun, verb jibe in spanish: burla, pronunciation: dʒaɪb part of speech: noun, verb scene in spanish: escena, pronunciation: sin part of speech: noun agree in spanish: de acuerdo, pronunciation: əgri part of speech: verb tally in spanish: cuenta, pronunciation: tæli part of speech: noun healthy in spanish: sano, pronunciation: helθi part of speech: adjective able in spanish: poder, pronunciation: eɪbəl part of speech: adjective correspond in spanish: corresponder, pronunciation: kɔrəspɑnd part of speech: verb suitable in spanish: adecuado, pronunciation: sutəbəl part of speech: adjective outfit in spanish: equipar, pronunciation: aʊtfɪt part of speech: noun tantrum in spanish: berrinche, pronunciation: tæntrəm part of speech: noun paroxysm in spanish: paroxismo, pronunciation: pɜrɑgʃɪzəm part of speech: noun gibe in spanish: burla, pronunciation: dʒaɪb part of speech: noun acceptable in spanish: aceptable, pronunciation: ækseptəbəl part of speech: adjective equip in spanish: equipar, pronunciation: ɪkwɪp part of speech: verb suited in spanish: adecuado, pronunciation: sutəd part of speech: adjective primed in spanish: preparado, pronunciation: praɪmd part of speech: verb, adjective conditioned in spanish: acondicionado, pronunciation: kəndɪʃənd part of speech: adjective able-bodied in spanish: sin discapacidad, pronunciation: eɪbəlbɑdid part of speech: adjective fit out in spanish: equipar, pronunciation: fɪtaʊt part of speech: verb conform to in spanish: conformarse a, pronunciation: kənfɔrmtu part of speech: verb

Fit antonyms

discord pronunciation: dɪskɔrd part of speech: noun disagree pronunciation: dɪsəgri part of speech: verb unfit pronunciation: ənfɪt part of speech: adjective disaccord pronunciation: dɪsəkɜrd part of speech: verb
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