Fishery in spanish


pronunciation: peskeɹ̩iɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fishery1 = piscicultura, criadero de peces. 

Example: This programme was devoted to promote agricultural competitiveness by developing productivity and improving products in agriculture and fisheries.


» fisheries sector, the = sector pesquero, el.

Example: Fish consumption has reached an all-time high and more people than ever are employed in or depend on the fisheries sector.

» fishery industry sector, the = sector de la industria pesquera, el.

Example: Laboratory services must provide test methods that cover all aspect of the fishery industry sector needs in order to ensure a seamless integrated service.

» fishery industry, the = industria pesquera, la.

Example: Fish meals and shellfish meals are manufactured as by-products from the waste or inedible parts of fish and shellfish found in our fishery industries.

fishery2 = caladero, pesquería. 

Example: A report on the state of bluefin tuna fisheries has found that, without drastic measures, there is a less than 1 percent chance of the population returning to healthy levels by 2024.

Fishery synonyms

piscary in spanish: piscario, pronunciation: pɪskɜri part of speech: noun
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