Fish in spanish


pronunciation: peθ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fish1 = pez, pescado. 

Example: What is absolutely certain is that without some preparation by the teacher, a visitor cannot hope to achieve very much; he is in little better a position than cold fish on a marble slab.


» a fine kettle of fish = lío, berenjenal, galimatías, follón, marimorena, papeleta, trapatiesta.

Example: Knowing the historical roots of their misfortune may not make it easier for them to escape the fine kettle of fish they are in.

» anglerfish = rape.

Example: Anglerfish are marine fish that attract prey by dangling a fleshy, bait-like appendage in front of their heads.

» a pretty kettle of fish = lío, berenjenal, galimatías, follón, marimorena, papeleta, trapatiesta.

Example: A pretty kettle of fish indeed, out of whom only Tracy is really trying seriously to make a new life for herself.

» bait fish = pez pequeño. [Que no merece la pena pescar]

Example: With hundreds of bait fish swarming your spot -- feeding like mad -- the game fish get extremely excited and start to move into the area to feed on the bait fish.

» be a different kettle of fish = ser harina de otro costal, ser otro cantar, ser un punto y aparte, ser otra historia.

Example: Rumors are one thing -- confirmation from a highly placed advisor to the government should be a different kettle of fish, altogether.

» be a whole new kettle of fish = ser harina de otro costal, ser otro cantar, ser un punto y aparte, ser otra historia.

Example: Negotiation of a general educational licence for Internet transmissions is obviously a whole new kettle of fish and would take several years.

» big fish = pez gordo.

Example: The police should prosecute the big fish like the Ansar brothers who have spent time in the nick for durg dealing but are now back to they old ways.

» blowfish = pez globo, fugu.

Example: Blowfish, known as fugu in Japan, is a local delicacy with a nasty catch: not processed correctly, it can, and does kill people.

» bony fish = pez óseo.

Example: The skeleton of bony fishes is made of bone and cartilage.

» bottom fish = pez de fondo. [Generalmente con significado de plural y referido a los peces que habitan el suelo de los cuerpos de agua]

Example: Freshwater bottom fish are uniquely shaped with a flattened stomach, wide mouth, and barbels to make feeding easier.

» catch + a fish = pescar, pescar un pez.

Example: A farmer may have made fishing history recently by catching a fish with nothing but the help of his trusty drone.

» catfish = barbo, rape.

Example: The article 'Catfish ain't ugly' reviews the range of Web sites providing information about the catfish in the USA and places to go to fish for catfish.

» codfish = bacalao.

Example: The burbot is the only freshwater species of codfish.

» cold fish = persona fría, persona sin sangre en las venas, persona con sangre de horchata.

Example: She said she'd felt lonely and miserable for decades because he was such a cold fish, and that she'd finally given up on him.

» crayfish = cangrejo de río, langosta, cigala.

Example: Seafood, including fish, shrimp, lobster, crab, crayfish, mussel, and clam are among the most frequent causes of food allergy.

» cuttlefish = sepia, jibia, choco.

Example: Cuttlefish recognise prey before they have hatched, the first known embryos to show such an ability.

» dogfish = cazón, lija.

Example: Dogfishes and catsharks can be difficult to differentiate since both are smallish elasmobranchs sharing a similar 'sharky' shape and living together in coastal habitats.

» drink like + a fish = beber como un cosaco.

Example: He was drinking like a fish, every night, into the wee hours.

» farm + fish = criar peces.

Example: Farming fish and rice together achieves the same rice yield as growing rice alone, but uses 68% less pesticide and 24% less chemical fertilizer.

» fish and chips = pescado y patatas. [Comida muy popular en las Islas Británicas y algunos otros países de influencia británica]

Example: I'm looking for some good places for fish and chips in Melbourne, not so much 'best ones' as such, more like your favourite ones.

» fish and chips shop = tienda de pescado y patatas fritas. [Muy populares en las Islas Británicas y en algunos otros países de influencia británica. A vcces abreviado como chippy]

Example: We've no shortage of great fish and chips shops so, we've compiled a list of the best chippies for you to sample at your own discretion.

» fish bowl = pecera.

Example: Aquarium hobbyists have known for decades of the inadequacies of fish bowls for the long term health of most fish.

» fish cake = albóndiga de pescado, croqueta de pescado. [Tortillita frita en forma de bola redonda o aplastada que se hace con los restos de pescado y patatas hechas puré]

Example: Fish cakes are a great way of using up leftovers such as cooked fish and mashed potatoes, which might otherwise be thrown away.

» fish casserole = zarzuela de pescado, cazuela de pescado.

Example: When you can't face any more meat after Christmas try this warming and healthy fish casserole.

» fish chum = cebo, carnada.

Example: Hooks are baited with fresh fish, and a block of frozen fish chum is hung over the side and allowed to disperse with the current as it thaws.

» fish eagle = águila pescadora.

Example: The article is entitled 'Cry of the fish eagle'.

» fish eater = piscívoro, comedor de pescado, persona que le gusta comer pescado, animal que se alimenta de peces, animal que come peces.

Example: Now, I'm not much of a fish eater because I typically don't like the smell of fish.

» fish-eating = piscívoro, que come pescado, que se alimenta de peces.

Example: Japanese are the most-recognized example of a fish-eating population enjoying a low incidence of diseases common to Americans (heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes, etc.), and a trim appearance.

» fish farm = piscifactoria.

Example: The author describes conservation work carried out the Howietoun Fish Farm Archive, composed of 60 volumes of records, accounts and ledgers dating from c1900.

» fish farming = piscicultura. acuicultura.

Example: The new combined public and school library serves as a centre for 5 districts and serves the needs of a 2-year study programme in fish farming.

» fish fillet = filete de pescado.

Example: Fish fillets, boneless poultry, pork cutlets, and veal cutlets are some of the foods that are often dredged in flour before cooking.

» fish fry = pescado inmaduro, pescado menudo.

Example: The Government is turning on the heat in the fight against catching and selling fish fry.

» fish hawk = gavilán pescador, águila pescadora, halcón pescador.

Example: Fish hawks needed a helping hand and their comeback is one of the great wildlife success stories of our time.

» fishhook = anzuelo.

Example: No survivor at sea should be without fishing equipment but if you are, improvise fishhooks as shown in Chapter 8.

» fish industry sector, the = sector de la industria pesquera, el.

Example: Employment in the various fish industry sectors is widely scattered throughout the region.

» fish loin = lomo de pescado.

Example: Flavored with paprika, chili pepper, and thyme, these fish loins brings out the bright, well-spiced flavors Mexico is known for.

» fish market = lonja, lonja de pescado, mercado de pescado.

Example: The fresh catch is sold in the fish market located on the quayside.

» fish meal = carne de pescado.

Example: Fish meals and shellfish meals are manufactured as by-products from the waste or inedible parts of fish and shellfish found in our fishery industries.

» fish merchant = pescadero, vendedor de pescado.

Example: A fish merchant who assaulted another man outside a pub has been spared jail so the family business can stay afloat.

» fishmonger = pescadero. 

Example: During the reign of Edward II, the political power of the fishmongers waned and Parliament decreed that no fishmonger could become mayor of the city.

» fishnet = red de pescar.

Example: The garden is protected from woodland creatures by a hanging of fishnet.

» fish oil = aceite de pescado.

Example: Specifically, he found 25 biomedical articles central to the argument that dietary fish oil causes certain blood changes.

» fish pond [fishpond] = charca con peces, fuente con peces, estanque con peces.

Example: The article is entitled 'Optimising fisheries information for decision making among Kenyan fish pond smallholders'.

» fish roe = huevas.

Example: Caviar represents the most consumed form of fish roe products.

» fish scale = escama, escama de pez.

Example: Because it was a glory hole full of junk and lots of spiders and other nasties, I still have a bug hanging over one of the windows, but its made of wire and fish scales.

» fish slice = rasera.

Example: After scraping the worst of it off with a fish slice and dumping it in the outside bin, the place still stank to high heaven.

» fish soup = sopa de pescado.

Example: With the fish stock on hand, making this fish soup is certainly easy-peasy.

» fish spatula = rasera.

Example: A fish spatula is one of the five essential tools for every kitchen.

» fish stew = guiso de pescado, caldereta de pescado.

Example: This fish stew was very spicy though, four spoonfuls and the lips were left burning.

» fish stock = recursos pesqueros, población de peces, población pesquera.

Example: There should be an official close season for fishing, certain periods where there is no fishing, to allow rejuvenation of the fish stock.

» fish stock = caldo de pescado.

Example: With the fish stock on hand, making this fish soup is certainly easy-peasy.

» fish tank = acuario, pecera.

Example: Aquazone is a realistic simulation of a fish tank in which you create your aquarium and take care of fish.

» flake of fish = laja de pescado.

Example: All of the cod served into the restaurant is cut from the loin of the fillet which provides the thickest, largest flakes of fish.

» flatfish = pez plano.

Example: With dabs and most of the flatfish, the bone structure makes filleting a doddle because you can lay the knife against the central skeleton to take off the fillets.

» flying fish = pez volador.

Example: A white bird in the distance was seen to dart down like a bolt from the blue and seize a flying fish in the air.

» freshwater fish = pez de agua dulce, pez de río.

Example: This publication reviews the literature on the effect of culverts on migrating indigenous and exotic freshwater fish.

» game fish = pez de valor. [Que merece la pena pescar]

Example: With hundreds of bait fish swarming your spot -- feeding like mad -- the game fish get extremely excited and start to move into the area to feed on the bait fish.

» globefish = pez globo, fugu.

Example: Yesterday 16 people were treated in hospital after mistakenly eating globefish.

» goldfish = pez de colores. [Generalmente usado con significado de plural]

Example: This resource book presents 37 behavioral experiments that can be performed with commonly-found classroom animals including hamsters, gerbils, mice, goldfish, guppies, lizards, kittens, and puppies = Este cuaderno de prácticas contiene 37 experimentos conductistas que se pueden realizar con animales que comúnmente se usan en los laboratorios de las escuelas como los hámsters, jerbos, ratones, peces de colores, lebistes, lagartijas, gatitos y cachorros.

» goosefish = rape.

Example: This pleasant bake recipe with a salad features tender new potatoes, chives and goosefish for a quick answer to evening meals.

» groundfish = pez de fondo. [Generalmente con significado de plural y referido a los peces que habitan el suelo de los cuerpos de agua]

Example: For centuries, cod and other groundfish have sustained New England's coastal fishing communities.

» hagfish = mixino, mixine.

Example: Hagfish enter both living and dead fish through mouth, gills or anus, feeding on the insides.

» jellyfish = medusa.

Example: Subjects addressed in this collection of newspaper articles are bioluminescence, beachcomber finds, gulls, barnacles, sand, seaweed, and jellyfish.

» like a fish out of water = como pez fuera del agua.

Example: Every leader faces them: times when they are out of their league, times when they feel like a fish out of water.

» like being in a (gold)fish bowl = como vivir en un escaparate, no tener vida privada.

Example: Living in residence is like being in a fish bowl, something happens and then minutes later the whole house knows.

» little fish in a big pond = uno de tantos.

Example: The article 'Little fish in a big pond' provides practical insight into the problems and benefits of small special library participation in networks bearing in mind the limitations of staff and resources.

» marine fish = pez marino.

Example: Anglerfish are marine fish that attract prey by dangling a fleshy, bait-like appendage in front of their heads.

» monkfish = rape.

Example: Lay the monkfish pieces on a chopping board and slice them horizontally almost in half, so they open out like a book.

» oarfish = pez remo.

Example: Oarfish feed primarily on zooplankton, selectively straining tiny euphausiids, shrimp, and other crustaceans from the water.

» odd fish = bicho raro.

Example: The biographer controls the innumerable aspects of Buchan's life in an exemplary manner, without losing sight of the fact that Buchan was 'a very odd fish indeed'.

» pilot fish = pez piloto.

Example: The pilot fish leads the shark to food, then lives off the crumbs of the shark's meals.

» puffer fish = pez globo, fugu.

Example: Puffer fish contains tetrodotoxin, a neurotoxin that can be deadly to humans and for which there is no known antidote.

» river fish = pez de río.

Example: River fish travel anywhere from a few feet to up to several hundred feet, several times a day to eat.

» rosefish = gallineta, rosada.

Example: Also known as ocean perch or rosefish in North America and as Norway haddock in Europe, the redfish is one of a number of red-coloured scorpion fish.

» saltwater fish = pez de agua salada, pez de mar.

Example: Cigarette butts, one of the most ubiquitous forms of garbage in the world, have been found to be toxic to saltwater and freshwater fish.

» school of fish = banco de peces, cardumen, cardumen de peces.

Example: Aggregations of animals, including schools of fish, flocks of birds, or herds of mammals, are often composed of more than one species.

» scorpion fish = pez escorpión.

Example: Also known as ocean perch or rosefish in North America and as Norway haddock in Europe, the redfish is one of a number of red-coloured scorpion fish.

» shellfish = marisco.

Example: A search of the term 'shellfish' selects a further 126 terms, of which the six most highly ranked are: oysters, mussels, clams, tides, estuaries, and seafoods.

» shoal of fish = banco de peces, cardumen, cardumen de peces.

Example: The dark blue blob is a moving shoal of fish fry pursued by a flock of pelicans above and a school of tarpon below.

» silverfish = lepisma.

Example: This article identifies five types of crawling insects which commonly infest libraries: booklice, bookworms, cockroaches, silverfish and termites.

» starfish = estrella de mar.

Example: We are more kindred to the sea urchin, an echinoderm whose spiny brethren include starfish and sea cucumbers.

» swim like + a fish = nadar como un pez.

Example: She swam like a fish, and preferred to spend as much time as possible in a bathing suit.

» swordfish = pez espada.

Example: Samples of various seafood (anchovy, flounder, hake, herring, mackerel, bass, pilchard, sardine, sprat, swordfish) were analyzed for contamination.

» take to + Nombre + like fish to water = sentirse como pez en el agua.

Example: Many of these girls were virgins to the stage then, but they took to it like fish to water, strutting their stuff while making their perfectly choreographed dance moves.

» tropical fish = pez tropical, pez de colores.

Example: Dressed to the nines, the three characters shimmer like tropical fish beached in the desert.

» wet fish = soso, sosaina, soseras, pavo.

Example: Bannister comes across as a bit of a wet fish, humorless and at times whiny.

» whitefish = pescado blanco.

Example: They serve a range of Spannish dishes like a heart of lettuce served with filet of whitefish and fresh vegetables.

fish2 = pescar. 

Example: Anyone age 16 and older must have a current fishing license in their possession while fishing in freshwater or saltwater in Georgia.


» fish for = pescar, buscar.

Example: The article 'Catfish ain't ugly' reviews the range of Web sites providing information about the catfish in the USA and places to go to fish for catfish.

» fish + Nombre + out (of) = sacar (de). [Referido a un líquido]

Example: Seven desperate migrants have been fished out of the English Channel after trying to climb aboard a moving ferry bound for Britain.

» overfish = pescar en exceso. 

Example: The following is a list of those fish which are being overfished or caught using wasteful or destructive fishing methods.

Fish synonyms

mark in spanish: marca, pronunciation: mɑrk part of speech: noun, verb angle in spanish: ángulo, pronunciation: æŋgəl part of speech: noun fool in spanish: tonto, pronunciation: ful part of speech: noun mug in spanish: jarra, pronunciation: mʌg part of speech: noun gull in spanish: gaviota, pronunciation: gʌl part of speech: noun sucker in spanish: ventosa, pronunciation: sʌkɜr part of speech: noun patsy in spanish: patsy, pronunciation: pætsi part of speech: noun chump in spanish: cabeza, pronunciation: tʃʌmp part of speech: noun schlemiel in spanish: schlemiel, pronunciation: ʃlemil part of speech: noun shlemiel in spanish: Shlemiel, pronunciation: ʃlemil part of speech: noun go fish in spanish: ve pez, pronunciation: goʊfɪʃ part of speech: noun fall guy in spanish: chivo expiatorio, pronunciation: fɔlgaɪ part of speech: noun soft touch in spanish: tacto suave, pronunciation: sɑfttʌtʃ part of speech: noun
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