Firmament in spanish


pronunciation: fiɹ̩mɑmentoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

firmament, the = firmamento, el. 

Example: The sun passes through the underworld after leaving the heavens each night to hasten back to the opposite end of the firmament.

Firmament synonyms

sphere in spanish: esfera, pronunciation: sfɪr part of speech: noun empyrean in spanish: el empíreo, pronunciation: empriən part of speech: noun welkin in spanish: Welkin, pronunciation: welkɪn part of speech: noun heavens in spanish: Cielos, pronunciation: hevənz part of speech: noun celestial sphere in spanish: esfera celestial, pronunciation: səlestʃəlsfɪr part of speech: noun vault of heaven in spanish: bóveda del cielo, pronunciation: vɔltʌvhevən part of speech: noun
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