Firm in spanish


pronunciation: fiɹ̩mɑ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

firm1 = firma comercial, empresa, firma. 

Example: The European Development Fund finances projects in overseas countries for which European-based firms can supply equipment and know-how.


» accounting firm = empresa de contabilidad.

Example: He headed one of the largest accounting firms in the country and took it to greater heights.

» advertising firm = compañía publicitaria.

Example: In the early days of the service they received a $100,000 donation in kind from a major advertising firm.

» architectural firm = estudio de arquitectura, estudio de arquitectos, firma de arquitectos.

Example: This is an interview with Hugh Hard of Hardy Holmzan Pfeiffer Associates, an architectural firm specializing in library design and renovation.

» architecture firm = estudio de arquitectos.

Example: The purpose of the system is to assist architecture firms under contract with the Army Corps Engineers in locating regulations or guidelines on the planning, design or construction of army facilities.

» audit firm = firma de auditoría.

Example: Audit rotation is designed to overcome two problems that can occur if an organization hires the same audit firm year in and year out.

» auditing firm = firma de auditoría.

Example: External auditors are independent staff assigned by an auditing firm to assess and evaluate financial statements of their clients.

» business firm = firma comercial, empresa, empresa comercial, compañía comercial.

Example: Collection and preservation of records is an expensive pursuit and the task of persuading cost conscious business firms that they ought to preserve their records is an unenviable one.

» car firm = fabricante de coches.

Example: Spain has become the latest European nation to stump up billions in public cash to bail out car firms bludgeoned by the economic crisis.

» cleaning firm = empresa de la limpieza.

Example: These cuts were a scheme to privatize the cleaning women's jobs, contracting them out to small or big private cleaning firms.

» commercial firm = firma comercial, empresa.

Example: Difficulties over access to these can arise when research project has been financed by a scientific organization or commercial firm who have an interest in maintaining security.

» consulting firm = consultoría.

Example: It also lists consulting firms that advise companies selling products or services = Enumera además las consultorías que asesoran a las empresas que venden productos o servicios.

» firm administrator = admnistrador de empresa.

Example: Optical storage can help firm administrators control costs and bill clients more promptly which boost income.

» industrial firm = empresa, empresa industrial, compañía industrial.

Example: In libraries serving industrial firms, for example, the cost of not finding information may be high; this is why 'hard headed businessmen' add to their overheads by paying for extensive library services.

» insurance firm = compañía de seguros, aseguradora, mutua de accidentes.

Example: Hit by the current economic recession, most insurance firms have slashed their workers' salaries by between 20 and 50 per cent.

» law firm = bufete de abogados, firma de abogados.

Example: Strategies that may be employed by law firms for using medical data bases to locate potential expert witnesses or out-of-court specialty consultants are illustrated.

» manufacturing firm = fábrica.

Example: Fee-for-service programmes can target non-traditional market segments such as pharmaceutical companies, lawyers, and manufacturing firms who regularly need and willingly pay a premium price for perishable medical information.

» oil firm = empresa petrolera.

Example: Ecuador auctions off Amazon to Chinese oil firms = Ecuador subasta Amazon a empresas petroleras chinas.

» polling firm = empresa dedicada a los sondeos de opinión.

Example: This is a full-text collection of public opinion surveys that have been conducted by major US polling firms since the 1940s.

» printing firm = imprenta, gráficas, taller gráfico, taller de imprenta, taller de impresión.

Example: These archives are so complete that they present a rare insight into the early history of a printing firm which under 4 generations of owners produced work for 127 years.

» private firm = empresa privada.

Example: Competition between public and private firms will enable farmers to obtain a higher share of world commodity prices.

» professional services firm = empresa de servicios profesionales.

Example: For any professional services firm, there will be different customer groups with different needs and expectations.

» public firm = empresa pública.

Example: Competition between public and private firms will enable farmers to obtain a higher share of world commodity prices.

» publishing firm = editorial comercial.

Example: Books are either commissioned by publishers, or else authors (or their agents) offer scripts and ideas to publishing firms.

» real estate firm = agencia inmobiliaria.

Example: Some businesses, such as travel agencies and real estate firms are finding the interactive system attractive.

» research firm = empresa de investigación.

Example: Others believe that a library should not leave the provision of desired services to commercial establishments and research firms who must make a profit.

» security firm = empresa de seguridad.

Example: The security firm, famous for its eagle-eyed officers, responded to a distress call from a teenager who was attacked while his parents were out.

» services firm = empresa de servicios.

Example: The comparatively lower average rates by services firms can be explained by an increasing number of freelancers that are directly or indirectly contracted.

» specialist firm = firma especializada.

Example: And there was a steady output in the later nineteenth century of well-made prize bindings in gilt-tooled calf, which were slickly produced by specialist firms.

firm [firmer -comp., firmest -sup.]2 = firme, sólido. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Full consideration of the above factors should form a firm basis for the design of an effective thesaurus or list of subject headings.


» be a firm believer in/that = creer firmemente en/que, estar completamente convencido de, estar totalmente convencido de.

Example: We are firm believers in the 'if it's not broken don't fix it' mentality.

» be firm in + Posesivo + belief that = creer firmemente en/que, estar completamente convencido de, estar totalmente convencido de.

Example: She is firm in her belief that you can survive everything if you only try hard enough.

» firm ground = tierra firme, terreno firme.

Example: Destabilisation of the economic forces governing publishers' prices has meant that subscription agents no longer work on firm ground.

» firm rule = norma fija, regla fija.

Example: There are no firm rules regarding a specific age by which a person's wisdom teeth have to be extracted.

» on (a) firm footing = sobre suelo firme, sobre una base sólida.

Example: In order to deliver accurate fire on shore targets the amphibian tank must be stationary on a reef, or approach on smooth, firm footing.

» place + Nombre + on a firmer footing = afianzar, fortalecer, reforzar.

Example: Information security management has been placed on a firmer footing with the publication of standards by national bodies.

» stand + firm = mantenerse firme.

Example: Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

» take + a firm stand against = adoptar una postura firme contra.

Example: Oboler took a firm stand against censorship.

firm up3 = afianzar, concretar. 

Example: 'Come back after lunch and we'll firm it up' His quick sentences had the tone of entreaty = "Vuelve después del almuerzo y lo concretaremos" Sus rápidas frases tenían tono de súplica.

Firm synonyms

house in spanish: casa, pronunciation: haʊs part of speech: noun fast in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: fæst part of speech: adverb, adjective, noun hard in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: hɑrd part of speech: adjective strong in spanish: fuerte, pronunciation: strɔŋ part of speech: adjective secure in spanish: seguro, pronunciation: sɪkjʊr part of speech: verb, adjective fresh in spanish: Fresco, pronunciation: freʃ part of speech: adjective solid in spanish: sólido, pronunciation: sɑləd part of speech: adjective steady in spanish: estable, pronunciation: stedi part of speech: adjective healthy in spanish: sano, pronunciation: helθi part of speech: adjective steadfast in spanish: firme, pronunciation: stedfæst part of speech: adjective crisp in spanish: crujiente, pronunciation: krɪsp part of speech: adjective, noun stable in spanish: estable, pronunciation: steɪbəl part of speech: adjective resolute in spanish: resuelto, pronunciation: rezəlut part of speech: adjective loyal in spanish: leal, pronunciation: lɔɪəl part of speech: adjective faithful in spanish: fiel, pronunciation: feɪθfəl part of speech: adjective established in spanish: establecido, pronunciation: ɪstæblɪʃt part of speech: adjective fixed in spanish: fijo, pronunciation: fɪkst part of speech: adjective unwavering in spanish: inquebrantable, pronunciation: ənweɪvɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective settled in spanish: colocado, pronunciation: setəld part of speech: adjective forceful in spanish: fuerte, pronunciation: fɔrsfəl part of speech: adjective crunchy in spanish: crujiente, pronunciation: krʌntʃi part of speech: adjective firmly in spanish: firmemente, pronunciation: fɜrmli part of speech: adverb immobile in spanish: inmóvil, pronunciation: ɪmoʊbəl part of speech: adjective steadfastly in spanish: firmemente, pronunciation: stedfæstli part of speech: adverb unshakable in spanish: inquebrantable, pronunciation: ənʃeɪkəbəl part of speech: adjective tauten in spanish: tensar, pronunciation: taʊtən part of speech: verb unfaltering in spanish: inquebrantable, pronunciation: ənfɔltɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective unwaveringly in spanish: inquebrantable, pronunciation: ənweɪvɜrɪŋli part of speech: adverb truehearted in spanish: sincero, pronunciation: truhɑrtɪd part of speech: adjective unbendable in spanish: inquebrantable, pronunciation: ənbendəbəl part of speech: adjective business firm in spanish: Firma de negocios, pronunciation: bɪznəsfɜrm part of speech: noun unfluctuating in spanish: no fluctuante, pronunciation: ənflʌktʃueɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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