Fireball in spanish

Bola de fuego

pronunciation: boʊlɑdefuegoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fireball = bola de fuego, bólido. 

Example: That means that over the next week and a half, we're expected to see frequent fireballs -- extremely bright meteors -- lighting up the night sky.


» be a (real) fireball = ser puro nervio, ser un torbellino, tener un dinamismo increíble.

Example: She was a real fireball, a person of big, sparky energy.

Fireball synonyms

powerhouse in spanish: central eléctrica, pronunciation: paʊɜrhaʊs part of speech: noun bolide in spanish: bolide, pronunciation: boʊlaɪd part of speech: noun human dynamo in spanish: dinamo humano, pronunciation: hjuməndaɪnəmoʊ part of speech: noun ball of fire in spanish: bola de fuego, pronunciation: bɔlʌvfaɪɜr part of speech: noun
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