Fire in spanish


pronunciation: fuegoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fire1 = incendio, fuego, lumbre, hoguera, fogata. 

Example: In the event of a serious accident (a fire, deliberate destruction, or a computer error) nothing will happen to the records vital to the operation of the library.


» add + fuel to the fire = echar leña al fuego.

Example: If we react to anger by saying or doing angry things it's just like adding fuel to the fire.

» afire = muy activo.

Example: The author queries the value of selecting so much sexually permissive teenage fiction for young people who are already sexually afire, given the dangers of unwanted pregnancies and AIDS.

» afire = ardiendo, en llamas.

Example: Among other buildings afire or still smoldering in eastern Baghdad today were the city hall and the National Library which was so thoroughly burned that heat still radiated 50 paces from its front doors.

» arson fire = incendio provocado, incendio premeditado.

Example: In August, 1992, during a 2 week hiatus between summer school and fall semester, the library suffered an arson fire.

» ball of fire = bola de fuego, bólido.

Example: Many of us thought that it was flying rather low to the ground and the next minute there was a huge ball of fire and black smoke.

» baptism of/by fire = bautismo de fuego, baño de fuego, fogueo.

Example: He was a militant trade-union leader who got his baptisms of fire under a ruthless military dictatorship.

» be a (real) ball of fire = ser puro nervio, ser un torbellino, tener un dinamismo increíble.

Example: Lola was a ball of fire when she was on her game -- she could do the work of ten people.

» be on fire = estar ardiendo.

Example: He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.

» blaze of fire = llama de fuego.

Example: With wind blowing 76 miles and thermometer 6.5 below, it feels like a blaze of fire.

» blazing fire = fuego intenso, fuego abrasador.

Example: What better way to take refuge from the cold than dinner in front of a blazing fire?.

» bonfire = fogata, fuego, hoguera.

Example: This is an outtake from Wolfe's follow up to his 1987 'Bonfire of the Vanities'.

» build + a fire = encender un fuego, hacer un fuego, encender una lumbre, hacer una lumbre.

Example: We spend our free time together, walking and camping and building fires, playing outdoor games and chopping stuff up in the great outdoors.

» bushfire = incendio de monte.

Example: A great deal of the material evidence of Australian art of the past has been lost as a result of bushfires.

» campfire = fogata, lumbre, hoguera.

Example: Using charred bits of wood from campfires, broken pieces of clay pots, and stone spearpoints and arrowheads, the archaeologist investigates the past.

» catch + fire = arder, comenzar a arder, empezar a arder, prenderse fuego, incendiarse.

Example: An ammo depot in Kabul caught fire and injured nine people in May.

» catch on + fire = arder, comenzar a arder, empezar a arder, prender fuego, incendiarse.

Example: Eric continued trying to stomp it out but his shoe caught on fire.

» curl up by + the fire = acurrucarse junto al fuego, acurrucarse junto a la chimenea, acurrucarse junto a la lumbre.

Example: She often sits at the dining room table scribbling on a notepad, or curling up by the fire chewing her pencil.

» extinguish + a fire = extinguir un incendio, apagar un fuego.

Example: Water was used to extinguish the fire.

» feed + the fire = alimentar el fuego.

Example: Clair lets Luther out, leaving the door slightly ajar, before feeding the fire and starting on the coffee.

» fight + a fire = luchar contra un fuego.

Example: Sprinkler systems fight fire, and transmit alarm at the same time, immediately after the beginning of a fire.

» fire alarm = alarma contra incendios.

Example: Of greatest import are the siting of libraries, the building shell, fire alarms, intruder alarms, internal layout of the building, and methods combating damage and theft.

» fire-and-brimstone = fatalista.

Example: Yes, those 'press releases' have threatening statements and name-calling and fire-and-brimstone predictions, but they add no facts to the discussion on Cuba.

» fireball = bola de fuego, bólido.

Example: That means that over the next week and a half, we're expected to see frequent fireballs -- extremely bright meteors -- lighting up the night sky.

» fire barrier = barrera cortafuegos.

Example: As part of the maintenance of the thatch roof, we removed all the thatch and battens and covered the roof with fireboards, which, in addition to providing a fire barrier also helps to strengthen the roof.

» fire + be out = fuego + apagar.

Example: Advanced design sprinklers shut off water when the fire is out, reducing the risk of water damage.

» fireboard = panel ignífugo, placa ignífuga.

Example: As part of the maintenance of the thatch roof, we removed all the thatch and battens and covered the roof with fireboards, which, in addition to providing a fire barrier also helps to strengthen the roof.

» firebomb = bomba incendiaria.

Example: The office of a French satirical magazine here was badly damaged by a firebomb early on Wednesday.

» firebomb = atacar con bombas incendiarias.

Example: Federal officials arrested a 24-year-old man on charges of firebombing an Oregon mosque last year and said he was motivated by racial hatred.

» firebombing = atentado con bombas incendiarias, ataque con bombas incendiarias.

Example: A 19-year old boy has been arrested and charged in connection with the firebombing of two synagogues in New Jersey.

» firebrand = ascua, brasa, tea.

Example: By such mutual assistance, the wits and endeavours of the world may no longer be as so many scattered coals, or firebrands, which, for want of union are soon quenched, whereas, being but laid together, they would have yielded a comfortable light and heat.

» firebrand = agitador, instigador, provocador, sedicioso.

Example: He might poke fun at politicians, but he isn't known as a liberal firebrand.

» fire break = cortafuegos.

Example: These fire breaks are NOT hiking trails or roads.

» firebreak = cortafuegos.

Example: A proper firebreak greatly increases the chance of your house and surrounding structures surviving a wildfire.

» fire + break out = fuego + prenderse, fuego + iniciar.

Example: In 1994 fire broke out in the Central Library building which housed the Norfolk Record Office.

» fire-breathing = extremista.

Example: Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.

» firebrick = ladrillo refractario.

Example: Firebrick is set with a runny mix of clay and water, not with mortar.

» fire brigade = bomberos, servicio de bomberos, cuerpo de bomberos.

Example: In 2005, it received over 9000 hoax phone calls, the highest number of all the fire brigades in the United Kingdom.

» fireclay = arcilla refractaria.

Example: In practice it has been observed that the higher the alumina content in the fireclay, the higher is the fusion point.

» fire code = normativa antiincendios.

Example: When the overhaul began in 1994, the Pentagon did not meet fire, safety or health codes, and because of outdated electrical systems, experienced 20-to-30 power outages daily.

» firecracker = petardo.

Example: By this time, firecrackers and fireworks were being let off willy-nilly in the streets by any mug with a match.

» fire crew = bomberos.

Example: Tens of thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes as fire crews scramble to battle wildfires near the Greek capital.

» fire damage = daño causado por el fuego.

Example: The library was plundered for its electronic equipment, and later suffered severe fire damage from the shelling.

» fire department = bomberos, cuerpo de bomberos, brigada de bomberos.

Example: This article describes the use of PLUS in work carried out by the London, Ontario, fire department = Este artículo describe el uso de PLUS en el trabajo que realiza la brigada de bomberos de London, Ontario.

» fire + destroy = fuego + destruir.

Example: This article describes the architecture of the library in Skorping, Denmark, built on the site of an old inn destroyed by fire.

» fire + die = fuego + apagarse.

Example: Night was in full bloom, most of the food had been devoured and the fire was dying.

» fire door = puerta contra incendios, puerta cortafuegos.

Example: All critical ironmongery fitted to fire doors must be tested and approved.

» fire drill = simulacro de incendio.

Example: Steps in the preparation of a strategy include: regular fire and flood drills; assessment of the potential for disaster; establishing a salvage priority list; devising a plan for the salvage operations.

» fire engine = camión de bomberos, coche de bomberos.

Example: Two fire engines and around 20 firefighters were called to a fire in a derelict swimming baths in Walnut Tree Road.

» fire escape = salida de incendios, salida de emergencia, escalera de incendios.

Example: Once your fire escape has been refurbished, it's important to have it inspected on a regular basis.

» fire exit = salida de incendios.

Example: Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, toilet provision, fire regulations and exits are all well covered in considerable detail.

» fire extinguisher = extintor de incendios.

Example: Pre-emergency planning in the library should cover displaying of emergency telephone numbers, marking locations of fire extinguishers, and organising alternative storage sites.

» fire extinguishing system = sistema de extinción de incendios.

Example: This article also gives details about the building structure, the storage capacity of the different floors, the type of shelving, the system for transporting archives within the building, and the fire extinguishing system.

» firefighter [fire fighter] = bombero.

Example: It's clear from the dust jacket and from the review that it deals with some topics that are particularly interesting now, specifically the effect of a firefighter's strike upon New York City.

» fire-fighting = extinción de incendios, tareas de extinción de incendios.

Example: The article 'After the deluge: what next?' reports on a one-day workshop on disaster planning for libraries with particular emphasis on minimising damage caused by water resulting from floods or the aftermath of fire-fighting.

» firefly = luciérnaga.

Example: Fireflies are the classic example of organisms that use light signalling for sexual communication.

» fire + gut = fuego + destruir por completo.

Example: It gives an overview of the problems faced by the Los Angeles Public Library after it was gutted by the disastrous fire in 1986.

» fire hazard = peligro de incendio, riesgo de incendio.

Example: Cigarette smoking inside your home is not only a health hazard but a fire hazard too.

» fire hydrant = boca de incendios.

Example: For example, after a fire hydrant has been observed and described, children are addressed as follows: 'What would it feel like to be a fire hydrant? Try it and show how the water gushes out'.

» fire incident = incendio.

Example: Five of these fire incidents were attributed to incendiary actions, four involving college dormitories and one involving a fraternity house.

» fire inspector = jefe de bomberos.

Example: He thought he was in the clear when the fire inspector told him it was an accident.

» fire insurance policy = póliza de seguros contra incendios.

Example: Fire insurance policies discourage the planting of trees in towns and villages because of the fear of lightning strikes.

» firelighter = pastilla de encendido. 

Example: She talked to us about her battle with sniffing firelighters and how it nearly destroyed her career in television for good.

» fireman [firemen, -pl.] = bombero.

Example: Headings such as SALESMEN AND SALESMANSHIP and FIREMEN, since they are assigned to works covering the activities of both men and women in these occupations, are not specific.

» fire marshal = jefe de bomberos.

Example: Fire marshals must perform many duties, from investigating fires to find their source to enforcing fire safety laws.

» fireplace = chimenea.

Example: A modern comfortable library could look like that in Berlin's Tiergarten, with its opne-air gardens, or resemble Evanston's library with its comfortable chairs and elegant (and, one hopes, safe) fireplaces.

» fire precaution = precaución contra el fuego.

Example: As both a fire and safety precaution flammable liquids must be kept in a cabinet which can contain fire.

» fire-prone = propenso al fuego, propenso a los incendios.

Example: Santa Barbara area canyon's residents are among many Californians living in harm's way in fire-prone areas.

» fireproof [fire-proof] = a prueba de incendios, ignífugo, incombustible, refractario.

Example: We designed a secure -- and we will build it eventually -- computer room that was fireproof, tornado proof, and would take a hit from a single engine craft.

» fireproofing = ignífugo, incombustible, refractario.

Example: Locate records of patents assigned to the Celenese company for fireproofing substances.

» fire protection = protección contra incendios.

Example: Storage areas must have proper fire protection.

» fire regulations = normativa en caso de incendio.

Example: Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, toilet provision, fire regulations and exits are all well covered in considerable detail.

» fire resistance = resistencia al fuego.

Example: Consumers still need to keep in mind that increased fire resistance does not mean there is no fire risk.

» fire-resistant = resistente al fuego.

Example: Wooden shelves should be treated with fire-resistant material = Los estantes de madera se deberían tratar con sustancias resistentes al fuego.

» fire response = acción contra el fuego.

Example: It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.

» fire retardant = retardador del fuego. [Substancia que ralentiza la propagación del fuego]

Example: The appropriate prompt action -- perhaps with the proper fire retardant from a readily available fire extinguisher -- may prevent a mishap from becoming a catastrophe.

» fire risk = peligro de incendio, riesgo de incendio.

Example: Consumers still need to keep in mind that increased fire resistance does not mean there is no fire risk.

» fire road = cortafuegos.

Example: The reason for the confusion is clear: many of the fire roads have definitely become trails, with evidence of a wide road nearly nonexistent in places.

» fire safety = seguridad contra incendios.

Example: Librarians must be made aware of the dangers of open floor bookstacks and open stairways and budgets must provide funds to achieve an acceptable level of fire safety.

» fire security = seguridad contra incendios.

Example: It presents a checklist of some of the major considerations in assessing the environmental, fire and electrical security of equipment areas in libraries.

» fire service = bomberos, los.

Example: This programme is designed for those hoping to follow a career in one of the uniformed services -- army, navy, RAF, police service, fire service or ambulance.

» fireside = hogar.

Example: One will therefore be able to access the library catalogue from the comfort of one's own fireside.

» fire sprinkler = aspersor contra incendios.

Example: Water can enter computer rooms from numerous sources: air conditioners; roof, floor, and wall leaks; backed-up floor drains; and fire sprinklers.

» fire stairs = escalera de incendios.

Example: In general, the fire stairs may only be exited at the ground level, with all other levels secured from entry via the fire stairs.

» fire station = parque de bomberos.

Example: Buildings converted to libraries include mansions, stores, gas stations, coffee bars, fire stations, post offices and chapels.

» firestorm [fire storm] = tormenta, tormenta causada por un incendio.

Example: He claims that the press campaign he is about to unleash will be a 'publicity firestorm'.

» fire + sweep through = fuego + arrasar.

Example: In 1988 an electrically-caused fire swept through the Jewish archives in New York City.

» fire truck = camión de bomberos, coche de bomberos.

Example: This is an imaginative story about a little boy who loves fire trucks.

» firewall = firewall, cortafuegos, ordenador de seguridad. [En Internet, ordenador que se coloca como puerta de acceso entre una red local y otras redes para controlar quién accede y cómo se accede a la red local por razones principalmente de seguridad]

Example: A firewall is a gateway through which all connections are made and offers a solution against intruders getting into and employees sending out unauthorized information.

» fire warning = señal de aviso de incendio, alarma contra incendios.

Example: The library was found to have inadequate lighting for the partially sighted and a lack of a fire warning perceptible to the deaf.

» firewater = aguardiente, agua de fuego.

Example: This firewater of yours seems like good drink to warm a man during this bitter winter.

» firewood = leña. [Para el fuego]

Example: This book focuses on the provisioning of the Roman army with food, fodder, and firewood.

» fireworks = fuegos artificiales, cohete.

Example: This article gives examples of unusual forms of library promotion -- rallies, comedy competitions, fun runs, fireworks.

» fireworks = jaleo, jarana, riña.

Example: 'You know, Tom, if I ever find another job -- and I'm already looking -- there will be some fireworks around here before I leave, I can guarantee you that!'.

» flash fire = fuego repentino.

Example: The author presents the results of an an epidemiological study examining 127 victims of a flash fire in a ballroom.

» forest fire = incendio forestal.

Example: Involving local communities is crucial to prevent and control destructive forest fires.

» get along/on like + a house on fire = llevarse a las mis maravillas.

Example: But Salman and I got along like a house on fire from day one.

» halon gas fire extinguishing system = sistema de extinción de incendios mediante gas halón.

Example: Halon gas fire extinguishing systems have been installed in a number of libraries and archives across Canada.

» hit it off like + a house on fire = llevarse a las mis maravillas, congeniar a las mil maravillas.

Example: Bella and I hit it off like a house on fire, call me stupid but the girl just brought sunshine to my day.

» if you play with fire, you'll get (your fingers) burnt/burned = si juegas con fuego, te puedes quemar.

Example: And it seems that the old idiom, 'If you play with fire, you'll get burned,' rings true today.

» light + Nombre + on fire = prender fuego.

Example: He was said to have lit a stormy petrel on fire and follow it through the storm and fog to shore while he was lost at sea.

» light + the fire under = hacer reaccionar, despertar, estimular.

Example: Too bad it took a breast cancer diagnosis to light the fire under me.

» like a house on fire = a las mil maravillas.

Example: Within ten minutes they joined into my discussion and then it rolled like a house on fire.

» like a house on fire = muy rápidamente.

Example: When this restaurant opened about 10 years ago, it caught on like a house on fire.

» log fire = fuego de leña.

Example: Soap making and cooking over log fires are things of the past.

» make + a fire = hacer un fuego, encender un fuego, encender una lumbre, hacer una lumbre.

Example: They made a huge fire, put on their war paint, danced vigorously around the fire to the sound of a large drum, waving their knives and their spears.

» open fire = hoguera, fuego, lumbre, fogata.

Example: The first rotisseries were crude devices that allowed for food to be rotated manually while it cooked over an open fire.

» out of the fire and into the frying pan = de mal en peor, salir de Guatemala para meterse en Guatapeor.

Example: The article is titled 'Out of the fire and into the frying pan'.

» out of the frying pan and into the fire = de mal en peor, salir de Guatemala para meterse en Guatapeor.

Example: Further, your question about using hydrocortisone cream makes me think of the saying, 'out of the frying pan and into the fire'.

» play with + fire = jugar con fuego.

Example: Granting the Executive the power to torture people and jail them indefinitely, without meaningful judicial review, is like playing with fire.

» pour + oil on the fire = echar leña al fuego.

Example: I disagree with the people saying she shouldn't have tried to step in, as that was 'pouring oil on the fire'.

» pull + Posesivo + chestnuts out of the fire = sacarle las castañas del fuego a Alguien.

Example: And there have actually been some pretty funny allusions to Baker pulling our chestnuts out the fire.

» put down + a fire = apagar un fuego.

Example: A well-established fire in bookstacks without automatic protection may have to be put down with large hoses, causing extensive water damage.

» put out + a fire = apagar un fuego, apagar un incendio, sofocar un fuego, sofocar un incendio. [Usado también en el sentido figurado de resolver conflictos o problemas]

Example: Typically we think that water will work to put out a fire, but that is not always the case.

» sacred fire = fuego sagrado.

Example: But to the person fortunate enough to possess the sacred fire of the art, his work is its own reward, and he blesses the men, living and dead, who kindled the spark within him.

» set + fire to = prenderle fuego a, incendiar.

Example: There was opposition from the Chinese, however, and someone set fire to the library in September 1938.

» set + Nombre + on fire = prender fuego, quemar.

Example: The second example relates to a bibliographical puzzle concerning the bowdlerized British version of William Styron's novel 'Set this house on fire'.

» set + the river on fire = hacerse famoso, volverse famoso, convertirse en famoso.

Example: It is difficult to see how the following typical enquiries could be answered the consultation of a dictionary: 'Where does the phrase `to set the river on fire` come from?' or 'What does `credulous` mean?'.

» set + the world on fire = revolucionar el mundo, poner el mundo patas arriba.

Example: Once upon a time, in a far-away galaxy known as Southern California a little blonde-haired girl thought one day, she would set the world on fire.

» St. Anthony's fire = fuego de San Antonio, fiebre de San Antonio, fuego del infierno.

Example: The history of erysipelas can be traced back to the Middle Ages when it was known as 'St. Anthony's Fire,' a bright red rash that was associated with a fungus found in contaminated rye.

» start + a fire = encender un fuego, hacer un fuego, encender una lumbre, hacer una lumbre.

Example: He was bitten by a viper while starting a camp fire on the beach, but he miraculously suffered no harm.

» stoke (up) + the fire = atizar el fuego, avivar el fuego.

Example: After stoking the fire so it would burn through the night, he took a long hot shower before retiring to his bed.

» stomp out + fire = apagar un fuego con los pies.

Example: Eric continued trying to stomp it out but his shoe caught on fire.

» sure-fire [surefire] = infalible, garantizado, asegurado, segurísimo, de éxito seguro, de éxito garantizado, de éxito asegurado.

Example: For example, asking where someone was born is not a sure-fire way of finding out what their accent is and may lead to erroneous assumptions.

» tend + a fire = cuidar un fuego.

Example: An 80-year-old farmer died early Friday morning, more than two weeks after he was burned while tending a fire on his land.

» there's no smoke without fire = cuando el río suena, agua lleva; donde hay humo, hay fuego.

Example: Most people will be thinking 'there's no smoke without fire' which is one reason why reporting on crimes should be banned until after a verdict is delivered.

» throw + oil on the fire = echar leña al fuego.

Example: The situation is extremely difficult, as we well know, and there are always people in whose interest it is to throw oil on the fire.

» tongue of fire = lengua de fuego.

Example: Much of what lies before our eyes today like a tongue of fire -- animal pestilences and the poisoning of our foodstuffs -- was already announced many years ago.

» water sprinkler fire extinguishing system = sistema de extinción de incendios mediante rociadores de agua.

Example: Negative features are the water sprinkler fire extinguishing system, which, if activated, would be ruinous to the Library's holdings.

» where there's smoke there's fire = cuando el río suena agua lleva, donde hay humo hay fuego.

Example: It's not going to work because even the most uninvolved citizens know that where there's smoke there's fire.

» wildfire = incendio, fuego arrasador, fuego incontrolado.

Example: The area burned by wildfire in the states of Arizona and New Mexico in the southwestern US has been increasing in recent years.

» wood fire = fuego de leña.

Example: The smell of a wood fire gave her chill bumps as it reminded her of her mother's fireplace at home in Tennessee.

fire2 = fuego. 

Example: The tanks led the way and the remaining infantrymen trailed behind, using the tanks, trees and road bank as cover from the fire coming from the city.


» be under fire = ser el blanco de las críticas, ser criticado, ser atacado.

Example: Cameron is under fire again for swanning off to Ibiza whilst the UK is supposedly facing a terror crisis.

» cease-fire = cese del fuego, alto del fuego, tregua.

Example: The Abuja Agreements ultimately were successful in effecting a cease-fire, in disarming 70% of the fighters, and in holding elections in Liberia in May of 1997.

» come under + fire = ser el blanco de las críticas, ser criticado, ser atacado.

Example: At the other extreme, the grand tradition has come under fire from two franc-tireurs FN Hatt and DE Gerard.

» crossfire = fuego cruzado, entre dos fuegos.

Example: The developing world runs the risk of being caught in the cost based crossfire.

» enemy fire = fuego enemigo.

Example: In more than one occasion he exposed himself to enemy fire and grenades by covering the bodies of those whom he was aiding with his own.

» exchange of fire = tiroteo, intercambio de fuego.

Example: Four have died in an exchange of fire between Lebanese and Israeli troops.

» firearm = arma de fuego.

Example: With this information about firearms one might turn to Quick's Dictionary where the entries are arranged alphabetically by the name or type of firearm.

» firefight = tiroteo, refriega.

Example: It is as if libraries find themselves once again mired down in the bureaucratic information policy firefights waged during the Reagan and Bush administrations (1980-1992).

» fireteam = escuadra militar, escuadra.

Example: A patrol can be anywhere from a fireteam in size to a battalion.

» friendly fire = fuego amigo.

Example: The library was bombed by friendly fire in World War II, reducing most of its holdings to charred remains.

» gunfire = tiros, disparos, ráfaga.

Example: Simultaneously, automatic gunfire spewed out from a sandbagged position west of the village across the river mouth.

» hang + fire = esperarse, demorarse.

Example: He intervened in the matter after it was brought to his notice that the appointment of Salaskar's daughter was hanging fire for quite sometime.

» hold + fire = aguantar.

Example: However, in producing a bulletin one is often torn between including the scanty, undigested and possibly inaccurate details of a new proposal and holding fire until fuller information is available, and thereby missing a publication deadline.

» line of fire = línea de fuego.

Example: The article is entitled 'In the line of fire: the library of University College Hull during World War II'.

» misfire = fallo de encendido. 

Example: During a seizure episode, an affected dog will suddenly appear to go stiff, as a misfire of electrical impulses in the brain send mixed-up messages to the muscular system.

» mortar fire = fuego de mortero, ataque de mortero, ataque con mortero.

Example: The building had been shelled several times in the few days previous to the closing (by which I assume he meant mortar fire).

» open + fire = abrir fuego.

Example: The Pakistani military has been given orders to open fire on US troops crossing the border from Afghanistan to attack Taliban safe havens.

» put + Reflexivo + on the (firing) line (of fire) = arriesgar el cuello, jugarse la vida. [Las construcciones posibles son put + Reflexivo + on the line o put + Reflexivo + on the firing line o put + Reflexivo + on the line of fire]

Example: A hero is someone who puts himself on the line to save someone else.

» quickfire = rápido, como una metralladora.

Example: The librarian should be at pains to avoid the quick-fire response of the quiz contestant.

» rapid-fire = que cambia rápidamente, muy frecuente y rápido.

Example: The librarian should distinguish big from little problems to avoid getting caught in a situation that is rapid-fire and not effective.

» sniper fire = fuego de francotirador.

Example: On 15 November, he informed me that his institution had been bombed thrice in three weeks, and subjected to sniper fire, including directly into his own office.

fire3 = encender, prender. 

Example: Mearns, too, has warned against 'profligate expenditure of time and effort when the reference librarian's own curiosity is fired to a point where he feels himself impelled to seek personal satisfaction'.


» be fired with = encender, avivar, motivar.

Example: Librarians and bibliographers are as deeply fired with the idealistic fervour which is alleged to have imbued the medieval knights.

» fire on + all (four/six/eight) cylinders = funcionar a toda máquina, funcionar a todo vapor, funcionar a pleno rendimiento, funcionar a tope, trabajar a tope, trabajar a toda máquina, emplearse a fondo.

Example: Coming into the off season firing on all cylinders is just the way we want to see her starting her prep for next year's competition.

» fire on + all (four/six/eight) cylinders = marchar sobre ruedas, ir sobre ruedas, ir como una seda, ir viento en popa.

Example: The global economy is firing on all cylinders, creating fairly reasonable global prices for New Zealand's key farm exports.

» fire + Posesivo + imagination = estimular la imaginación, despertar la imaginación.

Example: These early years were her first encounter with the wonders of nature that continue to fire her imagination.

» fire + the imagination = estimular la imaginación, despertar la imaginación.

Example: The article 'Soothing the soul and firing the imagination: thoughts of a trustee on the electronic library' considers the challenges facing library trustees resulting from the electronic revolution in libraries.

» fire up = ponerse al rojo vivo, entusiasmarse, excitarse, apasionarse, exaltarse, enardecerse.

Example: The sheer margin of the challenger's victory over the incumbent is a sign that the Democratic base is really fired up, and that Bush could be an albatross.

» fire up = arrancar, encender, poner en marcha.

Example: I found it a tad strange at first, but the engine fires up quickly and quietly with a dab on the throttle and I soon got used to it.

» fire up + emotions = despertar pasiones, suscitar emociones, suscitar pasiones, encender sentimientos, encender emociones, incitar emociones, incitar sentimientos.

Example: The issue of immigration between EU countries is firing up emotions across the continent.

fire4 = disparar. 

Example: The fighter pilot said he was ordered to fire a full salvo of rockets at the UFO moving erratically over the North Sea.


» backfire = fracasar, fallar, salir mal, salir el tiro por la culata, tener consecuencias negativas.

Example: While this direct contact can backfire if the person is not knowledgeable about the product, it is also a golden opportunity to respond directly to customer questions and unique needs.

» fire + a shot = disparar, disparar un tiro, hacer un disparo.

Example: The town grew at an unprecedented pace, and when the first shot was fired at ft Sumter it was home for 30,000.

» fire at + will = disparar a discreción.

Example: He's the fighter pilot who was ordered to fire at will against an unidentified flying object in British airspace.

» fire + a weapon = disparar un arma.

Example: Anyone can visit a shooting range and fire weapons for a day, but this means that you will be constantly supervised.

» fire + blanks = ser ineficaz, ser inútil, perder el tiempo.

Example: Real Madrid spurned the chance to replace Barcelona at the top of the Spanish first division as they fired blanks in a frustrating 0-0 draw at Osasuna.

» fire + blanks = disparar cartuchos vacíos, disparar munición de fogueo.

Example: Firing blanks during the celebrations is traditional.

» fire + blanks = eyacular esperma estéril, ser estéril.

Example: However, my friend's dog has been done and he still wants to hump everything he can, just doesn't realise he's firing blanks.

» fire off = lanzar, largar, soltar. [Hacer o decir algo muy rápidamente]

Example: Incredible though it may seem, the youngster didn't fire off a volley of cheerful curses, but silently obeyed.

» fire + Posesivo + gun = disparar.

Example: The history of warfare shows that less than one fifth of soldiers fire their guns at another human being.

» fire + the starting gun = dar el pistoletazo de salida.

Example: It is like firing the starting gun for a race before the runners are lined up.

» misfire = fallar, fracasar, salir mal, salir el tiro por la culata. 

Example: While project ALBIS was seen as an exercise in networking that misfired it did produce some positive results = Aunque se consideraba que el proyecto ALBIS fue un intento de cooperación en red que fracasó, no obstante produjo algunos resultados positivos.

fire5 = despedir. 

Example: It began when Balzac and Pershing had an altercation (theirs was another of the 'running feuds' in the library), and Pershing was fired.


» fire + Alguien + from + Posesivo + job = despedir del trabajo.

Example: A popular TV presenter in Turkey has been fired from her job for wearing a low-cut top.

» fire at + will = despedir a discreción.

Example: Employees can be fired at will, for any reason or for no reason at all.

» fire + Nombre + from + Posesivo + work = despedir del trabajo.

Example: She was fired from work not because she turned up late, but more because she didn't inform them that she would be late.

Fire synonyms

burn in spanish: quemar, pronunciation: bɜrn part of speech: verb, noun elicit in spanish: obtener, pronunciation: ɪlɪsɪt part of speech: verb can in spanish: puede, pronunciation: kæn part of speech: noun, verb raise in spanish: aumento, pronunciation: reɪz part of speech: verb attack in spanish: ataque, pronunciation: ətæk part of speech: noun, verb discharge in spanish: descarga, pronunciation: dɪstʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun, verb evoke in spanish: evocar, pronunciation: ɪvoʊk part of speech: verb blast in spanish: explosión, pronunciation: blæst part of speech: noun fuel in spanish: combustible, pronunciation: fjuəl part of speech: noun ardor in spanish: ardor, pronunciation: ɑrdɜr part of speech: noun sack in spanish: saco, pronunciation: sæk part of speech: noun dismiss in spanish: despedir, pronunciation: dɪsmɪs part of speech: verb kindle in spanish: encender, pronunciation: kɪndəl part of speech: verb flame in spanish: llama, pronunciation: fleɪm part of speech: noun provoke in spanish: provocar, pronunciation: prəvoʊk part of speech: verb flak in spanish: fuego antiaéreo, pronunciation: flæk part of speech: noun arouse in spanish: despertar, pronunciation: ɜraʊz part of speech: verb fervor in spanish: fervor, pronunciation: fɜrvɜr part of speech: noun terminate in spanish: Terminar, pronunciation: tɜrməneɪt part of speech: verb ardour in spanish: ardor, pronunciation: ɑrdɔr part of speech: noun go off in spanish: seguir, pronunciation: goʊɔf part of speech: verb fervour in spanish: fervor, pronunciation: fɜrvʊr part of speech: noun enkindle in spanish: hacer fuego, pronunciation: enkɪndəl part of speech: verb flaming in spanish: llameante, pronunciation: fleɪmɪŋ part of speech: adjective firing in spanish: disparo, pronunciation: faɪrɪŋ part of speech: noun fervency in spanish: fervor, pronunciation: fɜrvənsi part of speech: noun fervidness in spanish: fervor, pronunciation: fɜrvɪdnəs part of speech: noun burn down in spanish: quemar, pronunciation: bɜrndaʊn part of speech: verb force out in spanish: forzar, pronunciation: fɔrsaʊt part of speech: verb open fire in spanish: abran fuego, pronunciation: oʊpənfaɪɜr part of speech: verb send away in spanish: echar, pronunciation: sendəweɪ part of speech: verb give notice in spanish: dar una noticia, pronunciation: gɪvnoʊtəs part of speech: verb give the axe in spanish: dar el hacha, pronunciation: gɪvðəæks part of speech: verb

Fire antonyms

employ pronunciation: emplɔɪ part of speech: verb engage pronunciation: engeɪdʒ part of speech: verb hire pronunciation: haɪɜr part of speech: verb
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