Fir in spanish


pronunciation: ɑbetoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fir = abeto. 

Example: These diseases may affect other firs planted in the same area, but will not affect Douglas-fir or other conifer species.


» balsam fir = abeto balsámico, abeto de Navidad.

Example: Both balsam firs and spruces compensate for the loss of this foliage with prolific epicormic shoot production.

» Douglas-fir = abeto Douglas, pino Oregón.

Example: These diseases may affect other firs planted in the same area, but will not affect Douglas-fir or other conifer species.

» fir tree = abeto.

Example: Nobody is really sure when fir trees were first used as Christmas trees.

» fir (tree) cone = piña.

Example: Bomb disposal experts were called to examine what was thought to be an unexploded grenade, which turned out to be a fir cone.

» Spanish fir (tree) = abeto pinsapo, pinsapo.

Example: The Spanish fir could quite possibly be the most colorful and interesting conifer on the planet.

Fir synonyms

fir tree in spanish: abeto, pronunciation: fɜrtri part of speech: noun true fir in spanish: verdadero abeto, pronunciation: trufɜr part of speech: noun
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