Finish in spanish


pronunciation: teɹ̩minɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

finish1 = acabado. 

Example: The intention was to make the interior finish as flexible and adaptable as possible.


» close finish = llegada muy reñida.

Example: In 1947 certain racetracks introduced cameras at the winning post to determine the outcomes of close finishes.

» cross + the finish line = cruzar la línea de meta, cruzar la meta.

Example: The hardest part about writing a novel is in crossing the finish line -- once the first draft is done, the finish line is in sight.

» finish line = meta, la; línea de meta, la; línea de llegada, la.

Example: The real world is not a racetrack, countries are not runners, and there is no finish line.

» from start to finish = de principio a fin.

Example: This concept permeates all bibliothecal activities from start to finish, especially indexing and abstracting.

» grandstand finish = final apoteósico.

Example: Then in a grandstand finish the home side, on top throughout, were kept at bay by the agility of the visiting team's goalkeeper.

» matte finish = acabado mate.

Example: This paint comes in a fawn colour with a matte finish that allows you to wipe clean surface dirt and grime without damaging the surface.

» photo finish = foto-finish, final muy reñida.

Example: The 400m relay team took first place in another photo finish.

» second place finish = finalización en segundo lugar.

Example: With a damaged car, having to make a pit stop to change his front wing, the potential of a second place finish went up in smoke.

finish2 = acabar, finalizar, completar, terminar. [Tercera persona singular finishes]

Example: Activities can be plotted to allow the librarian to determine the most expeditious route that can be taken to finish the event.


» finish + first = llegar (el) primero, acabar (el) primero, finalizar (el) primero, terminar (el) primero.

Example: She finished first at last, for a split second.

» finish in + a draw = terminar en empate, acabar en empate, finalizar en empate.

Example: The first leg in Moscow finished in a draw, and so all would be decided in Santiago.

» finish in + first place = llegar en primer lugar, acabar en primer lugar, finalizar en primer lugar, terminar en primer lugar.

Example: After three weeks of online voting by the general public, they finished in first place with almost 30% more votes than their closest competitor.

» finish in + last place = llegar en último lugar, acabar en último lugar, finalizar en último lugar, terminar en último lugar.

Example: The team's transformation process actually began after the 2000 season when they finished in last place.

» finish in + second place = llegar en segundo lugar, acabar en segundo lugar, finalizar en segundo lugar, terminar en segundo lugar.

Example: Their women's team finished in second place only behind the University of Mary who posted 21 team points.

» finish in + third place = llegar en tercer lugar, acabar en tercer lugar, finalizar en tercer lugar, terminar en tercer lugar.

Example: In 1995-96 they finished in third place, missing out on the runners-up spot on goal difference.

» finish + last = llegar el último, terminar el último, finalizar el último, acabar el último.

Example: There is nothing wrong with finishing last.

» finish + Nombre + off = rematar, liquidar.

Example: What his brother did was beyond evil, they should've finished him off with the death sentence.

» finish off = rematar, acabar, terminar, liquidar, concluir, finalizar, culminar.

Example: His statement is a serious threat to the cooperative sector and was aimed at finishing off the movement.

» finish on + a positive note = terminar en (un) tono positivo, acabar en (un) tono positivo.

Example: As we always like to finish on a positive note we'll start with the bad and the ugly and finish with the good.

» finish + runner-up = llegar (el) segundo, acabar (el) segundo, finalizar (el) segundo, terminar (el) segundo.

Example: In 2001-02 they finished runners-up and the following season they were crowned champions.

» finish + second = llegar (el) segundo, acabar (el) segundo, finalizar (el) segundo, terminar (el) segundo.

Example: As the 2000 season closed they finished second in the nation, winning 85 consecutive matches.

» finish + second from bottom = llegar (el) penúltimo, acabar (el) penúltimo, finalizar (el) penúltimo, terminar (el) penúltimo.

Example: The following two years the club struggled and finished second from bottom in both seasons.

» finish + second to last = llegar (el) penúltimo, acabar (el) penúltimo, finalizar (el) penúltimo, terminar (el) penúltimo.

Example: Season 2006 was very disappointing for the club, as they finished second to last and had to play promotion/relegation play-offs.

» finish + third = llegar (el) tercero, acabar (el) tercero, finalizar (el) tercero, terminar (el) tercero.

Example: The following season they finished third, a place below the promotion places.

» finish up = acabar, terminar.

Example: In trying to get the best of both worlds, we may have finished up with the worst.

» finish (up) with + a bang = acabar a lo grande, finalizar a lo grande, terminar a lo grande.

Example: I found this book to be hard-going at first, but it sure finished up with a bang!.

» finish with + a flourish = acabar a lo grande, finalizar a lo grande, terminar a lo grande.

Example: Fiji want to finish with a flourish and return home from the Rugby World Cup with a victory.

» refinish = dar un nuevo acabado, restaurar. 

Example: If you're looking to refinish and waterproof some outdoor furniture you might want to consider using teak oil.

Finish synonyms

end in spanish: fin, pronunciation: end part of speech: noun close in spanish: cerrar, pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective last in spanish: último, pronunciation: læst part of speech: adjective complete in spanish: completar, pronunciation: kəmplit part of speech: adjective, verb conclusion in spanish: conclusión, pronunciation: kənkluʒən part of speech: noun cease in spanish: cesar, pronunciation: sis part of speech: verb, noun terminate in spanish: Terminar, pronunciation: tɜrməneɪt part of speech: verb terminus in spanish: término, pronunciation: tɜrmɪnəs part of speech: noun finale in spanish: final, pronunciation: fənæli part of speech: noun wind up in spanish: acabar, pronunciation: waɪndʌp part of speech: verb coating in spanish: revestimiento, pronunciation: koʊtɪŋ part of speech: noun finis in spanish: finis, pronunciation: fɪnɪs part of speech: noun end up in spanish: terminar, pronunciation: endʌp part of speech: verb finishing in spanish: refinamiento, pronunciation: fɪnɪʃɪŋ part of speech: noun eat up in spanish: comer hasta, pronunciation: itʌp part of speech: verb polish off in spanish: acabar con, pronunciation: pɑlɪʃɔf part of speech: verb stopping point in spanish: punto de parada, pronunciation: stɑpɪŋpɔɪnt part of speech: noun

Finish antonyms

begin pronunciation: bɪgɪn part of speech: verb start pronunciation: stɑrt part of speech: verb, noun beginning pronunciation: bɪgɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun commencement pronunciation: kəmensmənt part of speech: noun
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