Fingerprint in spanish
Huella dactilar
pronunciation: uejɑdɑktilɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
pronunciation: uejɑdɑktilɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures
fingerprint [finger-print]1 = huella dactilar, huella digital.
Example: There is a need to preserve some materials from possible damage caused by dust, scratching, greasy fingerprints, and so forth.more:
» DNA fingerprint = huella genética, huella del ADN.
Example: DNA tests proved that the DNA fingerprint from the semen found on the two murdered victims was not the same as Buckland's.» genetic fingerprint = huella genética.
Example: The genetic fingerprint is a species of personal bar-code, which allows the genetic identification of individuals as well as the analysis of biological kinship.fingerprint [finger-print]2 = sello personal. [Usado en sentido figurado para indicar que las características personales quedan reflejadas de algún modo en la obras de un individuo]
Example: Add to this his stock of unique woodcut ornaments and initials, and his finger-print is plain, a typographical equipment that belonged to him alone.fingerprint [finger-print]3 = tomar las huellas digitales, tomar las huellas dactilares.
Example: They will be fingerprinted and photographed, dressed in prison greens and incarcerated in a gaolhouse next to the clocktower in Raymond St.