Fingered in spanish


pronunciation: dedoʊs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

finger3 = tocar distraídamente. 

Example: The two sat gravely in silence, Modjeski fingering the stars on her necklace while she thought.


» finger-snapping = exigir, ordenar. [Acción de]

Example: The stereotype of the decision-maker as a person who does nothing but finger-snapping and button-pushing fades with systematic research and analysis.

finger4 = acusar, delatar. 

Example: He was living in swank hotels and enjoying the finer things in life until he was fingered by a squealer who ratted him out to the Mob for the price they had put on his head.



» fleet-fingered = ágil con los dedos, ligero con los dedos, de dedos ligeros.

Example: I've heard this sonata played often, usually in a rather light and fleet-fingered fashion, and I had never liked it until I heard Horowitz's rendering.

» light-fingered = manilargo, con las manos muy largas, ladronzuelo.

Example: Even a thorny trellis beneath your windows can provide a good deterrent to light-fingered thieves.

» sticky-fingered = con dedos pegajosos.

Example: Certainly the last thing we want is that books be shut up in tastefully decorated warehouses, watched over by highly trained storekeepers whose main purpose is to see that everything is kept tidily in its place and, as far as possible, untouched by human hands -- especially the sticky-fingered hands of marauding children.

Fingered synonyms

digitate in spanish: digitado, pronunciation: dɪdʒɪteɪt part of speech: adjective fingerlike in spanish: como un dedo, pronunciation: fɪŋgɜrlaɪk part of speech: adjective

Fingered antonyms

fingerless pronunciation: fɪŋgɜrləs part of speech: adjective
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