Finger in spanish


pronunciation: dedoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

finger1 = dedo. 

Example: He then began to tap his fingers nervously on the desk.


» be all (fingers and) thumbs = ser torpe con las manos, ser muy patoso.

Example: The first time I did it I was all fingers and thumbs, but practice brings the reward of ease.

» be finger licking/lickin' good = estar (como) para chuparse los dedos (de rico). [Bien be finger licking good o be finger lickin' good]

Example: The prices are reasonable, the waiters are nice, the atmosphere is great and the food is finger licking good!.

» bite + Posesivo + fingers = morderse las uñas, comerse las uñas.

Example: I have been reading his post for a long time and I have been biting my fingers to keep from basting him.

» cross + Posesivo + fingers = cruzar los dedos, desear suerte, esperar que todo salga bien, esperar que la suerte + Pronombre + acompañe. [Gesto usado para indicar que uno espera que todo salga bien]

Example: The site went down but it's back up now (fingers crossed).

» curl + Posesivo + finger up = doblar el dedo hacia arriba y hacia abajo, mover el dedo hacia arriba y hacia abajo.

Example: And simultaneously he curled his index finger up and down that in the vocabulary of his gesture was meant to signify 'Come over here'.

» drum with + fingers = repiquetear con los dedos.

Example: He was drumming on his desk with exasperated fingers, his mouth quirked at the corners, as if saying: 'Wriggle out of that!'.

» fingerboard = traste.

Example: If I have to name two things that took my guitar playing to the next level I would say music theory and memorizing the fingerboard.

» finger food = tapas, canapés, comida para picar, algo para picar, bocaditos.

Example: The building has two levels, the first being a café where people can sit and hang out with some finger food whereas the upper storey is a music studio.

» fingergame = juegos de manos.

Example: Songs, poems, fingergames and picture books are shared with parents and their young children, from infancy to age 3.

» fingernail = uña.

Example: One quarter inch fingernail size receiver holds 50 times more optical and electronic components than ever previously assembled on a chip.

» finger pad = yema del dedo.

Example: John Phillips, another gangster, had new fingerprints grafted onto his finger pads - but the police convicted him because they got a match with the prints further down his fingers.

» fingerplay = juego de dedos. [Movimiento de los dedos que acompañan las rimas infantiles]

Example: Fingerplays are rhymes for very young children that use hand movements coordinated with words to engage and sustain children's interest.

» fingerprint [finger-print] = huella dactilar, huella digital.

Example: There is a need to preserve some materials from possible damage caused by dust, scratching, greasy fingerprints, and so forth.

» fingerprint [finger-print] = sello personal. [Usado en sentido figurado para indicar que las características personales quedan reflejadas de algún modo en la obras de un individuo]

Example: Add to this his stock of unique woodcut ornaments and initials, and his finger-print is plain, a typographical equipment that belonged to him alone.

» fingerprint [finger-print] = tomar las huellas digitales, tomar las huellas dactilares.

Example: They will be fingerprinted and photographed, dressed in prison greens and incarcerated in a gaolhouse next to the clocktower in Raymond St.

» finger-print identification = identificación mediante las huellas dactilares.

Example: These latter may include control of access to stored data by, say, automatic finger-print or voice-print identification, or protection of data while in transit through a privacy transformation, better known as cryptography.

» fingerprinting = toma de huellas digitales, toma de huellas dactilares, recogida de huellas digitales, recogida de huellas dactilares.

Example: His experience with fingerprinting was limited, but his private conviction was that all fingeprints were unique to the individual.

» finger ring = anillo.

Example: This collection of finger rings is a must-have for all women.

» fingertip = punta del dedo, yema del dedo.

Example: Fingertip injuries are one of the more common injuries in the hand.

» forefinger = índice, dedo índice. [Dedo de la mano. Pincha en para ver otras palabras formadas añadiendo "fore" a otra palabra ya existente]

Example: Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes.

» get + Posesivo + fingers burnt/burned = pillarse los dedos, salir mal parado.

Example: Unfortunately, along the way she, like many entrepreneurs, got her fingers burnt by people who took advantage of her inexperience to earn themselves a nice payday.

» give + Alguien + the (middle) finger = hacer un corte de mangas.

Example: So many images of celebrities giving the middle finger have clearly been Photoshopped but this one, by gum, has not!.

» give + Nombre + the middle finger = mandar a tomar por culo. [Mostrando el dedo medio en el aire con la mano hacia arriba]

Example: The driver honked at her, slowed down and gave her the middle finger as he was driving away.

» glove without fingers = mitón. [Guante sin dedos]

Example: The problem of gloves without fingers is the fact that your fingers become too cold after some time.

» have + a finger in every pie = estar en todo, estar metido en todo, controlarlo todo, estar en misa y repicando, meterse en todos los fregados, meter las manos en todo, andar en misa y repicando.

Example: Now with a whole spectrum of collaborative projects, they seem to have a finger in every pie.

» have + green fingers = dársele a Uno bien las plantas, tener buena mano con las plantas.

Example: Traditionally, someone who works well with plants is said to have a green thumb, or green fingers.

» have + Posesivo + fingers burnt/burned = pillarse los dedos, salir mal parado.

Example: Zac couldn't give her his love because he simply wouldn't get the opportunity -- she'd had her fingers burnt by one shallow egomaniac, and once bitten, twice shy.

» have + sticky fingers = tener los dedos pegajosos, tener las manos pegajosas.

Example: I always wear disposable rubber gloves when working with resin so I don't have sticky fingers for 2 days afterwards.

» have + sticky fingers = tener la mano larga.

Example: It is common for baggage handlers to have sticky fingers, especially when it comes to expensive electronic items like cameras and laptops.

» if you play with fire, you'll get (your fingers) burnt/burned = si juegas con fuego, te puedes quemar.

Example: And it seems that the old idiom, 'If you play with fire, you'll get burned,' rings true today.

» index finger = dedo índice.

Example: And simultaneously he curled his index finger up and down that in the vocabulary of his gesture was meant to signify 'Come over here'.

» jam + Posesivo + finger in the door = pillarse el dedo en la puerta.

Example: She jammed her finger in the door and went out cold for about 1 minute.

» keep + a finger on the pulse of = mantenerse al tanto de, mantenerse al día de.

Example: Further, routine introduction of data into the planning process can help managers keep a finger on the pulse of change = Además, la introducción regular de información en el proceso de planificación puede ayudar a los responsables a mantenerse al día.

» keep + Posesivo + fingers crossed = cruzar los dedos, desear suerte, esperar que todo salga bien, esperar que la suerte + Pronombre + acompañe.

Example: Asin is keeping her fingers crossed -- the verdict will be out in a few days from now.

» ladyfinger = galleta de bizcocho.

Example: Ladyfingers are also employed as an integral part of some desserts.

» lay + a finger on = ponerle la mano encima a, tocarle un pelo a, maltratar, tocar.

Example: That's why he's in prison for the rest of his life when he never laid a finger on the victims -- he was the general who ordered his troops into battle.

» Posesivo + little finger = meñique, dedo pequeño, dedo meñique.

Example: I'm bothered by numbness and tingling in my little finger and general weakness in my right hand.

» middle finger = dedo (del) corazón, dedo medio.

Example: My daughter grabbed a hot appliance today and got a second-degree burn on her middle finger that quickly sprouted a large blister.

» not lift a finger = no levantar un dedo, no mover un dedo, no dar golpe, no dar palo al agua.

Example: He doesn't lift a finger and pays off a bunch of technicians to make the equipment for him.

» Posesivo + pinkie finger = meñique, dedo meñique, dedo pequeño.

Example: He is sick of it, baffled by it and would rather repeatedly slam his pinkie finger in the door of his car than write another word of it.

» point + a finger at = apuntar con el dedo, señalar con el dedo.

Example: I love the bit when the guy points the fingers at the people and shoots them the wink.

» pointing finger = dedo acusador.

Example: I feel at the time I needed a helping hand, not for my career but as a person, instead of her pointing fingers.

» point + (the) finger(s) at = señalar, acusar, criticar, culpar.

Example: It is easy to point the fingers at the refs.

» pull + (a/Posesivo) finger out = esmerarse, aplicarse, despabilarse, espabilarse, ponerse las pilas, ponerse a trabajar en serio.

Example: This man isn't going to stop working, so those of you who can't work because of your 'disability' could do with pulling a finger out!.

» put + a finger on = precisar, concretar, identificar.

Example: It's hard to put a finger on the exact formula that adds up to someone becoming successful.

» put + a finger up to = mandar a tomar por culo a, hacer un corte de mangas. [Mostrando el dedo medio en el aire con la mano hacia arriba]

Example: Let's break the rules, let's put a finger up to the establishment and do something wrong.

» put + Posesivo + finger on = dar en el blanco, dar en el clavo, acertar con, dar con, atinar con, dar en la diana, hacer diana.

Example: She was worried about the project, but couldn't put her finger on what was wrong.

» raise + Posesivo + middle finger = mandar a tomar por culo. [Mostrando el dedo medio en el aire con la mano hacia arriba]

Example: Lady GaGa recently raised her middle finger to the paparazzi waiting for her at an airport.

» ring finger = dedo anular.

Example: Curious minds want to know what kind of bling is Posh Spice wearing on her ring finger?.

» run + Posesivo + finger along = pasar el dedo por.

Example: I reached over and ran my fingers along her cheek and she turned toward me, a smile broadening in spite of her huff.

» sponge finger = galleta de bizcocho.

Example: If you do not find sponge fingers in your local supermarket, use any vanilla sponge cake.

» stick + a finger up to = mandar a tomar por culo a. [Mostrando el dedo medio en el aire con la mano hacia arriba]

Example: The poor lad had the temerity to stick a finger up to those guilty and recieved a severe reprimand by the club.

» stir + a finger = mover un dedo.

Example: He could not raise his head or stir a finger for the trance that held him, and Peroo was smiling vacantly at the lightning.

» tap + fingers = golpear ligeramente la punta de los dedos en sucesión sobre una superficie. [Generalmente en señal de impaciencia]

Example: Some reference librarians tapp their finger(s) on the counter when a request is made and twitch their mouth upon movement to fulfil the request.

» wag + Posesivo + finger = regañar con el dedo levantado.

Example: Arizona governor says she meant no disrespect when wagging her finger at Obama.

» work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone = dejarse la piel trabajando, deslomarse trabajando, matarse trabajando, dejarse el pellejo trabajando.

Example: There are plenty of those out there who are working their fingers to the bone and still have a hard time keeping their heads above water.

» wrap + Nombre + (a)round + Posesivo + (little) finger = tener a Alguien comiendo de la palma de + Posesivo + mano, tener a Alguien en el bolsillo, meterse a Alguien en el bolsillo, manejar a Alguien a + Posesivo + antojo, hacer con Alguien lo que Uno quiera.

Example: As for the cats, Ta-Shi will keep them wrapped around her accursed finger long enough to seal their fate.

finger2 = finger. [En Internet, programa que permite localizar la dirección de las personas que tienen dirección en Internet]

Example: Finger is an Internet software tool for locating people on other Internet sites.

finger3 = tocar distraídamente. 

Example: The two sat gravely in silence, Modjeski fingering the stars on her necklace while she thought.


» finger-snapping = exigir, ordenar. [Acción de]

Example: The stereotype of the decision-maker as a person who does nothing but finger-snapping and button-pushing fades with systematic research and analysis.

finger4 = acusar, delatar. 

Example: He was living in swank hotels and enjoying the finer things in life until he was fingered by a squealer who ratted him out to the Mob for the price they had put on his head.

Finger synonyms

feel in spanish: sensación, pronunciation: fil part of speech: verb thumb in spanish: pulgar, pronunciation: θʌm part of speech: noun digit in spanish: dígito, pronunciation: dɪdʒət part of speech: noun fingerbreadth in spanish: dedo, pronunciation: fɪŋgɜrbredθ part of speech: noun
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