Fine in spanish


pronunciation: multɑ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

fine1 = multa, sanción. 

Example: The GEAC system includes the following modules: fines, reservation, public access system, catalogue, networking, statistical information, acquisition, local community information service.


» charge + a fine = cobrar una multa.

Example: If the document is returned within the grace period, no fine is charged.

» collect + a fine = cobrar una multa.

Example: The officers claimed I had committed a traffic violation and wanted to collect a fine.

» court fine = sanción judicial.

Example: Contractors caught not reporting cash income face serious consequences, such as penalties, court fines, and even jail time.

» criminal fine = multa penal, multa delictiva, multa por delito.

Example: Criminal fines may also be imposed for felony charges, often in the amounts of thousands of dollars.

» fine policy = política sancionadora, política de sanciones, política de multas.

Example: If the document is returned late, any fine is calculated according to the library's fine policy = Si el documento se devuelve tarde, la sanción se calcula de acuerdo con la politica sancionadora de la biblioteca.

» fines system = sistema de multas.

Example: A points system is used at the library, instead of a fines system, for dealing with overdues.

» impose + a fine = imponer una multa, poner una multa.

Example: Most courts in India are unwilling to impose heavy fines and jail terms for wildlife crimes.

» incur + a fine = contraer una multa, incurrir en una multa.

Example: It then deletes all fines incurred before that date.

» level + a fine against = imponer una multa, imponer una sanción.

Example: But some have also wondered why these first fines were leveled against two almost unknown singers rather than more famous stars.

» levy + a fine = imponer sanción económica.

Example: The Commission also has powers to investigate any infringement of the rules and to levy fines in cases where a breach of the rules has been established.

» library fine = sanción bibliotecaria.

Example: This article discusses the necessity of library fines, methods of collection and opinions held on the subject.

» overdue fine = sanción por préstamo vencido.

Example: The most familiar method -- overdues fines -- has continued to produce a great deal of debate.

» owe + a fine = deber una multa.

Example: The number of the borrower who owes the fine is displayed.

» parking fine = multa de aparcamiento.

Example: This site will help you pay your parking fines quickly and easily without the need to come into our office or telephone us.

» pay + a fine = pagar una multa.

Example: Thus a borrower may pay fines at the time the document is checked in.

» regulatory fine = sanción regulatoria, sanción reguladora, multa regulatoria, multa reguladora.

Example: If not governed properly, information is subject to misuse, loss, and mismanagement, resulting in adverse consequences such as legal proceedings and regulatory fines.

» speeding fine = multa por exceso de velocidad.

Example: Speeding fines are a fact of life for many motorists.

» traffic fine = multa de tráfico.

Example: Brazil's newest law will direct 15 percent of revenue from traffic fines towards programs that encourage bicycling.

» unpaid fine = multa que se debe.

Example: A summary of all unpaid fines is displayed (Figure 108 on page 103).

fine [finer -comp., finest -sup.]2 = adecuado, acertado, bien, conseguido. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: The solution is fine when the qualifying term that the user seeks is present, and is used relatively consistently.


» a fine art = un arte, dominio perfecto.

Example: The article is entitled 'Abstracting as a fine art'.

» a fine kettle of fish = lío, berenjenal, galimatías, follón, marimorena, papeleta, trapatiesta.

Example: Knowing the historical roots of their misfortune may not make it easier for them to escape the fine kettle of fish they are in.

» be fine = ir todo bien, no haber problemas.

Example: Some of the talk that has been going on this morning has seemed to say -- if we just had the right code, if we just had the right headings, if we just had the right terms, everything would be fine.

» be fine and dandy = ser estupendo, ir a las mil maravillas, marchar a las mil maravillas.

Example: Encouraging an interest in maths among grown-ups is fine and dandy, but kicking up a stink about the lack of maths teachers is far more important.

» be (just) fine by/with = parecerle bien a Uno, venirle bien a Uno, irle bien a Uno, no haber problema por + Posesivo + parte.

Example: He didn't have that stratospheric jump into stardom that some musicians experience, and that's just fine with him.

» enjoy + the finer things in life = disfrutar de las cosas buenas de la vida.

Example: He was living in swank hotels and enjoying the finer things in life until he was fingered by a squealer who ratted him out to the Mob for the price they had put on his head.

» everything + go + fine = todo + ir + bien, todo + salir + bien.

Example: Everything went fine, I didn't lose my luggage and even the weather was pretty nice.

» fine art = artes plásticas.

Example: The media collection includes film, sound and video recordings, photographs, fine art, slides, posters and magazine pictures.

» fine arts = bellas artes. [Disciplinas como la pintura, escultura, música, etc. cuya principal preocupación es la creación de objetos artísticos de valor estético y/o expresivo]

Example: It should be noted that such a significance order of categories is more recognizable in the disciplines of natural science than in fine arts.

» fine binding = encuadernación de lujo. [En imprenta, encuadernación especial que recibe una edición limitada o única de un libro y que por sí sola se considera como obra de arte]

Example: This periodical aims to provide up-to-date, authoritative information with clear illustrations on progressive technical and design aspects of modern fine binding.

» get it down to + a fine art = conocer de memoria, saber de memoria, saber Algo de carretilla, conocer Algo de carretilla, conocer Algo al dedillo, saber Algo al dedillo.

Example: You will need to meticulously plan each event and rehearse it until you get it down to a fine art.

» get + Reflexivo + into a fine mess = meterse en un aprieto, meterse en un berenjenal, meterse en apuros, meterse en problemas, meterse en follones, meterse en líos, meterse en belenes, meterse en camisa de once varas.

Example: She got herself into a fine mess doing It but nobody said a word in reproof.

» have it down to + a fine art = conocer de memoria, saber de memoria, saber Algo de carretilla, conocer Algo de carretilla, conocer Algo al dedillo, saber Algo al dedillo.

Example: They were good at these things, that's what they got paid for and they had it down to a fine art.

» in fine fettle = en forma, en buena forma, en buena condición, en buen estado.

Example: Only a good horseman, in fine fettle, with Herculean reserves of pluck and verve should consider this challenge.

» in fine whack = en forma, en buena forma, en buena condición, en buen estado.

Example: John Hay wrote in early August that the president 'is in fine whack -- I have seldom seen him more serene & busy'.

» that's fine = está bien, no pasa nada, sin problema(s).

Example:  That's fine , you did not know she had been arrested for stealing jewelry = No pasa nada, no sabías que ella había sido arrestada por robar joyas.

» the fine art of = el arte de.

Example: The article is entitled 'The fine art of security: protecting public and private collections against theft, fire, and vandalism'.

fine [finer -comp., finest -sup.]3 = sutil, concreto, fino. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: A longer abstract can help in the finer points of selection, but will take longer to write and also longer to scan.


» fine detail(s) = detalles concretos; pormenores, los; letra pequeñita, la.

Example: Although we may disagree about the fine detail, semantic relationships are the relationships between subjects, which are reasonably stable, and reflect the consensus of opinion concerning the connections between subjects.

» fine grain = de textura fina, de granularidad fina.

Example: The rise of documentation in this country takes a rather different turn, due largely to the development of fine grain photographic emulsions and the miniature camera using a film with an acetate, non-explosive, base.

» fine-grained = de textura fina, de granularidad fina.

Example: Fine-grained hardwoods were preferred, nearly always cut across the grain, although the largest size types were sometimes cut on the plank.

» fine-grained = minucioso, detallado, pormenorizado.

Example: Both simple and fine-grained policies can be written to permit or deny access to this type of repository.

» fine points, the = letra pequeñita, la; pormenores, los.

Example: Hence, there is a need for organizations who can interpret the fine points of officialese and present them in a form the less literate can understand.

» fine-screen = de trama fina.

Example: Art paper (the shiny paper used for printing fine-screen half-tones from the 1880s) had a coating of china clay applied in a special machine to one or both sides of a web of body paper.

» fine-tooth(ed) = de dientes finos, de púas finas. 

Example: Fine-tooth carders are best for delicate and fine fibers like angora, alpaca, and fine wools like merino.

» fine tune [fine-tune] = ajustar, poner a punto, afinar, modificar, precisar.

Example: These statistics have been used to fine tune the system and improve response time = Se han usado estos resultados estadísticos para ajustar el funcionamiento del sistema y mejorar el tiempo de respuesta.

» fine tuning [fine-tuning] = puesta a punto, ajuste.

Example: A second important purpose was to facilitate the initial 'fine tuning' of the system following its initial deployment.

» go over + Nombre + with a fine toothcomb = repasar Algo muy detenidamente.

Example: I went over the old one with a fine toothcomb deleting all formulae and all variables but to no avail.

» put + too fine a point on = ser demasiado quisquilloso, ser demasiado preciso.

Example: Not to put too fine a point on this, and slap me down if I am being rude, but from the questions you are asking I do not think you are ready for a project of this scope.

» superfine = superfino, ultrafino, extrafino.

Example: With wool prices on the rise, superfine wool is certainly looking good at the moment, but it has not always been that way.

» the fine print = la letra pequeña.

Example: He has called a foul on the council for hiding the third tax increase in the fine print of the legal notices of the newspaper.

» tread + a fine line between ... and = star a caballo entre... y..., intentar encontrar un término medio entre... y....

Example: These ferocious competitors tread a fine line between controlled aggression and illegality.

» walk + a fine line between ... and ... = estar a caballo entre... y..., intentar encontrar un término medio entre... y....

Example: Cutting through space and time through cinematography, the film creators walk a fine line between their imagination and their dreams.

fine4 = multar, poner una multa, imponer una multa. 

Example: So when the highway patrol pulled her over and fined her for a no-helmet offence, she decided to fight.

Fine synonyms

good in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective well in spanish: bien, pronunciation: wel part of speech: adverb beautiful in spanish: hermoso, pronunciation: bjutəfəl part of speech: adjective close in spanish: cerrar, pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective quality in spanish: calidad, pronunciation: kwɑləti part of speech: noun prime in spanish: principal, pronunciation: praɪm part of speech: adjective, noun bad in spanish: malo, pronunciation: bæd part of speech: adjective pure in spanish: puro, pronunciation: pjʊr part of speech: adjective tenuous in spanish: tenue, pronunciation: tenjəwəs part of speech: adjective tight in spanish: apretado, pronunciation: taɪt part of speech: adjective superior in spanish: superior, pronunciation: supɪriɜr part of speech: adjective exquisite in spanish: Exquisito, pronunciation: ekskwəzət part of speech: adjective alright in spanish: bien, pronunciation: ɔlraɪt part of speech: adverb little in spanish: pequeño, pronunciation: lɪtəl part of speech: adjective, adverb pretty in spanish: bonita, pronunciation: prɪti part of speech: adverb, adjective precise in spanish: preciso, pronunciation: prɪsaɪs part of speech: adjective choice in spanish: elección, pronunciation: tʃɔɪs part of speech: noun small in spanish: pequeña, pronunciation: smɔl part of speech: adjective ticket in spanish: boleto, pronunciation: tɪkət part of speech: noun elegant in spanish: elegante, pronunciation: eləgənt part of speech: adjective delicate in spanish: delicado, pronunciation: deləkət part of speech: adjective thin in spanish: Delgado, pronunciation: θɪn part of speech: adjective pleasant in spanish: agradable, pronunciation: plezənt part of speech: adjective prize in spanish: premio, pronunciation: praɪz part of speech: noun select in spanish: seleccionar, pronunciation: səlekt part of speech: verb, adjective discerning in spanish: perspicaz, pronunciation: dɪsɜrnɪŋ part of speech: adjective ok in spanish: De acuerdo, pronunciation: oʊkeɪ part of speech: adjective dainty in spanish: delicado, pronunciation: deɪnti part of speech: adjective okay in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: oʊkeɪ part of speech: adjective satisfactory in spanish: satisfactorio, pronunciation: sætəsfæktri part of speech: adjective mulct in spanish: multa, pronunciation: mʌlkt part of speech: noun, verb skilled in spanish: experto, pronunciation: skɪld part of speech: adjective trained in spanish: entrenado, pronunciation: treɪnd part of speech: adjective all right in spanish: todo bien, pronunciation: ɔlraɪt part of speech: adjective, adverb discriminating in spanish: discriminante, pronunciation: dɪskrɪməneɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective exquisitely in spanish: exquisitamente, pronunciation: ekskwɪzɪtli part of speech: adverb finely in spanish: finamente, pronunciation: faɪnli part of speech: adverb powdery in spanish: en polvo, pronunciation: paʊdɜri part of speech: adjective delicately in spanish: delicadamente, pronunciation: deləkətli part of speech: adverb amercement in spanish: amercemento, pronunciation: əmɜrsmənt part of speech: noun fining in spanish: fin, pronunciation: faɪnɪŋ part of speech: verb, noun floury in spanish: harinoso, pronunciation: flaʊri part of speech: adjective fine-grained in spanish: de grano fino, pronunciation: faɪngreɪnd part of speech: adjective very well in spanish: muy bien, pronunciation: veriwel part of speech: adverb powdered in spanish: en polvo, pronunciation: paʊdɜrd part of speech: adjective pulverized in spanish: pulverizado, pronunciation: pʌlvɜraɪzd part of speech: adjective superfine in spanish: extrafino, pronunciation: supɜrfaɪn part of speech: adjective all-right in spanish: todo bien, pronunciation: ɔlraɪt close-grained in spanish: de grano fino, pronunciation: kloʊsgreɪnd part of speech: adjective small-grained in spanish: de grano pequeño, pronunciation: smɔlgreɪnd part of speech: adjective

Fine antonyms

coarse pronunciation: kɔrs part of speech: adjective
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