Findings in spanish


pronunciation: rekoʊmendɑθioʊnes part of speech: noun
In gestures

finding = hallazgo, resultado. [Generalmente usado en plural]

Example: An informative abstract presents a clear condensation of the essential arguments and findings of the original.


» fact-finding = búsqueda de datos, búsqueda de información.

Example: Because books are so often used as a means of instruction, of fact-finding and didacticism, children too often come to suppose that this is the sole nature and purpose of all books.

» fact-finding mission = comisión investigadora, misión investigadora.

Example: The experts' meeting agreed that there be an immediate fact-finding mission under UNESCO coordination to assess the extent of damage and loss to cultural property in Iraq.

» finding aid = fuente secundaria, obra de referencia, herramienta de búsqueda.

Example: Librarians will need to take an active role in teaching researchers how to use finding aids and source materials.

» finding catalogue = catálogo abreviado. [Catálogo en el que la descripción bibliográfica de los documentos se reduce al mínimo, por ej., autor, título y signatura]

Example: This function was to grow in importance with the growth of the libraries' collections and to change the character of the catalog from that of an inventory list to that of a finding list or finding catalog.

» finding list = lista de búsqueda.

Example: The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.

» finding list catalogue = catálogo abreviado. [Catálogo en el que la descripción bibliográfica de los documentos se reduce al mínimo, por ej., autor, título y signatura]

Example: Its primer purpose is the finding of specific documents, and consequently this type of catalogue has been labelled a finding list catalogue or an inventory catalogue.

» findings + corroborate = resultados + corroborar.

Example: Present findings corroborate the previous work.

» findings-oriented abstract = resumen de resultados.

Example: Findings-oriented abstracts emphasize the results or findings of an investigation.

» incidental finding = hallazgo secundario.

Example: The abstracts of research papers will typically have each of the following: the purpose and scope of the investigation; the methodology employed; the results obtained; the conclusions drawn; incidental findings.

» mate finding = búsqueda de pareja.

Example: A telephone survey of US daily newspapers show that mate finding is becoming a matter of mediate information, suggesting a new function for the media.

» report of findings = informe de resultados.

Example: The report of findings may consist simply of a few pages, or be a trends and proposals report, or may suggest tie-ups with other groups.

» report + the findings = presentar los resultados.

Example: This article reports the findings of a collaborative project which surveyed trends in library and information science research published during 1984.

» research finding = hallazgo, descubrimiento.

Example: These cases also serve as 'springboards' to more generalized discussions about issues, values, hypotheses, research findings, points of view, and so forth.

» results + corroborate + findings = resultados + corroborar + hallazgos.

Example: Results corroborate the findings of the earlier experiment.

» salient findings = hallazgos principales.

Example: A summary is a restatement, within the document, of the salient findings and conclusions of a document.

» wayfinding = orientación, encontrar el camino.

Example: The author identifies the architectural barriers in library buildings facing disabled users with particular reference to wayfinding and the provision of suitable signage.
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