Finding in spanish


pronunciation: ɑjɑθgoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

find2 = encontrar, hallar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio found]

Example: Wherever abstracts are found they are included to save the user's time in information gathering and selection.


» be hard to find = ser difícil de encontrar.

Example: Serial specialists are hard to find.

» find + a balance = encontrar un equilibrio.

Example: The article concludes that the basic challenge is to find and maintain a realistic balance between open transborder data flow and national concerns and priorities.

» find + acceptance = encontrar aceptación.

Example: In the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 1st edition, microforms are treated as books and Brian Enright coined the term metabook in an attempt to solve this problem, but the term did not find wide acceptance = En la primera edición de las Reglas de Catalogación Angloamericanas, las microformas de trataban como libros y Brian Enright acuñó el término metalibro para intentar resolver el problema, pero el término no encontró aceptación.

» find + a footing = afianzarse, encontrar un hueco.

Example: This book is for those of us who struggle to find a footing in the twenty-first century.

» find + a home = encontrar un hueco, encontrar aceptación, encontrar + Posesivo + sitio.

Example: It has become apparent that videodisc technology is finding a home among the designers and developers of health-related information systems = Es obvio que la tecnología del videodisco está encontrando un hueco entre los diseñadores y desarrolladores de los sistemas de información relacionados con la salud.

» find + a home = encontrar casa, encontrar alojamiento.

Example: This service concentrated on helping people to purchase houses and to find jobs and homes outside London.

» find + a job = encontrar trabajo.

Example: This service concentrated on helping people to purchase houses and to find jobs and homes outside London.

» find + a place to = encontrar un lugar para.

Example: You need to know what documents to bring, what to expect in the first few days and weeks, how to find a place to live and much more.

» find + a place where = encontrar un lugar donde.

Example: I would definitely recommend trying to find a place where the rent includes all bills.

» find + application = encontrar aplicación práctica.

Example: In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.

» find + a solution = encontrar una solución.

Example: This may be obvious but circumstances do arise that will test the patience of a saint; those are the times to keep plugging on until solution is found.

» find + a/the way out of = encontrar una salida a, encontrar la salida a.

Example: These descriptions are seen as a key factor to finding a way out of the growing problems of traversing an ever expanding Web.

» find + a voice = expresar + Posesivo + opinión, expresar + Posesivo + pensamientos, protestar.

Example: The author argues that people must find a voice to address cuts in funding for the arts.

» find + a way (a)round a problem = encontrar el modo de paliar un problema.

Example: Opportunities for innovation come from unexpected successes or unexpected failures and that ways round problems in dealing with innovation must be found.

» find + a way of/to = encontrar el modo de, encontrar la manera de, encontrar la forma de.

Example: They simply must find new ways of storing and retrieving that information more rapidly and more concisely in ways that can compete with the commercial challengers.

» find + comfortable = encontrar confortable.

Example: Some librarians find it more comfortable to stifle their professional consciences and take the question at its face value, disregarding any suspicion they may feel that it is not what the enquirer really needs.

» find + common ground = encontrar afinidades, encontrar cosas comunes.

Example: By discovering what they read teacher/librarian and pupil find common ground, a point of departure for the child, into the unfamiliar.

» find + consolation in/with = encontrar consuelo en/con.

Example: Her family is a typical one too -- her father occasionally crooks the elbow, while her Mother finds consolation in religion.

» find + courage = encontrar el valor, encontrar la valentía.

Example: The film is about one woman who finds the courage to confront her demons and make peace with her past.

» find + delight = encontrar placer.

Example: There is a new profession of trail blazers, those who find delight in the task of establishing useful trails through the enourmous mass of records.

» find + echo in = encontrar eco en, hallar eco en.

Example: Many of the views of the public librarians surveyed here find echoes in prescriptive studies about the advantages of weeding.

» find + enjoyment = encontrar placer, disfrutar.

Example: Come to reading willingly, seeking many pleasures from books, and you soon find enjoyment.

» find + evidence = encontrar pruebas, encontrar evidencias.

Example: No clear evidence was found to indicate that Roman Iberia had public libraries similar to those established elsewhere in the empire.

» find + excuses = buscar excusas, encontrar excusas, buscar pegas, encontrar pegas.

Example: There are two kinds of person: one who finds excuses, one who finds a way.

» find + expression = encontrar expresión, practicarse.

Example: The majority of respondents to the study believe that SLIS are offering a type of education that rarely find expression elsewhere.

» find far from + Adjetivo = no encontrar nada + Adjetivo.

Example: Every one looked like death warmed up, including the snobby staff who I found far from welcoming.

» find + fault with = encontrar defectos en, buscar defectos en, sacar faltas, hacer crítica, criticar, hallar defectos en, poner peros, poner reparos, poner pegas, encontrar pegas con, enmendar la plana, corregir la plana.

Example: I will add that since I have been working with the access LC provides to materials on women, a basic fault that I have found with LC subject cataloging is the absence of specificity.

» find + favour = encontrar aceptación.

Example: Menu-based information retrieval system have found favour because of their apparent simplicity.

» find + favour = ser popular.

Example: Thus Dewey' policy of integrity of numbers has found great favour.

» find + fertile ground = encontrar (un) terreno fértil.

Example: In recent years Islamic extremism has found fertile ground to flourish in Africa.

» find + friends = encontrar simpatizantes, encontrar partidarios.

Example: It is the ideology which was urged against Panizzi and was cogently disproved by him before the Royal Commission but whose seductive simplicity has always found friends to keep it alive.

» find + great pleasure in = encontrar gran placer en, proporcionar gran placer.

Example: I find great pleasure in using color out of context to express emotion and to entertain the viewer.

» find + humour in = encontrar humor en.

Example: Shrigley finds humour in flat depictions of the inconsequential, the unavailing and the bizarre -- although he is far fonder of violent or otherwise disquieting subject matter.

» find + in abundance = encontrar en abundancia.

Example: Non-musical sound recordings are to be found in abundance covering such items as poetry readings, plays, children's stories and 'talking books' for the blind.

» find + inspiration (in) = encontrar inspiración (en), inspirarse (en).

Example: Whether being battered by the surf or swimming through the gentle undulating surface of lakes, I find inspiration in the movement of water.

» find it + Adjetivo + to + Infinitivo = encontrar + Adjetivo + de + Infinitivo.

Example: Many searchers find it convenient to store search results in a disk file.

» find it difficult to + Infinitivo = encontrar difícil + Infinitivo.

Example: I don't want to sound rude but over the past few months I've been finding it more and more difficult to move my bowels, to put it politely.

» find it hard to + Infinitivo = encontrar difícil + Infinitivo.

Example: I have all too often heard 'I am supposed to write a term paper on the architecture of the Cathedral of Florence and I looked in the catalog and couldn't find anything'; users find it hard to believe such precision would not be used.

» find + Nombre + (a little) odd = encontrar un poco extraño, encontrar un poco raro.

Example: I found that a little odd at first but, on second thought, it dawned on me that there could be something here worth giving a thought about.

» find + Nombre + difficult = encontrar difícil.

Example: If your child has a stiff neck, she may find it difficult to touch her chest with her chin.

» find + Nombre + hard = encontrar difícil.

Example: A holiday is a possible alternative to a study tour, but the disadvantage is that the student may find it harder to meet librarians.

» find + Nombre + out = pillar, coger, descubrir.

Example: It is a great relief to have found him out -- with a spy like him among us -- we would not last long against Colonel Kurzen.

» find + opposition = encontrar oposición.

Example: Some librarians have found opposition to the setting up of 'alternative rooms' containing 'movement publications and trade books on women's and gay liberation, the third world, imperialism, yoga, rock music, the draft, prisons, the counter-culture, communes, social change'.

» find out + the hard way = averiguar por las malas, averiguar a base de cometer errores, averiguar en + Posesivo + carnes, aprender en + Posesivo + carnes.

Example: Perhaps you have already painfully found out the hard way how a 'half-brained' solution can be worse than none at all.

» find + Posesivo + bearings = orientarse, ubicarse.

Example: Her intentions were to find her bearings and get back on the road, but when she totalled her car after encountering an oversized wolf, she had no choice but to extend her stay.

» find + Posesivo + feet = habituarse, afianzarse, asentarse, recuperarse.

Example: Although it may have taken a little while to find its feet, this collection is now a most significant resource in its own right, due in no small measure by the stimulation provided by Victorian historians.

» find + Posesivo + footing = afianzarse.

Example: The call still remains for true advocacy librarianship which has still not found its footing as a general principle in library schools.

» find + Posesivo + good fortune = encontrar la suerte.

Example: So at the age of seventeen he left his friends and family to find his good fortune which he was sure existed somewhere in the world.

» find + Posesivo + home = encontrar + Posesivo + lugar, encontrar + Posesivo + sitio.

Example: She majored in Economics and was in the corporate world before finding her home in higher education.

» find + Posesivo + inner peace = encontrar la paz interior.

Example: She's is a perfect example of someone who has found her inner peace living away from the distractions of the city.

» find + Posesivo + luck = encontrar la suerte.

Example: I really hope she finds her luck, her happyness, her love. and someone who loves her for herself and not for her fame.

» find + Posesivo + own roof = encontrar + Posesivo + propio techo.

Example: My friend's boyfriend picked me up at the airport and he let me crashed at his place until I can find my own roof.

» find + Posesivo + (own) voice = expresar + Posesivo + opinión, expresar + Posesivo + pensamientos.

Example: In her essay, Montaigne's adoptive daughter struggled to find her own voice while speaking as the authorized representative of her father.

» find + Posesivo + own way = encontrar su propio modo de actuar.

Example: For much study and research, the researcher must find his own way, at least initially, because he has not yet clarified his mind or his aim to the point where he can pose precise questions.

» find + Posesivo + peace = encontrar la paz.

Example: She says she's had to remove herself from the chaos of the fashion industry -- and be a little bit unfashionable -- to find her peace.

» find + Posesivo + place = encontrar + Posesivo + lugar, encontrar + Posesivo + sitio.

Example: I'm just a lonely girl trying to find her place in this world but failing miserably and causing everyone around me pain.

» find + Posesivo + sea legs = acostumbrarse al movimiento de un barco. [Sin sentir náuseas]

Example: Having first set sail at the tender age of two months, Mikaela Wulff most definitely found her 'sea legs' before she could even walk!.

» find + Posesivo + sea legs = hacerse con, habituarse, afianzarse, asentarse.

Example: The new CEO is finding her sea legs leading the organization and I expect her to do great over time.

» find + Posesivo + way = difundirse.

Example: Thus more Bulgarian literature will find its way abroad.

» find + Posesivo + way (a)round/through + Complemento = utilizar, manejar.

Example: Those familiar with conventional lists of subject headings will have no difficulty in finding their way around a typical thesaurus.

» find + Posesivo + way back = encontrar el modo de regresar, encontrar el camino de vuelta.

Example: It seems that classification is like nature: if you drive her out with a pitchfork, she will soon find her way back.

» find + Posesivo + way into/onto = terminar formando parte de, llegar a formar parte de.

Example: Children's classics from the European countries, published in the languages of those countries, seldom find their way onto UK bookshelves.

» find + Posesivo + way round/through = no perderse en/por, desenvolverse, familiarizarse con.

Example: This is obviously not a practical means of finding our way round the library.

» find + Posesivo + way to = encontrar, llegar a, encontrar el camino a.

Example: He found his way quickly and easily to the materials he needed.

» find + problems = resultar difícil.

Example: Most people find problems in travelling any distance for information.

» find + recognition = recibir reconocimiento, ser reconocido.

Example: Librarians are experiencing dissatisfaction with the restricted opportunities available to them to find expression for, and recognition of, their skills in the present climate of change.

» find + Reflexivo + at an advantage = encontrarse en ventaja.

Example: Those with a naturally concise writing style and an affinity for language may find themselves at an advantage in learning to abstract.

» find + Reflexivo = encontrarse.

Example: She took a shine to Sheldon, and before he knows what has happened, the misanthropic physicist finds himself with a girlfriend.

» find + Reflexivo + at a disadvantage = encontrarse en desventaja.

Example: Indeed the only time Kelly finds herself at a disadvantage is when she has to compete against her sister she says.

» find + Reflexivo + in a tight corner = encontrarse acorralado, encontrarse en un apuro, encontrarse en una situación apurada, encontrarse en una situación difícil.

Example: The hapless girl found herself in a tight corner and eventually sought solace in suicide.

» find + Reflexivo + in a tight knot = encontrarse en un apuro, encontrarse en una situación apurada, encontrarse en una situación difícil.

Example: He found himself in a tight knot where he had to choose between one thing or the other.

» find + Reflexivo + in a tight spot = encontrarse en un apuro, encontrarse en una situación apurada, encontrarse en una situación difícil.

Example: This poor stray dog living on the streets of India found herself in a tight spot when she got stuck between the bars of a gate.

» find + Reflexivo + in difficulties = encontrarse en dificultades.

Example: Many texts can indeed be edited according to the rules, but some cannot, and the editor may find himself in difficulties.

» find + Reflexivo + in hot water = encontrarse con problemas, encontrarse en apuros, encontrarse con el agua al cuello.

Example: Anyway, this time around, the airline is finding itself in hot water for an entirely different reason.

» find + Reflexivo + in the position = verse en la situación.

Example: Furthermore, we may find ourselves in the position of not knowing all of the information we require.

» find + refuge = encontrar refugio, refugiarse.

Example: Ontario has become an international 'penal colony' for alleged Italian Mafia figures who find refuge here untouched by Canadian law.

» find + solace = encontrar consuelo.

Example: Emotions drive our eating behavior so much so that, when push comes to shove, many of us find solace in food.

» find + success = tener éxito.

Example: During the 1980s, due to technology like cable and pay per view, wrestling increased its visibility and found some mainstream success.

» find + surprising = encontrar sorprendente, encontrar asombroso.

Example: He drinks weak coffee (I find surprising for a cowboy) and some of his sayings I like the best could not be printed.

» find + (the) time to = encontrar tiempo para, hacer tiempo para, sacar tiempo para.

Example: The library has 9 staff who, apart from serving the 1,500 visitors a month, also find time to compile subject guides to the collection.

» find + the truth = encontrar la verdad, hallar la verdad.

Example: Finding the truth is difficult when we're faced with conflicting views from thousands of media and Internet sources.

» find + times hard = pasarlo difícil, tener dificultades, andar como puta por rastrojo.

Example: The same applies to our farmers who also are finding times hard, despite many people thinking they are made of money and having it easy.

» find + voice = expresar + Posesivo + opinión, expresar + Posesivo + pensamientos.

Example: But the practical question that gets asked again and again is how does the reader find voice on the printed page.

» find + wanting = tener carencias.

Example: This article examines the question of whether fee-based information service producers could face legal action, from dissatisfied customers, if the information product is found wanting.

» hard-to-find = difícil de encontrar.

Example: To facilitate access to hard-to-find materials the library staff produces 3 indexes.

» lose + Posesivo + appetite and find a horse's = perder el apetito y encontrar el de un león. [Traducción adaptada posible de un dicho poco utilizado hoy día en inglés]

Example: Whenever I was hungry and cleared my plate, my mother would say, 'Poor boy, he lost his appetite and found a horse's'.

» the devil finds work for idle hands = cuando el diablo no tiene qué hacer, con el rabo mata moscas; cuando el está aburrido mata moscas con el rabo.

Example: They can easily turn into delinquents and cause social disturbances, for, as we all know, the devil finds work for idle hands.

find3 = descubrir, darse cuenta, hallar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio found]

Example: His trial came up in July 1892 and by then the city accountant had found that over $9,000 had been misappropriated.


» find out = averiguar, descubrir, enterarse, conocer, saber, salir de duda(s), salir de la duda.

Example: For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.

» find out + the truth = averiguar la verdad.

Example: A pessimist is a person who used to be an optimist until he found out the truth.

find4 = buscar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio found]

Example: The command function 'FIND' is used to input a search term.

finding = hallazgo, resultado. [Generalmente usado en plural]

Example: An informative abstract presents a clear condensation of the essential arguments and findings of the original.


» fact-finding = búsqueda de datos, búsqueda de información.

Example: Because books are so often used as a means of instruction, of fact-finding and didacticism, children too often come to suppose that this is the sole nature and purpose of all books.

» fact-finding mission = comisión investigadora, misión investigadora.

Example: The experts' meeting agreed that there be an immediate fact-finding mission under UNESCO coordination to assess the extent of damage and loss to cultural property in Iraq.

» finding aid = fuente secundaria, obra de referencia, herramienta de búsqueda.

Example: Librarians will need to take an active role in teaching researchers how to use finding aids and source materials.

» finding catalogue = catálogo abreviado. [Catálogo en el que la descripción bibliográfica de los documentos se reduce al mínimo, por ej., autor, título y signatura]

Example: This function was to grow in importance with the growth of the libraries' collections and to change the character of the catalog from that of an inventory list to that of a finding list or finding catalog.

» finding list = lista de búsqueda.

Example: The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.

» finding list catalogue = catálogo abreviado. [Catálogo en el que la descripción bibliográfica de los documentos se reduce al mínimo, por ej., autor, título y signatura]

Example: Its primer purpose is the finding of specific documents, and consequently this type of catalogue has been labelled a finding list catalogue or an inventory catalogue.

» findings + corroborate = resultados + corroborar.

Example: Present findings corroborate the previous work.

» findings-oriented abstract = resumen de resultados.

Example: Findings-oriented abstracts emphasize the results or findings of an investigation.

» incidental finding = hallazgo secundario.

Example: The abstracts of research papers will typically have each of the following: the purpose and scope of the investigation; the methodology employed; the results obtained; the conclusions drawn; incidental findings.

» mate finding = búsqueda de pareja.

Example: A telephone survey of US daily newspapers show that mate finding is becoming a matter of mediate information, suggesting a new function for the media.

» report of findings = informe de resultados.

Example: The report of findings may consist simply of a few pages, or be a trends and proposals report, or may suggest tie-ups with other groups.

» report + the findings = presentar los resultados.

Example: This article reports the findings of a collaborative project which surveyed trends in library and information science research published during 1984.

» research finding = hallazgo, descubrimiento.

Example: These cases also serve as 'springboards' to more generalized discussions about issues, values, hypotheses, research findings, points of view, and so forth.

» results + corroborate + findings = resultados + corroborar + hallazgos.

Example: Results corroborate the findings of the earlier experiment.

» salient findings = hallazgos principales.

Example: A summary is a restatement, within the document, of the salient findings and conclusions of a document.

» wayfinding = orientación, encontrar el camino.

Example: The author identifies the architectural barriers in library buildings facing disabled users with particular reference to wayfinding and the provision of suitable signage.

Finding synonyms

determination in spanish: determinación, pronunciation: dɪtɜrməneɪʃən part of speech: noun
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