Finder in spanish


pronunciation: deskubɹ̩idoʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures



» fact finder = lista de datos.

Example: Today features offering guidance to young readers include a subject-area outline and a list of questions at the beginning of each volume, fact summaries, fact finders (lists of related articles), and bibliographies.

» finders keepers (, losers weepers) = el que lo encuentre se lo queda (y el que pierda que se aguante).

Example: Results suggest that people endorse a 'losers weepers' norm more often than they do a 'finders keepers' or 'share and share alike' norm, although all were endorsed.

» pathfinder = guía, localizador, explorador, pionero.

Example: These maps serve as pathfinders for future research in the focus area = Estos mapas sirven como guías para investigaciones futuras sobre el tema de interés.

» pathfinder = guía de fuentes de información.

Example: The author presents a pathfinder (a bibliography-cum-directory) arising out of research into the relationship between domestic violence and child custody.

» view finder = visor de imagen.

Example: Scientific equipment for the examination of rare books, manuscripts, and documents include four items found in every library and private study -- micrometer calipers, view finders, dividers and rulers.

» viewfinder = mira, mirilla, visor.

Example: Animals give me more pleasure through the viewfinder of a camera than they ever did in the crosshairs of a gun sight = Me gusta más ver a los animales a través del visor de una cámara que cuando los veía a través de la retícula de la mirilla de un arma.

Finder synonyms

spotter in spanish: observador, pronunciation: spɑtɜr part of speech: noun discoverer in spanish: descubridor, pronunciation: dɪskʌvərɜr part of speech: noun viewfinder in spanish: visor, pronunciation: vjufaɪndɜr part of speech: noun view finder in spanish: buscador de vista, pronunciation: vjufaɪndɜr part of speech: noun
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